Older blog entries for riggwelter (starting at number 24)

Oh, how I love meetings...

Not very much is how I love them!

In other news... ...Win2LinFAQ is starting to take shape (in the sense of how we're going to structure it)... ...Evolution bugzilla usage... ...Started evaluating KioskLinux for a little project in house...

Night off tonight, can't remember the last time I had one!

After a long weekend, it was scary to get back to thousands of emails, sometimes I'm very glad to have filters, and other times, like today I go further and wonder how I'd cope without them! :)

Wow, Evolution 1.0 is out! Bling bling! Took a while to build, but it's super-schweet. I'm not 100% sure about the proprietary release of the Exchange connector being a good thing, while I recognise that Ximian need to make money to remain viable and fund Free Software development, I still think that you can make money from Free Software. Also, making software GPL does not mean you have to make it freely downloadable. They could produce the connector GPL, but still make it available by sale only, provided they provided the source with it.

(If any Ximian folks read this, maybe they could comment in their diary?)

All that said, I can't help but feel that the most important thing is that even with it's proprietary license, it will be implemented in such a way as not to violate the GPL when used in conjunction with Evo.

Well, it now appears I'm going to be the project leader on the Win2Lin FAQ. It goes without saying, I'm very honoured to take on that role, and will try to ensure that it becomes a very useful document for those wishing to make the switch.

It's "The Big Jam" at church tonight. All the musicians in the church (and I think there are more than 60 of us, even more if you count drummers ;)) getting together to jam through a few songs, should be good good fun.

Ah Friday, how sweet!

Into the final (hopefully) lap of testing our LVS setup before moving it into a deployment-testing mode, which will be a very nice situation.

Looks like I'm going to be a moderator/editor on the new DesktopLinux.com Windows2Linux FAQ for helping people migrate to our favorite OS.

The thing I love about Free Software (well one of them...) is the community aspect. There's a bunch of us going to be doing this, we've never spoken before, let alone met, and yet we have a common purpose and interest. The emails amongst the team have already become lively as we share where we're coming from, our particular interests and areas of expertise, and as we start to plan how to actually run this thing.

We went out with the department (and families) bowling last night, simply a quality time. It's great being in a position where your colleagues are also your friends. We were no different at the bowling alley or the restaurant with each other than we are in the office, again that community thing coming through, and it can't be beaten.

The Top 100 greatest films list continues to be a hot topic of conversation in the office. I appear to be the only one here who agrees that A New Hope is the greatest film ever made.

Very much a day of two halves...

Morning very chilled, Evolution bug stuff, and work stuff making a heady mixture.

Afternoon of sheer panic! The anti-spam policy we'd put on our MailSweepers was stopping a significant quantity of legit mail from coming in, and it seemed that the entire company noticed at once and started phoning.

Then MySQL went bananas and consumed an entire disk resulting in much panic and alarm until we got it sorted.

They don't pay me enough for this, they really don't...

Prophecy night at church tonight, which should be a quality time, looking forward to it.

Mail server bashing, Evolution bugulating*, LVS configuring, coffee drinking, phone bill paying, beer anticipating kind of a day...

Got our mail sweepers to reject mail from invalid hostnames & email addresses and did further setting up of our LVS boxen.

Also did some chasing up on company stuff, dull dull dull...

Going out for a beer with a good friend tonight, kind of makes the day worthwhile I reckon.

*I like this word, I may have to use it more often...

Survived the weekend ;-)

No hacking done, but muchos TV watched and take-away food eaten.

Back to the same-old same-old today.

Spent much of the day trying to sort out stuff relating to connections to partner companies - what fun.

Also did some Evolution bug triaging, which passed a bit of time over lunch. Awaiting the onslaught of spam as Louie moves target milestones in Bugzilla.

23 Nov 2001 (updated 26 Nov 2001 at 13:07 UTC) »

Wow, it's been nearly a week since I posted an entry! So, what have I done this week? Well, I've been loving having my car. Had a day off work, which is always good, although I did seem to be even busier than when I'm in the office! went out for a superb curry on Tuesday night. Nothing like a good Duck Balti :)

My mother's arriving this evening for the weekend, which gives me an excuse to cook my famous lasagne, which is bound to go down well.

However, she'll be sleeping in the same room as my PC, which means I'm going to have to shut it down - bye bye uptime! :(

I finally get to collect my car today. This makes me happy.

Spent most of my morning arranging meetings, am I turning into a suit in my old (ahem) age?

More LVS work done this afternoon, security stuff mostly, and load test preparation.

Just looked at my diary, I'm busy every night this week and just about every night next week, when's a guy meant to hack?

At this rate I may find myself doing diary work at work during my lunch. It'll make a change to have a lunch break of any sort actually...

Well, what a day, not a great deal of work done...

Spent most of the day in meetings (including a very nice lunch meeting in a pub - my favorite kind...), then playing golf upstairs to raise money for Children in Need. Never picked up a club before, but I made it onto the leaderboard, which I was chuffed with :)

Did some Papaya testing and helped iron out a bug in the Preferences dialogue.

Did some diary work last night, the username cookie is now set, but I can't manage to get the CGI module to retrieve it - most annoying.

Well, don't understand that, I did a make uninstall && make distclean && ./configure && make && make install on libpcap and then snort was able to find it.

Taken some silly pics with my cam for a "guess the objects" competition we're going to run at work tomorrow to raise money for BBC Children In Need.

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