Older blog entries for xmldoc (starting at number 4)

I spent some worthwhile time test-driving Bob Stayton's XSLT-based system for implementing DocBook olinks, which are for creating hypertext links among sets of documents (instead of links within documents or links to external URLs). It works very well. He's put a olink kit together that makes it really, really easy to try out -- and written some very good initial documentation for it.

4 May 2002 (updated 4 May 2002 at 09:18 UTC) »

Cheers to dmerrill. I came across his announcement of the Linux Documentation Project's Lampadas Project.

Lampadas will provide a web interface for authors to easily write documentation and for LDP staff to easily manage the document collection. Lampadas will be a very powerful publication system, and more powerful than any currently available in the Free Software/Open Source world. It will offer features oriented toward authors as well as the reader, such as document annotation.

Development version at: http://www.lampadas.org

A really handy piece of it is a Perl module + script for converting plain text/WikiText to DocBook, called wt2db:


There's an LDP how-to about how to author in WikiText.

You can check out wt2db from the LDP cvs and run it locally.

1. Log into their anonymous cvs:
    cvs -d :pserver:cvs@anoncvs.linuxdoc.org:/cvsroot login

2. Grab the wt2db module: cvs -d :pserver:cvs@anoncvs.linuxdoc.org:/cvsroot\ co LDP/wt2db/

3. It also requires the HTML::Entities perl module, so do:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

4. At the cpan> prompt, type: install HTML::Entities

5. Once that's done, you should be able to run the Makefile in the wt2db distribution ./Makefile.PL


2 May 2002 (updated 2 May 2002 at 08:43 UTC) »

Opi recounts our epic first meeting. Cheers, Opi, for setting up the #docbook channel.

In his WikiHomepage on the DocBook Wiki, ndw tells how he first got involved with DocBook (in a reply to a question from connolly).

Good news: LotR has been committing a bunch of changes to his db2man code (for converting DocBook to 'roff man pages), including some patches from Tim Waugh (and with an assist from Jirka Kosek). Will be very nice to have a pure XSLT DocBook->man solution in the DocBook stylesheet distribution.

Added some things to the DocBook Wiki that ndw recently set up.

Made lots of updates recently to the Docs page for the DocBook Open Repository Project.

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