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Name: Xan Lopez
Member since: 2002-10-25 17:10:29
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Recent blog entries by xan

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I just ported some Chimera/Powerplant download code from the Mozilla tree to GNOME's Epiphany with Marco's help, removing some incredibly old and crappy backend code and hopefully landing the foundation for a better download fronted in the all-singing-and-dancing Epiphany 1.2. Gotta love Free Software.

I still hack on Epiphany, and I still think it's the best Moz-based browser around, so go to try it right now (Epiphany 0.8 "Girlish Edition" has been released today). Btw, Epiphany will be GNOME's official browser starting from 2.4, due in September 2003.

Watching the progress GNOME has made from 2.0, how focused everyone is in making real progress towards concrete objectives and the care for usability, harmony and perfection in the UI, I feel GNOME could be very soon the best all-around DE (free or not) in the world. Sure, there are things to do, but I think we are on the right track.

Hacking a bit these days in Epiphany (code in GNOME cvs), an, in my extremely-biased opinion, excelent gecko based browser for the GNOME environment. We're close to releasing 0.6.0 (or 0.5.1, who knows), remember to give it a try.

P.S: menthos forced me to update my diary :)

Learned more about GtkTreeView trying to fix the rating system in Rhythmbox. In general it's an amazingly powerful and extensible implementation (kudos to kris et al), but I'd be glad if some GTK hacker pretends to fix things like the ability to render widgets inside it or the lack (IMHO) of fine grain control over the individual cells.

And seeing some of you are talking about LISP recently...

I'm learning LISP for the AI classes in the university, and I use CLISP, which I find ok but not really great. Which one is in your opinion the best LISP development environment for GNU/Linux in particular and UNIX in general?

Sent some small cleanup and a spanish i18n file to Rhythmbox. Release is near, get ready.

By the way, the book was Love and Sleep by John Crowley, one of the best authors I've ever read. Go read it. Better, read all of his books (specially AEgypt and Little, Big).

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