13 Oct 2011 wingo   » (Master)

what's your C migration plan?

I spend a lot of time in my neighborhood café. It has character. Some of it is generic: like in many other bars, the round tables are marble, the chairs are rickety, the customers and the barmen all shout at each other.

But it has its own thing. The owner inherited it from his father, but he was never sure whether he wanted a record store or a bar, so it's half and half. In practice the CDs in the changer don't change very often, and the rest are all in a side room that is otherwise packed full of junk.

In the morning, everyone gets tallats. Old ladies get theirs with pastries. Old men get theirs amb gotes, with liquor. Morning workers rush in, slam one back, slap coins on the counter and get out. Adéu!

Those with more time, like myself, get a cafè amb llet. Most read the paper. I hack. I spend a couple mornings a week there. It's right pleasant to work there, without internet. My most productive hours of the week are there in the bar.

I do chitchat a bit, though: with designers, mothers, the barmen, retirees, random folk. There's one fellow in particular I like talking with, a designer. Turns out he wants to learn how to program. He told me yesterday that he wanted to learn C.

on c

Now, I spend a lot of time in C. I've written loads of it. I continue to write it at times. I'm fond of it, and it has served me well.

But I have come to believe that writing new programs in C is the hacker equivalent of malpractice. C is just too dangerous to use. The risks are not worth the benefits.

Let's be clear about the benefits of writing in C, before looking at its flaws. I want to be really fair here. C is fast. It has great compilers, everywhere. And they are everywhere: C is ubiquitous. It is very flexible, also. You can do anything in C. It is great for programming drivers. It is possible to write big e-mail clients in it. It has great low-level bit operations (though C++ is getting better at it, with its value types). It is a power tool, and it puts you in control. There are loads of libraries written in it, and for it. It encourages minimalism.

In short, C has been a wild success, and with good reason.

But it's time to stop using it.

The essence of the problem with C is that the behavior of erroneous programs is not specified. This doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. Let's make an example. What is the meaning of this Python program?

def array_set(a, n, x):
  a[n] = x

I think we would all say that it sets the nth element of a to x. But what about this one in C:

void array_set (void **a, size_t n, void *x) {
  a[n] = x;

This one, you really can't tell. You can't use Python's definition, because there are no guarantees about the valid indices to set in the array. In fact there is no array, just a pointer.

In the Python case, if you pass an out-of-bounds array index, you will get an exception. In the C case, you get undefined behavior. Lately what "undefined behavior" means is that the state or organized crime gets to take control of your computer: read your email, log your keystrokes, take pictures of you.

I'm deadly serious. Let's take a better example. Last year Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize for "his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China." A couple weeks later, it was found that someone cracked the Nobel Prize website and was serving a Firefox zero-day that took over users' machines.

Apparently, someone was interested in what was on the computers of visitors to the Nobel prize site -- interested enough to use a fresh zero-day, something that probably sells on the black market for some $20,000 or more.

Lately I've been quoting Eben Moglen a lot, especially from the talk he gave at this year's FOSDEM conference. One thing he said there is that "software is the steel of the 21st century". As steel shaped the social relations of the last century, what we hack now forms the material conditions of tomorrow: the next Arab Spring, or the next Green Scare.

Almost all software is connected to the net these days, and so it is all under attack. If you write software in C these days -- software with bugs, like any software -- you are writing software with undefined behavior, and thus, software that enables powerful state and organized crime actors to take advantage of your users.

That sounds a bit exaggerated, no? It is true, though. Look at what is happening with browser vulnerabilities, or what is the same, PDF or Flash vulnerabilities, or PNG or MP4, or what-have-you. The commonality here is that powerful interests exploit unsuspecting users due to flaws in the C and C++ language. Writing more C these days is malpractice.


I still write C. I work on implementations of safe languages -- languages that don't have the same kinds of fundamental vulnerabilities that C and C++ have. Eventually the amount of C in the world will stop growing, and decline as pieces that are now written in C will be written in Python, in JavaScript, in Guile: in short, in languages that don't launch the missiles when you try to write beyond the end of an array.

C has had a great run; we should celebrate it. But its time has passed. What is your migration strategy? How are you going to stop writing C?

Syndicated 2011-10-13 20:44:55 from wingolog

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