23 Jan 2005 titus   » (Journeyer)

CleverCS posts a cute article about combatting Web spam with TrustRank. Reminds me of Advogato's trust metric... I've been thinking that something similar would work for genome annotation for some time.

Code coverage of C/C++ extension modules for Python: Defeat

I've been (temporarily ;) defeated in my attempts to use gcov to do a coverage analysis of my paircomp tests. All of my tests are written in Python and use my extension API for the C++ library to exercise the C++ code; thus the C++ code exists in shared libraries. Unfortunately, gcov does not naively support shared libraries. Bummer.

First, I tried extracting the __bb_init_func code from libgcc.a and linking that into the shared libraries explicitly; that got rid of the error but didn't seem to actually enable coverage analysis.

My second attempt was to write a short C program that embedded Python in a C++ program into which my extension modules had also been compiled. That worked up to a point -- I got everything to compile, and coverage analysis was started -- but I couldn't import any of the Python extension modules without an error.

I'll sleep on it and see what I come up with... does anyone know of any other C code coverage analysis programs?


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