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PHPXMLRPC vulnerability

I've notice that php xml-rpc is vunerable, where a machine can be explored easily as listed here

ewiki users, please update your php xml-rpc. Wordpress users, don't worry, be happy :o)

Wow! See this video and enjoy this beautiful scene. It was made in Helsinki Sea Life, Jul 2005, by myself. If you know details about this animal please let me see, I forgot to take notes there.

Good podcasts

So, I have to admit, I use MacOS sometimes :o) And sometimes I learn interest things. Do you know podcasts? Yeah, of course. I'm always the last to learn about these technologies. Eureka! Now I can pratice my (bad) english by listening the podictionary while I'm driving. It's amazing!

You (and me) can use ipodder software to listen podcasts in GNU/Linux (ok, you already know that...)


I arrived in PoA yesterday to FISL 6, wich starts in June 1. I can see the hard work to organize one of the most meetings of free software and I hope help in somethings. A lot of PSL-BA people are here. Until now we have Valessio, Tassia, Humberto, Leo, Lucas, Carol, Aurelio, me and more...

This is a special moment for Debian, which intends to release Sarge soon, maybe in June 6. We are organizing a party for it in its stand.

We bring 100 Debian-BR-CDD t-shirts to sell there... help us! :o)

Some bugs fixed

Today I was a good guy. Bugs 304664 and 309103 were closed. As I said before, I'm working in ptbr CDBS doc translation, and today was a good day for it.

I applied the patch sent by Regis in mozilla-locale-ptbr deb. This is a debian package maintened by Debian-BR packaging team. So more a closed bug today :o)

20 May 2005 (updated 20 May 2005 at 14:01 UTC) »
Fixing SMS VIVO's page: (thanks to Caio Tiago Oliveira)

Existe uma tabela maior que a largura da janela que eles abrem: (there is a table which its size is bigger than the opened window:)

        <table width="579" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
              <td width="149" height="173">

Basta mudar para: (just change to:)

        <table width="149" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
              <td width="149" height="173">
bbclone in Debian

My second debian package was uploaded today :o) this time I'm using debconf and some features that I didn't know. So I have to update ewiki to use it too.

Next step is use CDBS in bbclone, I'm waiting some tips by otavio (maybe in next LM :o)). I'm translating the CDBS to portuguese so I create a subversion repository for people that work in translations to other languages. You can see on Gnosis SVN this project and I can create accounts for new branches.

Last good news: I bought my tickets to HEL!!! :o))

Bad news: Here in Brazil there is a big telecomunication company that decided doesn't use W3C standards, so its customers have to have IE to use their web services. VIVO says that firefox doesn't have the needed "functions", then it doesn't work well, but the problem is they don't know what are these "functions" in IE wich is missing in firefox...

11 May 2005 (updated 11 May 2005 at 01:31 UTC) »
See you in HEL!

I'm going to debconf5 in Helsinki. Last year debconf4 changed a lot my mind. It's the best hacking meeting!

So, the debian-ba website is out :o( It's a DNS problem. We have to control it. I'm trying to talk to rootsh, he is a DNS's man of debian-ba. Please, be patience, I'll solve this problem soon.

The first colaboration of Gnosis

Gnosis is a non-profit organization that intends to expand the free software philosofy. We're working on some projects and some days ago terceiro (a friend of mine) discovered a problem with URL encode on websvn, a software that we are using on Gnosis for browse our Subversion repositories.

I wrote a patch for it and sent to Debian. This was fixed. Ok, it was very simple but as I'm not a programmer I'm very happy. Mainly for Gnosis has made its first code contribution.

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