14 Dec 2000 testing   » (Journeyer)


import getopt, sys, httplib, string, re, getpass, urllib

def usage():
  print "%s -p (--post-entry) <file>" % (sys.argv[0])

def extract_pass(header):
  Grab encrypted password from a "Set-Cookie" header.
  Example header:
    "Set-Cookie: id=jordan:32f/XCcPSGAMzsS5/ky/; path=/; Expires=Monday"
  # Grab the Set-Cookie: line.
  header = string.split(header, '\n')[2]
  return string.split(string.split(header, ':')[2], ';')[0]

def check_response(code, header):
  Check if HTTP headers were accepted by server.
  if code != 200:
    print 'Error sending headers -- %s' % (header)

def check_auth(header):
  Check if authentication failed.
  # Bad login or password.
  if string.find(header, 'Set-Cookie') == -1:
    print 'Error authenticating -- %s' % (header)

def extract_entry_number(html):
  Return the diary entry number from raw HTML code.
  # Find the line 'name=key value=N' where N is
  # the diary entry number and save it.
  entry_num = ''
  for line in html:
    if string.find(line, 'name=key value=') != -1:
      # Extract the number from the string
      entry_num = re.sub('\D', '', line)

  return entry_num

def get_entry_number(userid, password):
  Get the diary entry number for "userid."  This number is
  necessary in order to post new diary entries. 
  hlink = httplib.HTTP('www.advogato.org')
  hlink.putrequest('GET', '/diary/ HTTP/1.0')
  hlink.putheader('Host', 'www.advogato.org')
  hlink.putheader('Cookie2', '$Version="1"')
  hlink.putheader('Cookie', 'id=%s:%s' % (userid, password))
  errcode, errmsg, header = hlink.getreply()
  check_response(errcode, header)

  # Grab HTML.
  raw_html = string.split(hlink.getfile().read(), '\n')

  entry_num = ''
  entry_num = extract_entry_number(raw_html)
  if not entry_num:
    print 'Entry value for %s not found -- %s' % (userid, header)

  return entry_num

def get_entry(entry_file):
  Return the contents of `entry_file`, which contains
  the user`s entry.
    file_in = open(entry_file, 'r')
    print 'Error opening %s' % (entry_file)

  # Replace newlines with 

's, otherwise the encoded URL # will not be accepted. # entry = re.sub('\n', '

', file_in.read()) entry = file_in.read() return entry def post_entry(user_info, entry_file): ''' Post `entry_file` to advogato for the user described in `user_info.` ''' userid = user_info[0] password = user_info[1] urlencoded = urllib.urlencode({'u': userid, 'pass': password}) hlink = httplib.HTTP('www.advogato.org') hlink.putrequest('POST', '/acct/loginsub.html HTTP/1.0') hlink.putheader('Host', 'www.advogato.org') hlink.putheader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') hlink.putheader('Content-length', '%d' % len(urlencoded)) hlink.endheaders() # Send encoded URL hlink.send(urlencoded) errcode, errmsg, header = hlink.getreply() # Error response from server (to make sure our requests went # through) and user information. check_response(errcode, header) check_auth(str(header)) # Extract the encrypted password from header. password = extract_pass(str(header)) entry_num = get_entry_number(userid, password) content = get_entry(entry_file) entry = urllib.urlencode({'entry': content, 'post': 'Post', 'key': entry_num}) hlink2 = httplib.HTTP('www.advogato.org') hlink2.putrequest('POST', '/diary/post.html HTTP/1.0') hlink2.putheader('Host', 'www.advogato.org') hlink2.putheader('Cookie2', '$Version="1"') hlink2.putheader('Cookie', 'id=%s:%s' % (userid, password)) hlink2.putheader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') hlink2.putheader('Content-length', '%d' % len(entry)) hlink2.endheaders() hlink2.send(entry) errcode, errmsg, header = hlink2.getreply() check_response(errcode, header) print 'Entry \'%s\' posted successfully.' % (entry_file) def get_user_info(): ''' Return the user`s advogato username and password. ''' userid = raw_input('Enter your advogato username: ') try: password = getpass.getpass('password: ') except: print '\nError getting password.' sys.exit() print '\n' return [userid, password] def main(): output = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:", ["post-entry="]) except: usage() sys.exit() for option, argument in opts: # Post an entry. if option in ("-p", "--post-entry"): output = argument user_info = get_user_info() post_entry(user_info, argument) break # Because it's the only option right now. if not output: usage() sys.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main()

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