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Syndicated 2017-03-29 16:59:00 (Updated 2017-03-29 16:59:33) from badvogato

What have universities become? Watch our new free speech doc!

Watch our just-released campus speech mini-doc!
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Silence U Part 2: What Has Yale Become? | We the Internet Documentary
WATCH and SHARE "Silence U Part Two: What Has Yale Become?"
Watch We the Internet TV's most popular video! 

Today the Moving Picture Institute's comedy web channel We the Internet TV released a new short documentary "Silence U Part 2: What is Yale Becoming?", the follow-up to its 2016 viral hit "Silence U: Is the University Killing Free Speech and Open Debate?

The film examines Yale's notorious controversy surrounding administrative controls over Halloween costumes. The film asks: If universities can't tolerate debate about controversial issues, how can they call themselves places of learning? The 12-minute documentary has already garnered press in the New York Times and the College Fix.

"The silence from students shocked me," said the film's director Rob Montz. "Forget what's right -- students openly told me they wouldn't say anything controversial or speak out against the administration because it could jeopardize their job prospects."  

"Although our comedy videos typically focus on satirizing politics, We the Internet TV released 'Silence U' to support open discourse," said Lou Perez, comedian and We the Internet TV's head writer. "This is more than a documentary about Yale -- we're seeing this story play out on campuses nationwide. This belongs on We the Internet because humor can't survive without free speech."

We the Internet TV, through its podcast and live show "Unsafe Space," will host a panel about the video tonight at 8 p.m. at The Lab at The Hollywood Improv. Watch the event via live-stream here.
In other news:
The Moving Picture Institute is a modern-media production house and talent incubator that creates and supports high-impact film and video content designed to entertain, inspire, and educate audiences with captivating stories about human freedom.

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Syndicated 2017-03-22 16:53:00 (Updated 2017-03-29 16:59:58) from badvogato

Fwd: For Chronicle milestone announcement

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Susan Laird <susan.ye.laird@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:12 AM
Subject: For Chronicle milestone announcement
To: Robin Prestage <robinprestage@verizon.net>, "Rev. Paul Briggs" <paul.briggs@standrews-yardley.org>

Dear Robin,

Eric and I are most pleased to share this letter from United States Achievement Academy to Parents of Gregoriy Kashpureff.

A letter to parents of Greg Kashpureff from United States Achievement Academy. "... is pleased to announce that Greg has been honored nationally by Lou Thomas, a respected teacher at Ewing Senior High School." ..."Only a select number of students across America receive this nomination. Acceptance of this award not only qualifies Greg to be featured in USAA's nationally published yearbook, but provides the exclusive right to apply for scholarships. In addition, Greg will be invited to participate in writing contests that can result in the publication of new young authors." ... I congratulate your family on the hard work and perseverance that led to this nomination as a USAA World Language Award winner. - Jeff Fraley Executive Director.

Also I must mention that James was a star student in his K-class. That status made James VERY happy for more than 5 days now! Upon hearing this news, he promptly remarked of his own stardom!

And, today is Pi day, Birthday of Einstein. What a nice day!

Thank you for your attention, gentlemen.


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Syndicated 2017-03-14 14:14:00 (Updated 2017-03-29 16:59:58) from badvogato

29 Mar 2017 (updated 9 May 2017 at 19:31 UTC) »

畫境的發掘 -—班宗華和他的中國藝術史研究 /康正果文集

畫境的發掘 -—班宗華和他的中國藝術史研究 /康正果文集

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-- updated on May 9th, 2017 --

始于5月3日的一条微博在这个周末持续发酵——世界顶尖结构生物学家、清华大学生命科学学院教授颜宁近日受聘美国普林斯顿大学分子生物学系雪莉·蒂尔曼(Shirley M. Tilghman)终身讲席教授。












(本报北京5月7日电 本报记者 晋浩天)









-- end --

Syndicated 2017-03-13 16:07:00 (Updated 2017-03-29 17:00:04) from badvogato

wechat machine translation

2017年2月27日,星期一,祝大家愉快! (本日主编 Judy)
1.  上周末是哈佛本科2018 届家长日。家长们聚会校园,听讲座看比赛参观博物馆,和子女共进午餐其乐融融。超过百位华人家长出席活动。(哈群编辑部)
2.  一印度工程师在美遭枪击身亡,另有两名受伤。开枪者系美国退伍老兵,在射击前曾大喊"滚出我们的国家"。(FOX)
3.  新奥尔良狂欢节游行人群遭一卡车冲撞,至少28人受伤。警方已拘留一名疑似醉酒的肇事男子。(CNN)
4.  前美国劳动部部长Tom Perez 以235:200投票结果胜出,当选美国民主党主席。(CBS)
5.  川普继续与媒体开战,CNN、纽约时报、洛杉矶时报等被拒媒体发布会。川普推文宣布将不参加今年的白宫记者协会晚宴。(综合)
6.  巴菲特有望赢得与对冲基金Protege Partners的10年100万美元的赌局。截至2015年末回报率:巴菲特66%,Protege 22%。(WSJ)
7.  谷歌团队攻破网络加密基石SHA-1算法。(WSJ)
8.  周六中国拥有全部自主知识产权的"子弹头"列车开跑京广线。(BBC)
9.  沙特超过俄罗斯再度成为中国的第一大原油供应国。(WSJ)
10. 中国力争2020年末黄金年产量550吨,以增强中国的金融和经济基础以及抵御风险的能力。(WSJ)
11. 英国的香港半年报告书指出,过去半年的连串事态发展,令港人及国际社会对一国两制的落实表示关注。中国外交部要求英国谨言慎行,停止干预香港事务。(BBC/中国日报)
12. 马来西亚卫生部长周日说,金正男遭受大剂量VX神经毒剂攻击,身体主要器官在15-20分钟内衰竭致死亡。(BBC)
13. 中国国内首条"环中国海"邮轮航线开通。(中新网)
14. 第89届奥斯卡奖揭晓:《月光男孩》获最佳影片奖。哈佛校友达米恩·查泽雷获《爱乐之城》最佳导演奖,另一位校友贾斯汀·赫维玆获最佳原创音乐和最佳原创歌曲奖。详情: http://oscar.go.com/winners
【特刊】"妈妈常常说'人生就如同一盒巧克力,你永远无法知道下一粒是什么味道'。"      --《阿甘正传》 (Forrest Gump) 1994年奥斯卡最佳影片
(欢迎转载,请保留全文 — ©️哈佛家长群) 📰 haqun Newsroom  on Monday, February 27, 2017, I wish you all happy!  (Our editor Judy) 1. Last weekend, a Harvard undergraduate 2018 parents day. Parents party campus, lecture the game visit the Museum, lunch with children happy. More than hundreds of Chinese parents attended the event.  (Group of editors) 2. An Indian engineer was shot and killed in the United States, and another two were injured. Fire Department of Veterans of the United States, prior to the shooting had shouted "get out of our country." (FOX) 3. New Orleans Mardi Gras marchers by a truck collision, at least 28 people were injured. Police have detained a suspected drunken men of the incident. (CNN) 4. the former US Labor Secretary Tom Perez won with 235:200 votes, was elected Chairman of the Democratic Party of the United States. (CBS) 5. Trump continued to battle with the media, such as CNN, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times refused a press release. Trump tweets announced that it would not participate in this year's White House Correspondents ' Association dinner.  (Consolidation) 6. Buffett is expected to win with the hedge fund Protege Partners of the 10-year, $1 million gamble. By the end of 2015 return: he 66%,Protege 22%.  (WSJ) 7. Google Team Foundation SHA-1 against network data encryption algorithm.  (WSJ) 8. Saturday China has full independent intellectual property rights of "bullet" trains running the Beijing-Guangzhou line.  (BBC) 9. Saudi Arabia over Russia again to become China's largest crude oil supplier. (WSJ) 10. strive to the end of 2020, China gold output of 550 tons, to enhance China's financial and economic, as well as the ability to resist risks. (WSJ) 11. British Hong Kong six months report points out that a series of developments over the past six months, Hong Kong people and the international community expressed concern about the implementation of the one country, two systems. China's Foreign Ministry asked the British speak, stop interfering in Hong Kong's Affairs. (China daily BBC/) 12. Malaysia's Health Minister said Sunday that Kim Jong Nam suffered from large doses of VX nerve agent attack, major organ failure in 15-20 minutes of the body will die. (BBC) 13. China's first "China Sea" cruise line opened. (Talmadge) 14. The 89th annual Academy Awards: the Moonlight boy won the best film award. Harvard Alumni Damien·chazelei Philharmonic, city of of the best Director prize, another alumnus Justin d Zi won the best original music award and best original song. Details: http://Oscar.go.com/winners "Special Edition," "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know when the next one is going to get. "--Gump (Forrest Gump) 1994 Academy Award for best picture (welcome to reprint, please retain the full text- ️ Harvard parents group)

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Syndicated 2017-02-27 17:40:00 (Updated 2017-03-08 16:02:08) from badvogato




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Syndicated 2017-02-19 02:40:00 (Updated 2017-03-08 16:03:17) from badvogato

Bruno Schulz J.M.库切:布鲁诺·舒尔茨(黄灿然 译) 2017-02-08 J. M.Coetzee黄灿然小站 
 布鲁诺·舒尔茨最早的一个童年回忆,是他小时候坐在地板上,在一张张旧报纸上涂抹一幅幅“画”,围观的家人啧啧称奇。在创造的狂喜中,这孩子仍活在“天才时代”,仍能自然而然地进入神话的王国。或者说,是长大后的舒E 5��茨这样觉得;他成熟时期所有的奋斗都将是为了重新接触他早年的力量,都将是为了“成熟为童年”。① 
 ① 布鲁诺·舒尔茨致安杰伊·普莱什涅维奇信,引自切斯瓦夫·Z·普罗科普奇克编《布鲁诺·舒尔茨:新文件与解释》(纽约:彼得·朗出版社�¼8 C1999),第101页。──原注 

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Syndicated 2017-02-08 16:34:00 (Updated 2017-03-08 16:03:36) from badvogato

Conversation Galante

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Syndicated 2017-02-07 13:33:00 (Updated 2017-02-07 13:33:17) from badvogato

老舍 齐白石 蛙声十里出山泉

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Syndicated 2017-01-18 14:12:00 (Updated 2017-01-18 14:18:12) from badvogato

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