Older blog entries for sye (starting at number 491)

how a Chinese poem is translated

Winding Up
by Derek Walcott
I live on the water,
alone. Without wife and children,
I have circled every possibility
to come to this:
a low house by grey water,
with windows always open
to the stale sea. We do not choose such things,
but we are what we have made.
We suffer, the years pass,
we shed freight but not our need
for encumbrances. Love is a stone
that settled on the sea-bed
under grey water. Now, I require nothing
from poetry but true feeling,
no pity, no fame, no healing. Silent wife,
we can sit watching grey water,
and in a life awash
with mediocrity and trash
live rock-like.
I shall unlearn feeling,
unlearn my gift. That is greater
and harder than what passes there for life.

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syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2016-08-09 16:05:00 (Updated 2016-08-09 16:05:50) from badvogato

7 Aug 2016 (updated 8 Aug 2016 at 12:55 UTC) »

mod_virgule running on Amazon Web Services

okay. today try syndication from another brother and see how they merge...

just a note to test syndication/blog feed to my running instance of mod_virgule isn't quite working yet...

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syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2016-08-07 16:24:00 (Updated 2016-08-07 16:35:20) from badvogato

张千帆VS张维为:西方民主还是中国模式? by 宋鲁郑

From http://songluzheng.bokerb.com/633505



张千帆教授选择《中国震撼》做为双方观点交锋的切入点,确实显示了学者的眼光:中国国家主席习近平阅读此书之后,就把它推荐给了世界银行前行长罗伯特·佐利克(Robert Zoellick)等人物;2012年6月20日,英国牛津大学中国中心为张维为教授的《中国震撼》一书举行了专场研讨会;此书曾荣膺《光明日报》2011年度光明书榜十大图书、《中外书摘》2011年度十大好书、新闻出版总署全民阅读办2011年度大众喜爱的50种书·文化类、河北省阅读办2011年度十大好书等好评,而且早已译成英文,成为西方主流学者研究和引用的对象。西方主流媒体如BBC、纽约时报也多次采访。

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syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2016-07-02 11:45:00 (Updated 2016-07-04 10:08:58) from badvogato



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syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2016-07-01 05:26:00 (Updated 2016-07-01 05:47:42) from badvogato


其他 创作
王璞 发表于:

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syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2015-07-08 22:37:00 (Updated 2016-07-08 22:37:45) from badvogato


专访《布达佩斯往事》译者毛俊杰 揭开匈牙利秘密警察档案
作者:李福莹 文章来源:深圳晚报 点击数:373 更新时间:2016-1-3 12:13:10

《布达佩斯往事》 (美)卡蒂·马顿 著 毛俊杰 译 广西师范大学出版社 2016年1月出版

深圳晚报记者 李福莹



秘密警察档案 成了作者第一手资料

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syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2015-07-06 18:26:00 (Updated 2016-07-06 18:26:49) from badvogato



2014-11-12 11:59 来自 翻书党


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syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2015-07-01 06:08:00 (Updated 2016-07-01 06:11:33) from badvogato


然后读了《北妹》,盛可以的处女长篇,没有《水乳》老道,但是比《水乳》丰富,我更喜欢。《北妹》讲述一个湖南大波少女来到深圳,干过各种工作,每种工作 都是受欺诈,遇过各种男人,每个男人都色狼。奋斗一圈回到起点,一样没有钱,没有家,没有爱,没有希望,不同是奶大到成了累赘,失去灵气,仿佛失去乳头, 只剩下十斤死肉。


syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2015-05-03 04:53:00 (Updated 2015-05-03 04:53:31) from badvogato


[ i can't stop my tears to think back of my years with fear that i am dear to nobody but my own ideas...] 


In a beautiful green valley
where wild flowers grow
comes the first blanket of winter's snow
The clouds up above float luxuriously by
as I lay and stare at the wondrous sky
I can hear the wind whisper thru the trees
and smell the crisp air in the gentle breeze
I can not touch or feel
The feeling is slightly surreal.
I cast my eyes down
to see what lays ahead
It is then that I realize that i am dead.

My body is draped in a long black dress
My skin is absolutely colourless
It's a frightening feeling I must confess
I can hear the priest saying a few kind words
And in the background the beautiful harmony of words
Sniffles and sobs reach my ears
I guess I didn't make it to my golden years
My eyes survey the group gathered round
It is then when I see my only boy
And my love for him shines with so much joy
Suddenly a sadness fills me where once I was glad
As I realize I will never again kiss that sweet lad.

He is saying goodbye
and so I must too
but i just don't know if I have the strength to do
A soft voice calls me from above
'Come home my child', it says with love
'Come home and be free, come and live with me'
I yearn to drift into that heavenly grace
But I can't bear the look of my dear child's lonely face
I drift just a little above
And turn to look back with sadness and love.

Be good my son, be happy and carefree
Don't cry or remain sad, think of me and be glad.
I will be waiting for you at heaven's gate
There i will sit and patiently wait
And when your work here is done
I will welcome you home
Then you and I will never be alone
I know that he can't hear the words in my head
For I am really and truly dead
A gentle hand touches my arm
I know it is time to let go
And so I walk toward the heavenly glow
Leaving no footprints in the brand new snow. 

syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2015-04-21 19:31:00 (Updated 2015-04-21 19:50:38) from badvogato

The other side of water way 在水一方


绿草苍苍 白雾茫茫
有位佳人 在水一方
绿草萋萋 白雾迷离
有位佳人 靠水而居
我愿逆流而上 依偎在她身旁
无奈前有险滩 道路又远又长
我愿顺流而下 找寻她的方向
却见依稀仿佛 她在水的中央
我愿逆流而上 与她轻言细语
无奈前有险滩 道路曲折无已
我愿顺流而下 找寻她的足迹
却见仿佛依稀 她在水中伫立
绿草苍苍 白雾茫茫
有位佳人 在水一方.

Personal happiness and survival of any political association will always be at odds with one another.  Such is life.

syndicated from nuniabiz.blogspot.com

Syndicated 2015-04-20 16:26:00 (Updated 2015-04-20 16:51:58) from badvogato

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