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12 May 2007 (updated 12 May 2007 at 19:28 UTC) »
Asian historical Maps at Univ. of Texas.

get a feeling of visual-paradigm.com's products installed on my mac mini OSX 10.4... pretty neat products...

I'm applying to work for eBay Shanghai. don't know how this will go. we'll see...

beautiful free fonts from University of Heidelberg

enjoyed J.M. Coetzee's way of deliberating on "The Life of Animals". It makes me wonder about the conventional interpretation of a famous Chinese fable. What I didn't know before is the alleged author(1446-1512)'s ill-fated death.

A number of RedHat Linux servers that were applied tzdata-2006m patches didn't sync up DST time automatically lest they'd been rebooted before DST switch-over. On two nodes with Oracle RAC installed, I've seen the strange thing. OS account oracle and root shows different 'date' on the same box. go figure...

8 Mar 2007 (updated 8 Mar 2007 at 19:56 UTC) »

reading this review on 'The social ideas of American Physicians (1776-1976) Studies of the Humanitarian Tradition in Medicine by the late Prof. Eugene Perry Link

3 Mar 2007 (updated 3 Mar 2007 at 04:57 UTC) »

There are wise men with balls and brain on one wholesome body And I count 'Steven Chan, Director, Applications Technology Integration' as one of them for writing this up. Unfortunately, i don't see one up in the chain of my command. And I am in the middle of a crowd who believe that machines can acquire knowledge on their own about Congressional fuck-ups. I am considering moving to Arizona for its virgin time zone.

Useful links

  • Java Notes by Stuart D. Garthman
  • twinsun.com
  • entertaining discussion

    Congress should constrain its exercise of authority to those duties enumerated in Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution. Tampering with my alarm clock is not among those duties.

    Too many people (almost everyone, it seems) believe that Congress is authorized to enact laws on whatever subject it sees fit. This simply is not the case.

  • 海盗蔗酒又一曲

    Another Rhyme taken with Captain Rum 海盗蔗酒又一曲 Democracy by Bush supports Monopoly of Dick Bush or Dick how can we tell? 民主是毛 向着贪心的鸟 哪块是毛哪块是鸟 让人摸不着头脑 Thunders break Rabbi’s roar 沙漠雷电打断了 拉比的怒号 Can’t you read Hebrew? Thou must obey thy Supreme Commander. 不会希伯来文吧? 你一定要乖乖 服从你的领导 Chinese Saga smile with one finger straight up in the air 孔夫子笑一笑 一根指头 竖起向上,道: “God is playing a joke On America as we spake “我们早就说过 苍天在拿美国开玩笑 Ah, Dick with Bush one never get tired of the other as long as we understand no ejaculation through [...]

    Syndicated 2007-02-23 19:22:56 from AllThingsGO 万物皆空


    有时背叛比忠贞更让人着迷 sometimes, betrayal reveals faith more than fidelity can ever prove. 你就是能飞越的黑夜,一点一点收集我的历史。 一盏象鼓的灯熄灭于潮湿的草地, 你轻轻用手指触摸我那些伤心处, 仿佛最后一刻,灯火滑行之途多余的享受。 醒来,多少只鸟已叫过, 在他们中间,我听见自己的声音: “现在它们不得不在异域,在陌生人的心里跳跃。� 我记得那一阵子,窗外游行已开始汹猛, 我的身体上面挤满地狱的色彩 于是你起身,朝我所不知的方向 不回头地走了。

    Syndicated 2007-02-21 21:27:38 from AllThingsGO 万物皆空

    zt: from kzeng

    情人节想起几个关于唐宋小说中的诗词故事。第一则是唐开元年间的,唐玄宗让宫人为边关将士做棉衣(准确地说应该是绵衣,因为那时棉花还不普及,冬衣用的是丝绵)。棉衣发放到军士手中后,一个细心的兵士发现自己的短袍里有一首诗: 沙场征戍客,寒苦若为眠。 战袍经手作,知落阿谁边? 畜意多添线,含情更著绵。 今生已过也,重结后身缘。 这个兵士肯定也是念过些书的,所以明白其中的意思,就告诉了自己的军官。军官又告诉了皇帝。唐玄宗拿着这首诗,遍示后宫,追问是谁做的,同时也许诺不会怪罪做诗的人。于是一个宫人就站出来承认了。玄宗顿生怜悯之情,尊重了这段上天指定的缘分,把宫女嫁给了那个兵士。虽然这个兵士未必是宫女的如意郎君,但是比起“白头宫女在,闲坐说玄宗”的结果还是好了很多,毕竟那个兵士也不是不解风情的李逵式的人物。 第二个故事是关于唐朝诗人顾况的。一天他和三个朋友一起到苑中游玩,在流水边拾到一片梧桐叶,上面有一首诗: 一入深宫里,年年不见春。 聊题一片叶,寄与有情人。 水是从宫中流出,诗自然是宫人所题。第二日,顾况绕道溪水上游,也题了一首诗在梧桐叶上,并让叶子随波流入宫中。其诗云: 花落深宫莺亦悲,上阳宫女断肠时。 帝城不禁东流水,叶上题诗欲寄谁? 后来又过了十多天,有人在苑中赏春,又拾得一片题了诗的梧桐叶,而顾况想必也是在不断的留心这件事情,所以看到了那首诗,诗云: 一叶题诗出禁城,谁人酬和独含情? 自嗟不及波中叶,荡漾乘春取次行。 故事说到这里,所有听故事的人估计都和我一样希望出来一个玄宗式的皇帝,慷慨地把这位羡慕桐叶自由的宫女许配给顾况,可惜的是,故事到这里就完了。这是一个没有结局的故事。不过仔细想想,当时刚刚逃难回来的唐德宗也断不会有这么慷慨大方,那时的唐德宗,譬如《甲方乙方》里那个下方到农村的大款,回城以后,见什么要什么,只进不出,自然不能希望他会有玄宗一样的气度了。 两个故事都略为有些缺憾。第一个故事,虽然终成眷属,但是两人未必有情;第二个故事,虽然两人有情,但是却未成眷属。也许是事关皇宫大内,作者也不敢随意发挥的缘故吧,毕竟,在同一部书中,写了“人面桃花相映红”的崔护硬是将死去的“桃花美人”唤醒,成就了一段佳话。这个缺憾,只能等到宋人来补足了。 于是,有了宋人的《流红记》。讲的是唐僖宗时的故事,情节与顾况的那段传奇类似,诗文作了更改,不但是如顾况的好,所以就不再赘录了,这段故事,接着于佑(这个故事的男主角)题诗随波流入宫中之后,继续写了下去。过了几年,书生于佑娶了一位因为犯了过错而被遣出禁宫的宫女韩氏,成婚之日,两人提及红叶,才发现原是题诗的旧日相识,顿时相对而泣,以为天意撮合。 到此,没了缺憾,已经很好,希望他们平平安安的过一辈子,但是却看到写故事的人仍不肯罢休,继续写了下去,大喊不妙,果然,写故事的人写道:于佑作了大官,韩氏成了命妇,子女们又都得了富贵… …可惜啊,画蛇添足,终究没有逃脱“封妻荫子”的窠臼。 但是,三个有缺憾的故事加起来,取其无憾之处,就成了一个完整的故事,归结为一句话:愿有情人终成眷属!

    Syndicated 2007-02-19 17:51:30 from AllThingsGO 万物皆空

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