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srl is currently certified at Journeyer level.

Name: Shane Landrum
Member since: 2000-05-01 21:39:45
Last Login: N/A

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I'm a professional software engineer, currently an independent contractor. Starting fall 2004, I'll be a Ph.D. student in American History at Brandeis University, focusing on the history of technology, gender, and social movements.

I'm a generalist. I hack Python, Zope, Perl, PHP, ColdFusion, and some Java. Most of my work is in web-based publication systems. I've worked on one of the largest production Zope/CMF installations in the world, for If you're interested in hiring me as a contractor, look at my resume in txt or pdf.

For people who care about formal education and whatnot, I'm a 1998 graduate of Smith College. So I have the dubious distinction of having a liberal-arts degree in Computer Science. ;) I've been screwing around with computers since I was five, and with Unixes for the last 10 years or so.


Recent blog entries by srl

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Long time no update. Since my last entry, I've basically dropped out of being an active developer on any project--- much to my frustration, but I think it's just a matter of life refocusing. Spent a long time working on a very very large Zope CMF system, went through major angst, transitioned, burned out on software, decided to pursue a Ph.D. in history. My profile, recently updated, has the rest.

Anyone need a contract hacker?

Still busy. Still biking; I'm almost up to 5 days a week. I've been doing lots at work; helping figure out what a good content management system for us would look like. Also, I've been reading about Extreme Programming. We're going to try an experiment at work to see if we can get XP to be feasible here, since everyone's said positive things about it at various times.

Reefknot work has been slim this week for various reasons, but we're expanding the CVS developer pool again, and we have a developer who's helping us get our RFC-compliance tests kicked into shape. This is a good thing.

Been busy this week at work and not-at-work. It's been swelteringly hot, so much so that I've stayed at work late most nights for the A/C. Less personal-project work than I'd like.

LotR and I have been working on rewriting the Reefknot Bootstrap Guide, expanding and adding things here and there. We're trying to get a good new version out soon to further enlighten the masses about RFC2445 and Reefknot. Maybe I'll finish that this weekend. Rich and I are hacking out changes to Date::ICal that'll let us do timezones properly at last.

The reefknot-devel list has 55 subscribers as of this morning, which makes me very happy. We've had a herd of new interested-people as a result of Skud's talk at YAPC::Europe. Some of them are even sending us patches. We've got promising leads for new developers from the datetime at perl dot org list too, which is nice.

I've made contact with the author of Request Tracker (RT), who's local to Boston. He seems to be interested in adding calendaring to RT, which is a ticket-tracking system. Meeting with him on Monday to bootcamp him into the code. I'm hoping that will work out well.


Spent last night squashing bugs and whatnot in Net::ICal. We had a bunch of tests that were marked failing intentionally--- as an attention-getter mostly, so that we know to write tests in the future. I changed them to TODO tests, which finally work in the latest version of Test::More (thanks to Michael Schwern). That way, they don't overtly fail, but they're still there as markers that we should be testing certain routines more.

After some late-night release-candidate testing with the help of IRC people, I released Net::ICal 0.15, an alpha release with some packaging fixes and better tests. The other major improvement is that it begins to support timezones. I'm really itching to get timezones working properly in Net::ICal.

Started working on defining what will be in Reefknot 0.01. LotR is being helpful with this.

Recruit Recruit Recruit

I really need to talk to someone who wants to write a web-based calendaring app as an example we can distribute with Net::ICal. The cool thing is, this web-based calendaring app should be able to share information with lots of other programs--- anything that uses iCalendar. If you've got time, tuits, and basic Perl skills, mail me and I'll hook you up.

We also need some QA/testmaster sorts to LART us into writing more robust code. We've got a testing framework, and the beginnings of some automated smoketests, but I don't have enough time to manage it all by myself.

Other bits of life

Biking continues to keep me happy. I've discovered that I actually prefer biking to driving, which was kind of surprising. Somehow, biking feels much more... physically connected than driving. I have better senses on a bike, and the road has a texture that it lacks when I'm in a car. I'm beginning to understand why some of the Critical Mass folk call them "cages". Whoosh. I'm now up to 4 roundtrip commutes a week, which is about 80 miles. Yay for getting closer to goals.

jschauma: Yes, I have a significant other. My SO has a fiance. Yes, the fiance knows about me. And yes, everyone's cool with that. We're a family of 3 adults. See the Polyamory FAQ for a primer. And I'm still happy that the fiance baked me a cake.

118 older entries...


srl certified others as follows:

  • srl certified Skud as Master
  • srl certified Simon as Journeyer
  • srl certified deekayen as Journeyer
  • srl certified dria as Master
  • srl certified merlyn as Master
  • srl certified LotR as Journeyer
  • srl certified AilleCat as Journeyer
  • srl certified voltron as Journeyer
  • srl certified technik as Journeyer
  • srl certified duncanm as Apprentice
  • srl certified jbowman as Apprentice
  • srl certified ianb as Apprentice
  • srl certified angelsun as Journeyer
  • srl certified Rich as Journeyer
  • srl certified jpr as Journeyer
  • srl certified pudge as Journeyer
  • srl certified mako as Apprentice

Others have certified srl as follows:

  • duncanm certified srl as Apprentice
  • sad certified srl as Apprentice
  • garrison certified srl as Apprentice
  • const certified srl as Apprentice
  • nixnut certified srl as Apprentice
  • jbowman certified srl as Apprentice
  • sh certified srl as Apprentice
  • Skud certified srl as Apprentice
  • lerdsuwa certified srl as Apprentice
  • rillian certified srl as Apprentice
  • voltron certified srl as Journeyer
  • DaGovna certified srl as Apprentice
  • technik certified srl as Journeyer
  • AilleCat certified srl as Journeyer
  • jdub certified srl as Journeyer
  • mtearle certified srl as Journeyer
  • ianb certified srl as Apprentice
  • LotR certified srl as Apprentice
  • angelsun certified srl as Journeyer
  • async certified srl as Journeyer
  • cwinters certified srl as Journeyer
  • adamjk certified srl as Journeyer
  • johnnyb certified srl as Journeyer
  • jono certified srl as Journeyer
  • Rich certified srl as Journeyer
  • pudge certified srl as Journeyer
  • dlc certified srl as Journeyer
  • ataridatacenter certified srl as Journeyer
  • malone certified srl as Journeyer
  • crocker certified srl as Journeyer
  • casey certified srl as Journeyer

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