Spent last night squashing bugs and whatnot in Net::ICal. We
had a bunch of tests that were marked failing
intentionally--- as an attention-getter mostly, so that we
know to write tests in the future.
I changed them to TODO tests, which finally work in the
latest version of Test::More (thanks to Michael Schwern).
That way, they don't overtly fail, but they're still there
as markers that we should be testing certain routines
After some late-night release-candidate testing with the
help of IRC people, I released Net::ICal
0.15, an alpha release with some packaging fixes and
better tests. The other major improvement is that it begins
to support timezones. I'm really itching to get timezones
working properly in Net::ICal.
Started working on defining what will be in Reefknot 0.01.
LotR is being helpful with this.
Recruit Recruit Recruit
I really need to talk to someone who wants to write a
web-based calendaring app as an example we can distribute
with Net::ICal. The cool thing is, this web-based
calendaring app should be able to share information with
lots of other programs--- anything that uses iCalendar. If
you've got time, tuits, and basic Perl skills, mail me and
I'll hook you up.
We also need some QA/testmaster sorts to LART us into
writing more robust code. We've got a testing framework, and
the beginnings of some automated smoketests, but I don't
have enough time to manage it all by myself.
Other bits of life
Biking continues to keep me happy. I've discovered that I
actually prefer biking to driving, which was kind of
surprising. Somehow, biking feels much more... physically
connected than driving. I have better senses on a bike, and
the road has a texture that it lacks when I'm in a car. I'm
beginning to understand why some of the Critical Mass folk
call them "cages". Whoosh. I'm now up to 4 roundtrip
commutes a week, which is about 80 miles. Yay for getting
closer to goals.