29 Aug 2002 softkid   » (Journeyer)

Free Software
OpenDarwin I've been mostly been monitoring http://www.opendarwin.org/bugzilla for a while and tried to be QA savy. My interest in the project would be to be the QA man. I don't really have the Time/Motivation to jump in Darwin's code. Since Jaguar is out, I guess Darwin will receive an update soon enough. Interesting projects on that side include darwinports which leaves Open Packages going nowhere. Also the UFS code should start to get ported from FreeBSD.
I've been lazy and should start sometime in the near future to translate new documents from Apple's Documentation project to french (I'va translated two already, they are in Apple's CVS but are not yet on the Web).
Open Directory Project
I've rejoinde the ODP. I've asked to be NexT editor but had no site to add so my application got rejected. I wanted to edit the NeXT section because it contained "dead links". Those links would not get detected has dead by Robozilla the dead link detector of Dmoz, because they would reply with a 200/300 code and would give you a search our site page instead of a 404. So If someone know good pages Dealing with NeXT Cube/station/Software, please mail them to me so I can update the ODP.
Has been pretty boring. Still doing the same stuff (applying patches, patching shell scripts) at the same bank for next to a year now. September should see thjings moving, I should be doing two audits (I like auditing clients), and start working on new projects.
I've upgraded from Itools to .Mac. It's a way of showing some support to Apple. I've also upgraded to Jaguar. Apple has done a good job on this release, it really rocks. I don't like Ichat but that's mainly because I don't know how to use it. In the upgrade process I've migrated from MozillaMail to mail.app and that when without an itch. I really like the spam feature in mail.app. The only glitch I have Is that I can launch help, it crashes. I should Open a bug for that but heck time is precious ...
If your interested on what MacOSX is from the eye of a Linux user you relly should read this piece
I've try to avoid using IE in order to not have web developers getting bad habbit but it seems to be worthless when you read this. Many alternative browser I know do spoof there agent string, Opera comes configured has being IE 4. Icab has being Netscape etc .... If like me you are not using IE please take 5 minutes to check your users-agent string to see If your browser lies or not.
Will soon play to Rêve de Dragon. A role playing game I've not played for more then 7 years. This will be fun.

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