Older blog entries for slaught (starting at number 4)

Well it works now. I broke down and wrote it in perl. I retrofitted the lj client. The basic functionality is what I wanted so I just ripped out the lj specific stuff and stuck in XML-RPC with advogato info. Lj has an XML-RPC interface. I am sure I can do something to remove the dependencies. Unfortunately XMLRPC::Lite has a poor error handling interface. When an error occurs its hard to tell what it is, much less recover.

The upside to the reuse is I get my editor, spell checking, postponing and offline all for free. Free meaning 6 hours.


I've been trying to get my client code to work. The previous entries were tests. It worked except the xmlrpc library returned an error to my client. Since scheme is new to me I'm having difficult debuging it. The XML-RPC scheme interface is too cool. I refuse to use the perl library. The ocaml might be interesting. Does modula-3 have one? have to look it up later.

Why can't you delete entries?

18 Jul 2002 (updated 26 Jul 2002 at 04:37 UTC) »
18 Jul 2002 (updated 26 Jul 2002 at 04:29 UTC) »

This is my first entry. Testing the client code. Does it handle & ampersands ok?

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