Recent blog entries for shd

Released UADE 0.72:

I'm so happy that I found quite a few very annoying bugs that have long bothered me.

I disassembled amiga kickstart rom audio interrupt handling system to see how it handles interrupt vectors properly, and copied those ideas to my sound core. However, I did small changes to it to make it more robust in case players do nasty things with interrupts (it happens!!).

I must release 0.73 very soon since I have fixed important bugs. It's only 8 hours since I released 0.72 :P

Released UADE 0.72 pre1:

It's strange how time goes so fast and you forget to make releases even though you have implemented so many features and fixed so many bugs since the last release:)

Do you forget to release?-)

I'm so happy now! I finally squashed that long bothering bug from UADE. It turns out that it really wasn't a bug in UADE but in amiga players that were emulated. Who would have thought that some players like to hit ones to amiga audio hardware register aud0per?! It's plain stupid, but that's what happens. I started to drink alcohol to celebrate it!

Hacked UADE. Stephen Mifsud from Malta open sourced his Darius Zendeh player. It's going to be in the next UADE release. Also fixed a bug in uade sound core (it couldn't report format name of the played song).

25 Oct 2002 (updated 25 Oct 2002 at 14:31 UTC) »

This is old news but worth mentioning here. I wrote a dcc queue patch for irssi 0.8.5 ( ). The patch is available from:

To be short, this patch allows you to send many files to someone by just issuing one command. The files are sent sequentially, not in parallel. for example: /dcc send foobar /path/to/my/files/*-[12349].txt

I hope that a variation of this patch will be merged into irssi main source tree in the future.

btw. It has been downloaded 12 times in 5 days, wow! 44 people have glanced at the instructions.txt :)

There has been quite a few UADE releases since my last diary entry. The latest release is 0.71. UADE now has lots of new formats, and it is more portable.

We have many formats/songs that introduce strange bugs. Many of them have been unfixed for many versions, but I have not been able to identify their causes. I should also switch from shared memory / unix signals to tcp-ip-socket based communication (between uade and xmms). We could get an uade sound server as a bonus from this change:) Once these things are done we can happily release UADE 1.0. I promise I will drink alcohol for one weekend once this is accomplished;)

We are planning to release UADE 0.72 (or 0.80) soon.

UADE 0.50 has been released (24.10.2001). New things since 0.30:

- multifile loading support => new formats supported:
VectorDean, TFMX 1.5 and TFMX Pro (and more)
- lots and lots of deliplayer improvements:
Hippel-COSO, TFMX, PTK-Prowiz, YMPlayer, ASReplay,
ImagesMusicSystem, Soundfactory, SoundFX, THX, TME,
Amos, PierreAdane, ...
- optimized playlist file scanning
- lots of small changes to make UADE function faster under XMMS
- fixed many tempo problems
- improved subsong recognition & handling
- SOLARIS/SPARC compability (the first non-x86 platform supported)!
- lots of code cleanups
- new user documentation in uade-docs/

New features coming soon in UADE 0.60.

And btw. UADE has been ported to windows/winamp3beta. See

UADE 0.30 has been released. There has been much progress in the past 2 weeks. A lot of credit has to go for Michael Doering. The upcoming UADE 0.40 has multifile loading feature thus enabling many new deliplayers to be used. For example deliplayers include TFMX (mdat.* and smpl.*) and YMPlayer (Atari ST sounds). UADE 0.40 will be released in the near future - perhaps 1 week.

It has been a long time (1 year) since I posted an Advogato diary entry last time. During this time UADE 0.21 has been released. UADE now runs on FreeBSD too.

UADE has progressed slowly in the past 7 days. But fortunately Michael Doering has done more GUI code for XMMS plugin. More sound formats were added to standard UADE distribution (SoundFX and ProRunner1.0 and ProRunner2.0).

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