Older blog entries for prozac (starting at number 26)

22 Oct 2002 (updated 22 Oct 2002 at 13:39 UTC) »

Yet another PHPPyu release. It is almost at the Alpha stage! (PHPPyu is a PHP Web-Portico.)

I have created -- don't know if anything like it exists -- what I am calling Inter-net-active Fiction, a mystery story that anyone on the Internet can contribute to.

(Oh yeah, http://www.vsy.cape.com/~jennings/index.php3?arg=story/)

21 Oct 2002 (updated 21 Oct 2002 at 17:31 UTC) »
PHPPyu updated. Finally I got cookies working. Still in pre-release mode (i.e. still finding small bugs and areas to be improved).

Do you think a web-portal site, not too unlike Advogato, would work when there are no passwords?

PHPPyu updated. I came up with a rather cool (if I must say) file-manager for the Admin page. I started user support.

I missed three meetings this week but got to my home group's this morning and I feel much better. I am responsible.

16 Oct 2002 (updated 16 Oct 2002 at 02:55 UTC) »

Just updated PHPPyu, The Web Portico -- just some optimizations.

I find that writing code is like, to me, writing literature (fiction, essays, etc.), in that I write a draft as a proof of concept first. Once I feel that I am on the right track and have something working I re-write it. I go through several drafts before I feel that the code is good enough. It is actually a fun process for I always get better code.

Works for me anyway.

The discussion about Blogs has supplied me with many an idea for PHPPyu. Perhaps I will look into making it more "bloggy". I could call it "Plogger" or "P.H.Plogger"!
15 Oct 2002 (updated 15 Oct 2002 at 13:13 UTC) »

Have updated PHPPyu, mostly just code optimizations.

Like a writer, always editing with each new draft, I find myself always seeking ways to optimize the code. Most code I write is done in that manner. I usually do a "first draft" just to prove a concept, without worry about how the code looks. Once I have something working I re-write it, all the while thinking of re-use and of future maintenance. Sometimes I do multiple drafts before I feel the code is "right."

It works for me.

7 Oct 2002 (updated 7 Oct 2002 at 18:13 UTC) »

My latest Open Source project is what I am calling a Web Portico, which is a small (tiny) Web Portal without need for a database.

I wanted a site that had similarites to PHPNuke but I found it too complicated to customize and modify. O, sure, there are "themes" and such, but further modification required a great understanding of the core of programming model, and I was having trouble figuring it all out. (That I had to modify an SQL record to change an HTML menu was the last straw that caused me to abandon it.) That was a while ago so things may have changed -- and I do not mean to 'dis PHPNuke, because it is a cool thing -- just not suited for me.

So I have been fooling around with my own PHP fired site. Can be found here: http://www.vsy.cape.com/~jennings/

It is like a blog/article/feedback site that is really, really, really small in amount of PHP code used. It stores content as text files, not SQL records. It does not allow "users" but does allow for user comments.

Well, it has kept me busy these past few months of my recovery.

I am reaching out again as part of my therapy. One year sober last week! Woohoo!

I got with the program to get on with the program!

So I figured I would update my Advogato stuff now that I have released a real Open Source project (small that it may be.)

7 Oct 2002 (updated 7 Oct 2002 at 17:55 UTC) »

In my stomach

As I reach for the skies


Dear Diary

I re-wrote my notes section to include ONLY those accomplishments that I thought would be relevent, or of interest, to fellow programmers.

After realizing that Open Source is really about Linux and Linux Media, it really does not matter though.

(Maybe I am being a bit too cynical, but, Fuck!, I just no longer fit in.)

Dear Diary

I have a confession to make. I am not an Open Source programmer. I have a dual life.

One life is as a professional programmer who writes code for money (the true definition of professional is one who does her "profession" for money). That code being not applications but, usually, embedded shit like Boot Code and DSP stuff, which just happens to be acceptable as non-free by RMS. I did not plan this nor would it behoove me to make it up.

My other life, programming-wise, is as a hobbyist who really only knows MS-DOS. Yes, I am an MS-DOS programmer who also happens to know a little bit about Microsoft Windows, as well as a little bit about Linux (I compiled Linux several times and got it to work, oh boy).


Once the Editor of Linux Magazine said that Linux was "our OS". And after I read that I went and looked for that Editor's name in any of the source code -- when the name did not show up I figured that that guy was just another "I use Linux and therefore am part of a superior community of people because my OS is so much better than that other OS" loser-bag. If Open Source is nothing but the using of Linux, then count me OUT.

PERL, CYGWIN, DJGPP, FidoNet, TCL, Python, GhostScript, and many un-told others will fit in with this list of free and freely available code & ideas. Code and Ideas!

Is Community about a Thing? Or is it about an Idea? Or is it so much more?
Is Community about a Thing? Or is it about an Idea? Or is it so much more?

Is it about sharing or is it about elitism?

Tell me because I want to know!

And I think that I may have been wrong.

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