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Older blog entries for pjones (starting at number 97)

*sigh*. Some people complain that a certain programming language is bad. I don't really agree with them; the language itself is perfectly tolerable.

perl programmers annoy the living shit out of me.

The recommendation is against using Java in Oracle 8i.

Oh, and the UltraSPARC IIe's pci controller is a bit confusing; I was able to peek at the top of the config space for a while, and then the same commands started returning Fast Instruction Access MMU Miss, which basicly means I'm giving it a bad memory address. Problem being, 000001fe 01000000 isn't a bad memory address. Grrr. I think it needs a hard reboot, but that'll have to wait until I'm physically near the box.

Does anybody know anybody at Nikon? The CoolScan IV comes out in april, and I'd really like to be able to use it in Linux. Perfectly willing to do the work myself, and even sign an NDA that says I can't reveal documentation but can release code, even if that is still mildly evil.

My dad mentioned this. I need to go buy 10 pairs of shoes or so soon, apparently.

Mentioned to bleep that he was indeed bleep. You'd think I'd pulled a gun on him from the look on his face. It wasn't even particularly hard to figure out, really...

woo-hoo. Got called an anti-social personality (not accused of posessing one, but actually being one) and ``a little punk who needs to grow up'' on the local LUG mailing list today. Now I want to flame the lusers that much more :)

emk, mail gafton at redhat dot com , he implemented what we're doing WRT SSL.

Of course, its just mod_python and mod_ssl we're using ;)

22 Jan 2001 (updated 22 Jan 2001 at 22:23 UTC) »

To any suit-ish types in the crowd: requirements must be set before the code due date.

19 Jan 2001 (updated 19 Jan 2001 at 16:15 UTC) »
badger, what ModernRonin doesn't realize is that the language he really wants is Python.

Oh god, I've turned into a python kook. How the fuck did that happen?

But seriously, if you don't want to muck with pointers, don't suggest changing C -- get the fuck out of systems land, and move away from languages designed to play nice with hardware. Use perl or Python, you'll be much happier.

Added caching support to Cristian and I's Table python class (which talkes to our slightly-less-completely-shitty version of DCOracle). Its looking pretty neat.

So now my populate-packages script can do something like 1/3 of the DB queries that it was, simply because most of the tables I'm concerned with don't actually change.

downside: accidently trashed populate-package yesterday.

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