Older blog entries for pippin (starting at number 44)

my testbed buildsystem

Hytte is project skeleton, saving me from editing Makefile.am when adding, removing, renaming files to some projects. I use it on bug reports to larger scale 10kloc projects. It works very well for my development and testing purposes on linux based system with pkg-config supported dependencies. The hytte website contains a tutorial showing the steps often involved when I hack on something new.

I've found the makefile useful enough to distribute, along with it I bundle a setup I've been experimenting in babl and GEGL -- merging the website README and documentation.

Syndicated 2008-08-27 21:06:35 from codecave.org


Four slightly overlapping horizontally distributed white circles with horizontal and; or vertical cuts tangenting a partial smaller center circle. The cuts makes the circles form upper case letters from the alphabet, each circle is set off from the others and the background by the dropshadow it is causing.

Syndicated 2008-06-25 21:15:24 from codecave.org

GEGL 0.0.16

GEGL is already in use by GNOME Scan and the development version of GIMP uses GEGL for some color correction tools. Main highlights of this release is installation of headers that will enable out-of-tree development of plug-ins as well as improvements to the build system to make it work on OSX.

Tarballs of GEGL and babl at the usual place. Packages for Ubuntu and SUSE are already available.

Full announcement..

Syndicated 2008-02-28 00:34:45 from codecave.org

Mental Context Spills

I've recently started having context spills between different projects, mainly rendering APIs. Refering to cairo as clutter in #cairo. Writing cairo_chant_class instead of gegl_chant_class in #gegl and even typing out commands like: $ cairo push fdo openvg. in my shell.

To ease confusion here is a list of possible ways of combining these projects, some which already are possible others might make sense.

Syndicated 2008-01-25 17:52:48 from codecave.org

babl and GEGL going LGPLv3+

The next versions of babl and GEGL will be released under LGPLv3+, the changes already apply to the sources in the repository.

Syndicated 2007-11-11 20:26:39 from codecave.org

QuadEntry in Clutter

QuadEntry is an input method for cursor keys or four-way pads based on interactive navigation of a quadtree.

QuadEntry in Clutter

For normal text entry you need three presses, for instance entering an 'a' is achieved by pressing the keys up, left, up. This would take you to the upper quadrant, then to the left quadrant of the upper quadrant and finally select the upper pad of that quadrant.

I originally came up with the concept for QuadEntry when I was playing experimenting with and exercising cairo back in 2004. I've resurrected the QuadEntry when I started digging into Clutter, which is one of the nifty projects coming out of OpenedHand, my new employer. Since being able to use the QuadEntry as a virtual keyboard for clutter depends on a more capable event handling and filtering system in Clutter I'll let the actual publishing of the sources wait until it builds without some hacky changes to Clutter itself.

At mobilecamp in Lodon I met the CEO of tikilabs which is a company based on a similar input method concept.

Syndicated 2007-10-01 11:17:06 from codecave.org

Sources of lost in time liberated

Moments lost in time, like tears in the rain. was first exhibited in november 2005 the collection of four interactive video installations was first exhibited at Galleri Barbara Hansen in Oslo. The exhibit consisted of four works, now by then, deja-vu, ghost mirror and recursive subdivision. Now by then was also shown at the shown SIGGRAPH art gallery in 2006.

Still of

When I pondered whether it would be possible to finance some of the equipment and materials needed for the original exhibition I also desired the code and underlying code logic to be reusable by myself and others in other projects. The result was a discount scheme based sales model, where licenses that I hope increase the chances of myself seeing new and interesting derivative work that I will both have the ability to study and elaborate on.

For an Digitale Spor an outdoor art track in Bergen January 2006 various digital art works were desired. I was contact about the possibility of having works from lost in time be part of the exhibition. The Media Centre at Bergen University College chose to option of paying to liberate the sources under GPL which had the largest discount of the full price (90% discount). You can now download the source and compile, play, experiment and perhaps tinker with the code creating new interesting things.

The installations are written using gggl as the graph based processing engine. At the moment GEGL does not perform well enough to drive the installations in real time, I do however at some point plan to port now by then to be a plug-in for GEGL that exercises and pushes the envelope for the caching infrastructure further.

Syndicated 2007-08-08 18:27:16 from codecave.org

buu and suspend

Earlier this week I did a fresh reinstall of Ubuntu Edgy Eft on my lenovo T60 to see if some suspend issues I had had with the dist-upgraded one would go away - those issues only did go away after pursuing information on ThinkWiki, that told me to set POST_VIDEO= in /etc/default/acpi-support (the real issue is in the ATI driver.).

Another intervention on top of the default install that I need is a way to use my mobile phone as a modem with my flatrate GPRS/3G subscription. Since NetWork manager doesn't support this yet, I made a small shell script buu which maintains my uplink when running in a terminal.

Syndicated 2007-06-24 20:22:58 from codecave.org


I've been experimenting with a data set visualization concept that acts like a visualisation of a bubble-sort. At the moment my plans and ideas for this thing far exceed the fragile proof of concept prototype I've got.

The simulation engine still needs a lot of performance and stability improvements, and then more interesting possibilities can be explored.

Based on my early experiments with this concepts it seems like it can evolve into useful interfaces for selecting items, exploring data sets with different sorting constraints applied. Interaction methods directed at making CBIR exploration of databases efficient as well as a combined filemanager/media viewer.

GIF screencapture.

Syndicated 2007-04-09 23:31:21 from codecave.org

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