Older blog entries for pal (starting at number 12)

Recovering slowly from the party we had at eMinds...

It sure was alot of fun, and many people showed up.

Today I have to finish some more test-programs for Handelsbanken, and then I'm going back there tomorrow to show 'em what I got.

But first I have to finish that swedish translation of gnu.org that I'm working on...


The new assignment I'm working on over at the swedish bank Handelsbanken is really something.

Well, maybe not so much the actual project, but the size of that organization is unbelievable! I guess I'm not supposed to talk to you about it, but take my word for it, they are plenty.

Anyhows. eMinds is having a party for colleagues and clients this friday. Should be fun.

Hey! Know swedish? Go ahead then and visit www.pussokram.com, 'cau se it was just re-released today by two great friends of mine, Michael "mums" Lokner and Christian "kribb" Wilsson. Make them rich now. :)

No time left for Roomba, maybe later. I've asked my brother Oskar to join me developing it, so that might speed things up a bit.

Gotta go, have a lot of stuff to finish up for Handelsbanken, and also I have to cut my hair, and get nicely dressed and stuff, 'cause today is valentines day, and Ida and I are going out to eat at Sjögräs, and I need to look proper. :)

Have a great one!

So, we have moved! Me and Ida moved a little closer to Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm, just 25 meters away now! :)

We have had around 15-20 degrees celsius here the last few days... And I'm not talking on the plus side... Ooohhh, really cold weather to go moving in...

Roomba is on the move, with a few sections semi-working, such as customerlist, room administration, and the booking section is just starting out. We can view bookings, but not add/edit/delete yet.

I also got a new assignment at work. I'm going to help Handelsbanken (major swedish bank) with their next- generation banking system. I will start this week with workshops to decide upon what technology to use for the frontend, which is the part I'm helping out with.

My brother Åke has moved in to my and Ida's old apartement, he will probably repaint next weekend, much as I'm taking a break from doing to write this.

Well, gotta get back to 'work'... I'm working in the bedroom now, hope to have it done in time for tonight, then I hope to have time to repaint the kitchen this week also. Wish me luck! :)

Well, I was finally able to setup my first project in CVS. Feels nice. :)

Now, all I need is time to code the thing, and then all should be well!

I realized that the old code I had, wasn't hardly worth the electrons it wasted on my drive, so I will rewrite from scratch, once again. Ah, the joy of learning!

Gotta go back now, and I also have to take care of Ida, who is not feeling good at all today...

See you later!

3 Jan 2001 (updated 3 Jan 2001 at 14:29 UTC) »

Back with the living again.

I'm a bit frustrated right now. Can't get my account at SourceForge to work, and I really want to get started using their service to develop Roomba. Just can't log in via SSH. Anybody reading this has any clues, please let me know. pal at eminds dot se is the adress I use.

Oh well. If I can't get it to work now, that's probably a good sign that I shouldn't get dependant upon their service...

I don't have the patience, right now to hyperlink this for you right now. Maybe later.

So, I made it past christmas!

I got a really nice one-man sofa (!?) from Ida, and from mom and dad I got a DVD-player, Åke and Oskar had the good taste to give me some missing parts for my bar. :)

I just got the details for my project- hosting at SourceForge, so I will transfer files to that CVS- server as soon as I get home again, I.E. January 3.

Keep it real... or something rather.

22 Dec 2000 (updated 28 Dec 2000 at 18:16 UTC) »

Hi there folks.

Damn, I missed a day. I was at Ida's parents place last night, and I didn't access a computer all day.

Well, so far no more development on Roomba has taken place, still waiting for the guys at sourceforge to set up my project there... Oh, the long wait... I need that CVS server!

I'm going out xmas-shopping for some LATE minute shopping now with Oskar, talk to you guys later!

Getting real close to christmas now! Today was really cold, and we saw the first signs of something resembling winter today; frost.

Been out getting some last minute gifts, now I've got to take care of some wheelin'n'dealin' with my insurance companies (notice the use of the plural form of the word, it's a mess).

My CK watch broke yesterday, 20 minutes after the store closes. The warranty's last day was yesterday. Yippie! It's like something you joke about, but it really happened. Well, I managed to sweet-talk them in to let me repair it using the warranty anohow, so it's no big deal.

I also have to get reimbursed for my other watch that I lost. Just reported it lost, let's see if I did the right thing paying that insurance all those years...

And to top it all off, I broke my brand-spanking new Palm Vx when I was sailing in the British Virging Islands... I dropped my 1.75 liters (~ 0.6 US gallons I think) glass bottle of Bacardi Rum straight on the screen. Ouch. That's got to hurt. Will I ever get a new one? I feel handicapped without it, had to go back to my half-working Palm Personal from the stoneages...

Ah, Åke & Simon each bought a PlayStation 2 the other day. We set up Simon's at our place in Stockholm, and played away for quite some time, some game called Dynasty Warriors 2 or something. Those games are really impressive, graphics- wise. Wow. Sadly enough we didn't buy a memorycard. Big mistake. I went out today and got one for Simon, it's a must (like we say it in sweden, that is).

Took a look at Microsoft's Encarta today at a computerstore. Say what you will about them, but that's one cool application. I asked the MS sales persen when they will release it under the GPL, and he just started foaming. Too bad, I'd download it for GNU/Linux anyday. :)

Well, gotta wrap some of these things around me up for gifts now, see all of you later.

19 Dec 2000 (updated 20 Dec 2000 at 09:06 UTC) »

Ah, the sweet hate-love relationship between my Solo 9300 and GNU/Linux... Just can't seem to get it to work with the network card..

Just went out and bought me a new one, some semi-noname kind named 'Apollo'. Oh well, maybe this will work.

Just gotta get a newer release of XFree86 that supports my ATI Rage Mobility as well if I want to run X.

Off once again then to the PCMCIA Card Services homepage, it's gotta be sad that I know that URL by heart... ;)

Can't waste any more time now (waste = time not spent getting GNU/Linux working on my Solo...) on this, gotta go!


Reading up on my Java skills today, going good.

I will try to get my current setup to work as I had planned it to, as well as setting up Apache, resin and ant.

I'm also working on getting my soundcard working, as well as continued work on Roomba.

Well, gotta get that card working now, see ya!

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