Recent blog entries for oubiwann

10 Jul 2015 (updated 10 Jul 2015 at 22:07 UTC) »

Mastering matplotlib: Acknowledgments

The Book

Well, after nine months of hard work, the book is finally out! It's available both on Packt's site and Getting up early every morning to write takes a lot of discipline, it takes even more to say "no" to enticing rabbit holes or herds of Yak with luxurious coats ripe for shaving ... (truth be told, I still did a bit of that).

The team I worked with at Packt was just amazing. Highly professional and deeply supportive, they were a complete pleasure with which to collaborate. It was the best experience I could have hoped for. Thanks, guys!

The technical reviewers for the book were just fantastic. I've stated elsewhere that my one regret was that the process with the reviewers did not have a tighter feedback loop. I would have really enjoyed collaborating with them from the beginning so that some of their really good ideas could have been integrated into the book. Regardless, their feedback as I got it later in the process helped make this book more approachable by readers, more consistent, and more accurate. The reviewers have bios at the beginning of the book -- read them, and look them up! These folks are all amazing!

The one thing that slipped in the final crunch was the acknowledgements, and I hope to make up for that here, as well as through various emails to everyone who provided their support, either directly or indirectly.


The first two folks I reached out to when starting the book were both physics professors who had published very nice matplotlib problems -- one set for undergraduate students and another from work at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. I asked for their permission to adapt these problems to the API chapter, and they graciously granted it. What followed were some very nice conversations about matplotlib, programming, physics, education, and publishing. Thanks to Professor Alan DeWeerd, University of Redlands and Professor Jonathan W. Keohane, Hampden Sydney College. Note that Dr. Keohane has a book coming out in the fall from Yale University Press entitled Classical Electrodynamics -- it will contain examples in matplotlib.

Other examples adapted for use in the API chapter included one by Professor David Bailey, University of Toronto. Though his example didn't make it into the book, it gets full coverage in the Chapter 3 IPython notebook.

For one of the EM examples I needed to derive a particular equation for an electromagnetic field in two wires traveling in opposite directions. It's been nearly 20 years since my post-Army college physics, so I was very grateful for the existence and excellence of SymPy which enabled me to check my work with its symbolic computations. A special thanks to the SymPy creators and maintainers.

Please note that if there are errors in the equations, they are my fault! Not that of the esteemed professors or of SymPy :-)

Many of the examples throughout the book were derived from work done by the matplotlib and Seaborn contributors. The work they have done on the documentation in the past 10 years has been amazing -- the community is truly lucky to have such resources at their fingertips.

In particular, Benjamin Root is an astounding community supporter on the matplotlib mail list, helping users of every level with all of their needs. Benjamin and I had several very nice email exchanges during the writing of this book, and he provided some excellent pointers, as he was finishing his own title for Packt: Interactive Applications Using Matplotlib. It was geophysicist and matplotlib savant Joe Kington who originally put us in touch, and I'd like to thank Joe -- on everyone's behalf -- for his amazing answers to matplotlib and related questions on StackOverflow. Joe inspired many changes and adjustments in the sample code for this book. In fact, I had originally intended to feature his work in the chapter on advanced customization (but ran out of space), since Joe has one of the best examples out there for matplotlib transforms. If you don't believe me, check out his work on stereonets. There are many of us who hope that Joe will be authoring his own matplotlib book in the future ...

Olga Botvinnik, a contributor to Seaborn and PhD candidate at UC San Diego (and BioEng/Math double major at MIT), provided fantastic support for my Seaborn questions. Her knowledge, skills, and spirit of open source will help build the community around Seaborn in the years to come. Thanks, Olga!

While on the topic of matplotlib contributors, I'd like to give a special thanks to John Hunter for his inspiration, hard work, and passionate contributions which made matplotlib a reality. My deepest condolences to his family and friends for their tremendous loss.

Quite possibly the tool that had the single-greatest impact on the authoring of this book was IPython and its notebook feature. This brought back all the best memories from using Mathematica in school. Combined with the Python programming language, I can't imagine a better platform for collaborating on math-related problems or producing teaching materials for the same. These compliments are not limited to the user experience, either: the new architecture using ZeroMQ is a work of art. Nicely done, IPython community! The IPython notebook index for the book is available in the book's Github org here.

In Chapters 7 and 8 I encountered a bit of a crisis when trying to work with Python 3 in cloud environments. What was almost a disaster ended up being rescued by the work that Barry Warsaw and the rest of the Ubuntu team did in Ubuntu 15.04, getting Python 3.4.2 into the release and available on Amazon EC2. You guys saved my bacon!

Chapter 7's fictional case study examining the Landsat 8 data for part of Greenland was based on one of Milos Miljkovic's tutorials from PyData 2014, "Analyzing Satellite Images With Python Scientific Stack". I hope readers have just as much fun working with satellite data as I did. Huge thanks to NASA, USGS, the Landsat 8 teams, and the EROS facility in Sioux Falls, SD.

My favourite section in Chapter 8 was the one on HDF5. This was greatly inspired by Yves Hilpisch's presentation "Out-of-Memory Data Analytics with Python". Many thanks to Yves for putting that together and sharing with the world. We should all be doing more with HDF5.

Finally, and this almost goes without saying, the work that the Python community has done to create Python 3 has been just phenomenal. Guido's vision for the evolution of the language, combined with the efforts of the community, have made something great. I had more fun working on Python 3 than I have had in many years.

Syndicated 2015-07-10 17:31:00 (Updated 2015-07-10 21:35:53) from Duncan McGreggor

1 Jan 2015 (updated 5 Jun 2015 at 15:14 UTC) »

Scientific Computing and the Joy of Language Interop

The scientific computing platform for Erlang/LFE has just been announced on the LFE blog. Though written in the Erlang Lisp syntax of LFE, it's fully usable from pure Erlang. It wraps the new py library for Erlang/LFE, as well as the ErlPort project. More importantly, though, it wraps Python 3 libs (e.g., math, cmath, statistics, and more to come) and the ever-eminent NumPy and SciPy projects (those are in-progress, with matplotlib and others to follow).

(That LFE blog post is actually a tutorial on how to use lsci for performing polynomial curve-fitting and linear regression, adapted from the previous post on Hy doing the same.)

With the release of lsci, one can now start to easily and efficiently perform computationally intensive calculations in Erlang/LFE (and any other Erlang Core-compatible language, e.g., Elixir, Joxa, etc.) That's super-cool, but it's not quite the point ...

While working on lsci, I found myself experiencing a great deal of joy. It wasn't just the fact that supervision trees in a programming language are insanely great. Nor just the fact that scientific computing in Python is one of the best in any language. It wasn't only being able to use two syntaxes that I love (LFE and Python) cohesively, in the same project. And it wasn't the sum of these either -- you probably see where I'm going with this ;-) The joy of these and many other fantastic aspects of inter-operation between multiple powerful computing systems is truly greater than the sum of its parts.

I've done a bunch of Julia lately and am a huge fan of this language as well. One of the things that Julia provides is explicit interop with Python. Julia is targeted at the world of scientific computing, aiming to be a compelling alternative to Fortran (hurray!), so their recognition of the enormous contribution the Python scientific computing community has made to the industry is quite wonderful to see.

A year or so ago I did some work with Clojure and LFE using Erlang's JInterface. Around the same time I was using LFE on top of  Erjang, calling directly into Java without JInterface. This is the same sort of Joy that users of Jython have, and there are many more examples of languages and tools working to take advantage of the massive resources available in the computing community.

Obviously, language inter-op is not new. Various FFIs have existed for quite some time (I'm a big fan of the Common Lisp CFFI), but what is new (relatively, that is ... as I age, anything in the past 10 years is new) is that we are seeing this not just for programs reaching down into C/C++, but reaching across, to other higher-level languages, taking advantage of their great achievements -- without having to reinvent so many wheels.

When this level of cooperation, credit, etc., is done in the spirit of openness, peer-review, code-reuse, and standing on the shoulders of giants (or enough people to make giants!), we get joy. Beautiful, wonderful coding joy.

And it's so much greater than the sum of the parts :-)

Syndicated 2015-01-01 20:56:00 (Updated 2015-06-05 14:53:39) from Duncan McGreggor

Improved Python Support in Erlang/LFE

The previous post on Python support in Erlang/LFE made Hacker News this week, climbing in fits and starts to #19 on the front page. That resulted in the biggest spike this blog has seen in several months.

It's a shame, in a way, since it came a few days too early: there's a new library out for the Erlang VM (written in LFE) which makes it much easier to use Python from Erlang (the language from Sweden that's famous for impressing both your mum and your cats).

The library is simply called py. It's a wrapper for ErlPort, providing improved usability for Python-specific code as well as an Erlang process supervision tree for the ErlPort Python server. It has an extensive README that not only does the usual examples with LFE, but gives a full accounting of usage in the more common Prolog-inspired syntax Erlang. The LFE Blog has a new post with code examples as well as a demonstration of the py supervision tree (e.g., killing Python server processes and having them restart automatically) which hasn't actually made it into the README yet -- so get it while it's hot!

The most exciting bits are yet to come: there are open tickets for:
  • work on multiple Python server processes
  • scheduling code execution to these, and
  • full Python distribution infrastructure with parallel execution.
This could drastically change the picture for compute-intensive tasks in Erlang, Elixir, LFE, and Joxa. The Erlang VM was never intended to excel at the sort of problems that Python has traditionally focused on... yet it provides the sort of infrastructure that the Python community has been agonizing over for more than a decade. For Pythonistas, this may not be a very big deal ... but for the Erlang and functional programming communities, the LFE py project could be a life-saver for any number of projects which need easy-access to the strengths of Python.

Syndicated 2014-12-28 01:05:00 (Updated 2014-12-28 01:09:34) from Duncan McGreggor

28 Nov 2014 (updated 28 Nov 2014 at 20:13 UTC) »

Scientific Computing with Hy and IPython

This blog post is a bit different than other technical posts I've done in the past in that the majority of the content is not on the blog in or gists; instead, it is in an IPython notebook. Having adored Mathematica back in the 90s, you can imagine how much I love the IPython Notebook app. I'll have more to say on that at a future date.

I've been doing a great deal of NumPy and matplotlib again lately, every day for hours a day. In conjunction with the new features in Python 3, this has been quite a lot of fun -- the most fun I've had with Python in years (thanks Guido, et al!). As you might have guessed, I'm also using it with Erlang (specifically, LFE), but that too is for a post yet to come.

With all this matplotlib and numpy work in standard Python, I've been going through Lisp withdrawals and needed to work with it from a fresh perspective. Needless to say, I had an enormous amount of fun doing this. Naturally, I decided to share with folks how one can do the latest and greatest with the tools of Python scientific computing, but in the syntax of the Python community's best kept secret: Clojure-Flavoured Python (Github, Twitter, Wikipedia).

Spoiler: observed data and
polynomial curve fitting
Looking about for ideas, I decided to see what Clojure's Incanter project had for tutorials, and immediately found what I was looking for: Linear regression with higher-order terms, a 2009 post by David Edgar Liebke.

Nearly every cell in the tutorial notebook is in Hy, and for that we owe a huge thanks to yardsale8 for his Hy IPython magics code. For those that love Python and Lisp equally, who are familiar with the ecosystems' tools, Hy offers a wonderful option for being highly productive with a language supporting Lisp- and Clojure-style macros. You can get your work done, have a great time doing it, and let that inner code artist out!

(In fact, I've started writing a macro for one of the examples in the tutorial, offering a more Lisp-like syntax for creating class methods. We'll see what Paul Tagliamonte has to say about it when it's done ... !)

If you want to check out the notebook code and run it locally, just do the following:

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