Older blog entries for mones (starting at number 104)

Nice surprise

Absorbed like I was with the task of finishing the university project (see previous post), I did not even realized a little patch I have done to fix an untranslated string in dblatex was finally accepted some months ago!

Since the parameter name is different (and admittedly a better name) from my proposal, to keep the project generating a proper document I will have to make some change, a thing I wasn't expecting to do after having presented it :-).

Syndicated 2017-03-25 13:08:32 from Ricardo Mones


Somewhat tired and, later, busy with work, I didn't find time to write about it, but for completing the previous post, I'm doing it now. So, let's go back to January 20th...

Past couple of weeks have been somewhat stressing, as expected: after printing the books, had to bind them, deposit the books in the alumni section and pay the corresponding tuition fee. Later had to remind them that this was a project under a confidentiality arrange and had to inform the review committee about that.

Finishing the slides was another stressing factor. Today I was still changing minor things. Of course I didn't even try to do some presentation test... no time for that. Lose some time setting up nodejs for playing the slides with work's laptop, because mine doesn't have VGA output and my suspects (later confirmed) were University projector was not going to have anything more modern.

Today I choose the wrong room, but later discovered that the room I was assigned was taken by some other group (!) so I've had little choice. Despite arriving earlier I spent most of the time fighting with the projector, which refused to detect my work laptop. After the committee arrival they talked to the other group and we swapped rooms. The projector worked fine in this one, and the presentation could be done. There was more questions than I was expecting, but after finishing and some minutes of waiting the desired result was announced.

Next week I requested the official title in the alumni section, though I could do this by email, but not without paying yet another fee, of course. In this country titles are taking 6 months to be delivered, as they come from the Ministry of Education¹, so no more news are expected until summer.

So, finally, I'm now a Computer Science Engineer ;-)

¹ Why printing a colour A3 sized title takes six months is still a mystery to me. Anyway by the time I got my BSc title (+20 years ago) they were taking years, so this is definitely an improvement.

Syndicated 2017-02-11 15:12:27 from Ricardo Mones

This is how 2 years of work look...

...after printing it for submission in triplicate:
Three copies of MSc project next to a x260 laptop

At least this was somewhat cheap (34.80 euros) because it's printed black and white. Printing in colour was prohibitive.

Next step: bind them in a dark blue hard-cover with golden letters :-)

Syndicated 2017-01-12 00:10:11 from Ricardo Mones

10 years of clawsker!

Today on #claws irc channel some conversation derailed into talking about hidden preferences (of Claws Mail) and clawsker's name, the Perl applet which can help you to edit them.

First name was not clawsker, it was a more like Sylpheed Claws Hidden Preferences Editor, which I of course abbreviated to the unspeakable schpe — unless you know German, I guess… ;-)

Looking for the initial script, it turned out it's still on my hard disc:

$ tree -Ds claws/dev/oldscripts/schpe/
├── [ 4096 Sep 3 2006] mock
│   ├── [ 24456 Sep 3 2006] schpe.glade
│   ├── [ 24456 Sep 3 2006] schpe.glade.bak
│   ├── [ 315 Sep 3 2006] schpe.gladep
│   └── [ 315 Sep 3 2006] schpe.gladep.bak
└── [ 1160 Aug 22 2006] schpe

1 directory, 5 files

Notice it's dated just 10 years and 1 day ago, yay!

That version wasn't even functional, was just a skeleton and an attempt to made a GTK+ GUI with Glade, which, by that time wasn't as good as probably is today (although I've never used it again).

Fortunately that idea was abandoned in the following months and the first release in 2007 enjoyed a hand-made GUI, probably more laborious but better suited, IMHO.

Syndicated 2016-08-23 16:49:33 from Ricardo Mones

I'd love to…

undo all bugs I'd been sneakily making along the years…

But some people call them features ;-)

Syndicated 2016-08-22 12:10:11 from Ricardo Mones

Another target reached

Just sent v0.95 of my project for review. Was nothing previously set, I simply continued writing, expanding and fixing things, with the hope of completing something… it's not fully completed, but sending it for review reduces some pressure at least.

And after tagging it then noticed:

$ git rev-list --all --count

So, yeah, that's 600 commits since the beginning in all branches.

If I had planned it I would have failed miserably to get such exact count ;-)

Syndicated 2016-05-09 23:32:18 from Ricardo Mones

Maximum number of clients reached Error: Can't open display: :0

Today it happened again: you try to open some program and nothing happens. Go to an open terminal, try again and it answers with the above message. Other days I used to reboot the session, but that's something I don't really think should be necessary.

First thought about X gone mad, but this one seems pretty well behaved:

$ lsof -p `pidof Xorg` | wc -l

Then noticed I had a long running chromium process (a jQuery page monitoring a remote service) so tried this one as well:

$ for a in `pidof chromium`; do echo "$a "`lsof -p $a | wc -l`; done
27914 5
26462 5
25350 5
24693 5
23378 5
22723 5
22165 5
21476 222
21474 1176
21443 5
21441 204
21435 546
11644 5
11626 5
11587 5
11461 5
11361 5
9833 5
9726 5

Wow, I'd bet you can guess next command ;-)

$ kill -9 21435 21441 21474 21476

This of course wiped out all chromium processes, but also fixed the problem. Suggestions for selective chromium killing welcome! But I'd better like to know why those files are not properly closed. Just relaunching chromium to write this post yields:

$ for a in `pidof chromium`; do echo "$a "`lsof -p $a | wc -l`; done
11919 5
11848 222
11841 432
11815 5
11813 204
11807 398

Which looks a bit exaggerated to me :-(

Syndicated 2016-04-25 08:20:38 from Ricardo Mones

Oneliner for today

Unfortunately I'm still busy trying to finish the documentation of my M.Sc. project. This one was built after several attempts to convert the tables for the use case descriptions spread through several AsciiDoc files into a list of 3rd level titles joining both the use case Id and title (and some dummy content to keep the processor happy):

grep --after-context=1 '^|Identificador' "$a" *_cu_*.txt 
| cut -f3 -d\| 
| sed 's,^--$,,;s,^\+,,' 
| sed ':a;N;$!ba;s,\n\n,\n,g' 
| sed ':a;N;$!ba;s,\+\n,~,g' 
| awk -F~ '{print $1 " ``"$2"\47\47"}' 
| perl -n -e '
use open qw(:std :utf8);
chomp; $n = length;
print "$_\n" . "^" x $n . "\n\nLorem ipsum...\n\n";

Imagine it all in one single line, of course. It's an awful beast, but it worked!

It required several visits to google to know how to properly replace newlines with sed, how to print single quotes with awk and how to make perl's lenght function behave as desired with UTF-8 input, though I was already aware of this one ;-)

Syndicated 2016-01-10 20:28:45 from Ricardo Mones

New router, worse router

Our internet overlord TeleCable has decided to upgrade the hardware they had installed at home (the old Motorola SURFboard SB5101E) to something new, supporting DOCSIS 3.0, so they can happily say all their customers enjoy 100 MBps download rates. Not checked this fact yet, though.

The hardware of choice (I wonder who choose it) is a Cisco EPC3925, which comes also with Wi-Fi, so I decided to shut down my Linksys WRT54GL, for saving some electricity and enjoy the faster Wi-Fi (N in the Cisco vs G in the Linksys).

Unfortunately the EPC3925 doesn't like machines with static IP addresses on the network and was unable to route between two of them using the wired ports. Strangely both machines were reachable when accessed from a third machine connected to the wireless network with static address too (!).

After struggling for a whole afternoon with it (even reformatted the SD card of one of the machines thinking it could be the problem) I gave up using static addresses and just solved it the other way around:

  • Reconfigure the whole set of machines with static addresses to use DHCP instead

  • Watch the machines to pop up in the router's client list as they connected to the network and write down their MAC address

  • Configure the router DHCP server to give a determined address to each machine MAC

This way they still have a fixed address but now the router is capable to route traffic among them. While I was at it I decided to collect the MACs of the devices which had no fixed address (TV, Wii, Smartphone) and give them an address, so now with a simple ping I can now check if they're on or off :-) (before I had to nmap the whole /24 segment to be able to identify the machines).

Anyway, despite it works mostly OK now I'm still not liking it much. Clearly it's a substandard device (each time you expand the DHCP address range every other DHCP configuration is lost!), and who knows what other surprises it hides. For now it has entered the while it works, don't touch it category, but I don't expect it to last as longer as the Linksys.

Syndicated 2015-08-07 16:28:01 from Ricardo Mones

Are we there yet?

Not really, but next release is very near ;-)

Syndicated 2015-07-11 14:20:16 from Ricardo Mones

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