Older blog entries for mjg59 (starting at number 402)

Mozilla and leadership

A post I wrote back in 2012 got linked from a couple of the discussions relating to Brendan Eich being appointed Mozilla CEO. The tldr version is "If members of your community doesn't trust their leader socially, the leader's technical competence is irrelevant". That seems to have played out here.

In terms of background[1]: in 2008, Brendan donated money to the campaign for Proposition 8, a Californian constitutional amendment that expressly defined marriage as being between one man and one woman[2]. Both before and after that he had donated money to a variety of politicians who shared many political positions, including the definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman[3].

Mozilla is an interesting organisation. It consists of the for-profit Mozilla Corporation, which is wholly owned by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation. The Corporation's bylaws require it to work to further the Foundation's goals, and any profit is reinvested in Mozilla. Mozilla developers are employed by the Corporation rather than the Foundation, and as such the CEO is responsible for ensuring that those developers are able to achieve those goals.

The Mozilla Manifesto discusses individual liberty in the context of use of the internet, not in a wider social context. Brendan's appointment was very much in line with the explicit aims of both the Foundation and the Corporation - whatever his views on marriage equality, nobody has seriously argued about his commitment to improving internet freedom. So, from that perspective, he should have been a fine choice.

But that ignores the effect on the wider community. People don't attach themselves to communities merely because of explicitly stated goals - they do so because they feel that the community is aligned with their overall aims. The Mozilla community is one of the most diverse in free software, at least in part because Mozilla's stated goals and behaviour are fairly inspirational. People who identify themselves with other movements backing individual liberties are likely to identify with Mozilla. So, unsurprisingly, there's a large number of socially progressive individuals (LGBT or otherwise) in the Mozilla community, both inside and outside the Corporation.

A CEO who's donated money to strip rights[4] from a set of humans will not be trusted by many who believe that all humans should have those rights. It's not just limited to individuals directly affected by his actions - if someone's shown that they're willing to strip rights from another minority for political or religious reasons, what's to stop them attempting to do the same to you? Even if you personally feel safe, do you trust someone who's willing to do that to your friends? In a community that's made up of many who are either LGBT or identify themselves as allies, that loss of trust is inevitably going to cause community discomfort.

The first role of a leader should be to manage that. Instead, in the first few days of Brendan's leadership, we heard nothing of substance - at best, an apology for pain being caused rather than an apology for the act that caused the pain. And then there was an interview which demonstrated remarkable tone deafness. He made no attempt to alleviate the concerns of the community. There were repeated non-sequiturs about Indonesia. It sounded like he had no idea at all why the community that he was now leading was unhappy.

And, today, he resigned. It's easy to get into hypotheticals - could he have compromised his principles for the sake of Mozilla? Would an initial discussion of the distinction between the goals of members of the Mozilla community and the goals of Mozilla itself have made this more palatable? If the board had known this would happen, would they have made the same choice - and if they didn't know, why not?

But that's not the real point. The point is that the community didn't trust Brendan, and Brendan chose to leave rather than do further harm to the community. Trustworthy leadership is important. Communities should reflect on whether their leadership reflects not only their beliefs, but the beliefs of those that they would like to join the community. Fail to do so and you'll drive them away instead.

[1] For people who've been living under a rock
[2] Proposition 8 itself was a response to an ongoing court case that, at the point of Proposition 8 being proposed, appeared likely to support the overturning of Proposition 22, an earlier Californian ballot measure that legally (rather than constitutionally) defined marriage as being between one man and one woman. Proposition 22 was overturned, and for a few months before Proposition 8 passed, gay marriage was legal in California.
[3] http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/apr/02/controversial-mozilla-ceo-made-donations-right-wing-candidates-brendan-eich
[4] Brendan made a donation on October 25th, 2008. This postdates the overturning of Proposition 22, and as such gay marriage was legal in California at the time of this donation. Donating to Proposition 8 at that point was not about supporting the status quo, it was about changing the constitution to forbid something that courts had found was protected by the state constitution.

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Syndicated 2014-04-03 22:42:26 from Matthew Garrett

What free software means to me

I was awarded the Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free Software this weekend[1]. I'd been given some forewarning, and I spent a bunch of that time thinking about how free software had influenced my life. It turns out that it's a lot.

I spent most of the 90s growing up in an environment that was rather more interested in cattle than in computers, and had very little internet access during that time. My entire knowledge of the wider free software community came from a couple of CDs that contained a copy of the jargon file, the source code to the entire GNU project and an early copy of the m68k Linux kernel.

But that was enough. Before I'd even got to university, I knew what free software was. I'd had the opportunity to teach myself how an operating system actually worked. I'd seen the benefits of being able to modify software and share those modifications with others. I met other people with the same interests. I ended up with a job writing free software and collaborating with others on integrating it with upstream code. And, from there, I became more and more involved with a wider range of free software communities, finding an increasing number of opportunities to help make changes that benefited both me and others.

Without free software I'd have started years later. I'd have lost the opportunity to collaborate with people spread over the entire world. My first job would have looked very different, as would my entire career since then. Without free software, almost everything I've achieved in my adult life would have been impossible.

To me, free software means I've lived a significantly better life than would otherwise have been the case. But more than that, it means doing what I can to make sure that other people have the same opportunities. I am here because of the work of others. The most rewarding part of my continued involvement is the knowledge that I am part of a countless number of people working to make sure that others can tell the same story in future.

[1] I'd link to the actual press release, but it contains possibly the worst photograph of me in the entire history of the universe

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Syndicated 2014-03-24 04:28:28 from Matthew Garrett

Dealing with Apple ACPI issues

I wrote about Thunderbolt on Apple hardware a while ago. Since then Andreas Noever has somehow managed to write a working Thunderbolt stack, which awesome! But there was still the problem I mentioned of the device not appearing unless you passed acpi_osi="Darwin" on the kernel command line, and a further problem that if you suspended and then resumed it vanished again.

The ACPI _OSI interface is a mechanism for the firmware to determine the OS that the system is running. It turns out that this works fine for operating systems that export fairly static interfaces (Windows, which adds a new _OSI per release) and poorly for operating systems that don't even guarantee any kind of interface stability in security releases (Linux, which claimed to be "Linux" regardless of version until we turned that off). OS X claims to be Darwin and nothing else. As I mentioned before, claiming to be Darwin in addition to Windows was enough to get the Thunderbolt hardware to stay alive after boot, but it wasn't enough to get it powered up again after suspend.

It turns out that there's two sections of ACPI code where this Mac checks _OSI. The first is something like:

if (_OSI("Darwin")) Store 0x2710 OSYS; else if(_OSI("Windows 2009") Store 0x7D9 OSYS; else…

ie, if the OS claims to be Darwin, all other strings are ignored. This is called from \_SB._INI(), which is the first ACPI method the kernel executes. The check for whether to power down the Thunderbolt controller occurs after this and then works correctly.

The second version is less helpful. It's more like:

if (_OSI("Darwin")) Store 0x2710 OSYS; if (_OSI("Windows 2009")) Store 0x7D9 OSYS; if…

ie, if the OS claims to be both Darwin and Windows 2009 (which Linux will if you pass acpi_osi="Darwin"), the OSYS variable gets set to the Windows 2009 value. This version gets called during PCI initialisation, and once it's run all the other Thunderbolt ACPI calls stop doing anything and the controller gets powered down after suspend/resume. That can be fixed easily enough by special casing Darwin. If the platform requests Darwin before anything else, we'll just stop claiming to be Windows.

Phew. Working Thunderbolt! (Well, almost - _OSC fails and so we disable PCIe hotplug, but that's easy to work around). But boo, no working battery. Apple do something very strange with their ACPI battery interface. If you're running anything that doesn't claim to be Darwin, Apple expose an ACPI Control Method battery. Control Method interfaces abstract the complexity away into either ACPI bytecode or system management traps - the OS simply calls an ACPI method, magic happens and it gets an answer back. If you claim to be Darwin, Apple remove that interface and instead expose the raw ACPI Smart Battery System interface. This provides an i2c bus over which the OS must then speak the Smart Battery System protocol, allowing it to directly communicate with the battery.

Linux has support for this, but it seems that this wasn't working so well and hadn't been for years. Loading the driver resulted in modprobe hanging until a timeout occurred, and most accesses to the battery would (a) take forever and (b) probably fail. It also had the nasty habit of breaking suspend and resume, which was unfortunate since getting Thunderbolt working over suspend and resume was the whole point of this exercise.

So. I modified the sbs driver to dump every command it sent over the i2c bus and every response it got. Pretty quickly I found that the failing operation was a write - specifically, a write used to select which battery should be connected to the bus. Interestingly, Apple implemented their Control Method interface by just using ACPI bytecode to speak the SBS protocol. Looking at the code in question showed that they never issued any writes, and the battery worked fine anyway. So why were we writing? SBS provides a command to tell you the current state of the battery subsystem, including which battery (out of a maximum of 4) is currently selected. Unsurprisingly, calling this showed that the battery we wanted to talk to was already selected. We then asked the SBS manager to select it anyway, and the manager promptly fell off the bus and stopped talking to us. In keeping with the maxim of "If hardware complains when we do something, and if we don't really need to do that, don't do that", this makes it work.

Working Thunderbolt and working battery. We're even getting close to getting switchable GPU support working reasonably, which is probably just going to involve rewriting the entirety of fbcon or something similarly amusing.

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Syndicated 2014-03-12 20:18:51 from Matthew Garrett

The simple things in life

I've spent a while trying to make GPU switching work more reliably on Apple hardware, and got to the point where my Retina MBP now comes up with X running on Intel regardless of what the firmware wanted to do (test patches here. But in the process I'd introduced an additional GPU switch which added another layer of flicker to the boot process. I spent some time staring at driver code and poking registers trying to figure out how I could let i915 probe EDID from the panel without switching the display over and made no progress at all.

And then I realised that nouveau already has all the information that i915 wants, and maybe we could just have the Switcheroo code hand that over instead of forcing i915 to probe again. Sigh.

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Syndicated 2014-03-10 03:53:13 from Matthew Garrett

The importance of a community-focused mindset

Piston, an Openstack-in-a-box vendor[1] are a sponsor of the Red Hat[2] Summit this year. Last week they briefly ceased to be for no publicly stated reason, although it's been sugggested that this was in response to Piston winning a contract that Red Hat was also bidding on. This situation didn't last for long - Red Hat's CTO tweeted that this was an error and that Red Hat would pay Piston's sponsorship fee for them.

To Red Hat's credit, having the CTO immediately and publicly accept responsibility and offer reparations seems like the best thing they could possibly do in the situation and demonstrates that there are members of senior management who clearly understand the importance of community collaboration to Red Hat's success. But that leaves open the question of how this happened in the first place.

Red Hat is big on collaboration. Workers get copies of the Red Hat Brand Book, an amazingly well-written description of how Red Hat depends on the wider community. New hire induction sessions stress the importance of open source and collaboration. Red Hat staff are at the heart of many vital free software projects. As far as fundamentally Getting It is concerned, Red Hat are a standard to aspire to.

Which is why something like this is somewhat unexpected. Someone in Red Hat made a deliberate choice to exclude Piston from the Summit. If the suggestion that this was because of commercial concerns is true, it's antithetical to the Red Hat Way. Piston are a contributor to upstream Openstack, just as Red Hat are. If Piston can do a better job of selling that code than Red Hat can, the lesson that Red Hat should take away is that they need to do a better job - not punish someone else for doing so.

However, it's not entirely without precedent. The most obvious example is the change to kernel packaging that happened during the RHEL 6 development cycle. Previous releases had included each individual modification that Red Hat made to the kernel as a separate patch. From RHEL 6 onward, all these patches are merged into one giant patch. This was intended to make it harder for vendors like Oracle to compete with RHEL by taking patches from upcoming RHEL point releases, backporting them to older ones and then selling that to Red Hat customers. It obviously also had the effect of hurting other distributions such as Debian who were shipping 2.6.32-based kernels - bugs that were fixed in RHEL had to be separately fixed in Debian, despite Red Hat continuing to benefit from the work Debian put into the stable 2.6.32 point releases.

It's almost three years since that argument erupted, and by and large the community seems to have accepted that the harm Oracle were doing to Red Hat (while giving almost nothing back in return) justified the change. The parallel argument in the Piston case might be that there's no reason for Red Hat to give advertising space to a company that's doing a better job of selling Red Hat's code than Red Hat are. But the two cases aren't really equal - Oracle are a massively larger vendor who take significantly more from the Linux community than they contribute back. Piston aren't.

Which brings us back to how this could have happened in the first place. The Red Hat company culture is supposed to prevent people from thinking that this kind of thing is acceptable, but in this case someone obviously did. Years of Red Hat already having strong standing in a range of open source communities may have engendered some degree of complacency and allowed some within the company to lose track of how important Red Hat's community interactions are in perpetuating that standing. This specific case may have been resolved without any further fallout, but it should really trigger an examination of whether the reality of the company culture still matches the theory. The alternative is that this kind of event becomes the norm rather than the exception, and it takes far less time to lose community goodwill than it takes to build it in the first place.

[1] And, in the spirit of full disclosure, a competitor to my current employer
[2] Furthering the spirit of full disclosure, a former employer

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Syndicated 2014-02-24 04:09:25 from Matthew Garrett

IBM's remote firmware configuration protocol

I spent last week looking into the firmware configuration protocol used on current IBM system X servers. IBM provide a tool called ASU for configuring firmware settings, either in-band (ie, running on the machine you want to reconfigure) or out of band (ie, running on a remote computer and communicating with the baseboard management controller - IMM in IBM-speak). I'm not a fan of using vendor binaries for this kind of thing. They tend to be large (ASU is a 20MB executable) and difficult to script, so I'm gradually reimplementing them in Python. Doing that was fairly straightforward for Dell and Cisco, both of whom document their configuration protocol. IBM, on the other hand, don't. My first plan was to just look at the wire protocol, but it turns out that it's using IPMI 2.0 to communicate and that means that the traffic is encrypted. So, obviously, time to spend a while in gdb.

The most important lesson I learned last time I did this was "Check whether the vendor tool has a debug option". ASU didn't mention one in its help text and there was no sign of a getopt string, so this took a little longer - but nm helpfully showed a function called DebugLog and setting a breakpoint on that in gdb showed it being called a bunch of the time, so woo. Stepping through the function revealed that it was checking the value of a variable, and looking for other references to that variable in objdump revealed a -l argument. Setting that to 255 gave me rather a lot of output. Nearby was a reference to --showsptraffic, and passing that as well gave me output like:

BMC Sent: 2e 90 4d 4f 00 06 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 2e 65 66 69
BMC Recv: 00 4d 4f 00 21 9e 00 00

which was extremely promising. 2e is IPMI-speak for an OEM specific command, which seemed pretty plausible. 4d 4f 00 is 20301 in decimal, which is the IANA enterprise number for IBM's system X division (this is required by the IPMI spec, it wasn't an inspired piece of deduction on my behalf). 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 2e 65 66 69 is ASCII for config.xml. That left 90 and 06 to figure out. 90 appeared in all of the traces, so it appears to be the command to indicate that the remaining data is destined for the IMM. The prior debug output indicated that we were in the QuerySize function, so 06 presumably means… query the size. And this is supported by the response - 00 (a status code), 4d 4f 00 (the IANA enterprise number again, to indicate that the responding device is speaking the same protocol as you) and 21 9e 00 00 - or, in rational endianness, 40481, an entirely plausible size.

Once I'd got that far the rest started falling into place fairly quickly. 01 rather than 06 indicated a file open request, returning a four byte file handle of some description. 02 was read, 03 was write and 05 was close. Hacking this together with pyghmi meant I could open a file and read it. Success!

Well, kind of. I was getting back a large blob of binary. The debug trace showed calls to an EfiDecompress function, so on a whim I tried just decompressing it using the standard UEFI compression format. Shockingly, it worked and now I had a 345K XML blob and presumably many more problems than I'd previously had. Parsing the XML was fairly straightforward, and now I could retrieve the full set of config options, along with the default, current and possible values for them.

Making changes was pretty much just the reverse of this. A small XML blob containing the new values is compressed and written to asu_update.efi. One of the elements is a random identifier, which will then appear in another file called config_log along with a status. Just keep re-reading this until the value changes to CM_DONE and we're good.

The in-band configuration appears to be identical, but rather than sending commands over the wire they're send through the system's IPMI controller directly. Yes, this does mean that it's sending compressed XML through a single io port. Yes, I'd rather be drinking.

I've documented the protocol here and hope to be able to release this code before too long - right now I'm trying to nail down the interface a little, but it's broadly working.

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Syndicated 2014-02-10 18:57:28 from Matthew Garrett

Not all CLAs are equal

Contributor License Agreements ("CLAs") are a mechanism for an upstream software developer to insist that contributors grant the upstream developer some additional set of rights. These range in extent - some CLAs require that the contributor reassign their copyright over the contribution to the upstream developer, some merely provide the upstream developer with a grant of rights that aren't explicit in the software license (such as an explicit patent grant for a contribution licensed under a BSD-style license).

CLAs aren't new. FSF-copyrighted projects have been using copyright assignment since at least 1985 - in return, the FSF promise that the software will always be distributed under a copyleft-style license. For over a decade, Apache Software Foundation projects have required that contributors sign a CLA that allows them to retain copyright, but grants the ASF the right to relicense the work as it wishes. For the most part, this hasn't been terribly controversial.

So why do people object so much when Canonical do it? I've written about this in the context of Mir before, but it's worth expanding on the general case. The FSF's copyright assignment ensures that contributions to GPLed software will only be distributed under GPL-style licenses. The Apache CLA permits the ASF to relicense a contribution under a proprietary license, but the Apache license allows anyone to do that anyway. Going through Wikipedia's list of CLA users, the majority cover projects that are under BSD- or Apache-style licenses, with a couple of cases covering GPLed projects with a promise that any contributions will only be distributed under GPL-like licenses[1]. Either everyone can produce proprietary derivative works, or nobody can.

In contrast, Canonical ship software under the GPLv3 family of licenses (GPL, AGPL and LGPL) but require that contributors sign an agreement that permits Canonical to relicense their contributions under a proprietary license. This is a fundamentally different situation to almost all widely accepted CLAs, and it's disingenuous for Canonical to defend their CLA by pointing out the broad community uptake of, for instance, the Apache CLA.

Canonical could easily replace their CLA with one that removed this asymmetry - Project Harmony, the basis of Canonical's CLA, permits you to specify an "inbound equals outbound" agreement that prevents upstream from relicensing under a proprietary license[2]. Canonical's deliberate choice not to do so just strengthens the argument that the CLA is primarily about wanting to produce proprietary versions of software rather than wanting to strengthen their case in any copyright or patent disputes. It's unsurprising that people feel disinclined to contribute to projects under those circumstances, and it's difficult to understand why Canonical simultaneously insist on this hostile behaviour and bemoan the lack of community contribution to Canonical projects.

[1] The one major exception is the Digia/Qt project CLA, which covers an LGPLed work but makes it entirely clear that Digia will ship your contributions under proprietary licenses as well. At least they're honest.

[2] See the various options in section 2.1(d) here. Canonical chose option five. If they'd chosen option one instead, this wouldn't be a problem.

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Syndicated 2014-01-20 18:19:59 from Matthew Garrett

Subverting security with kexec

(Discussion of a presentation I gave at Kiwicon last month)

Kexec is a Linux kernel feature intended to allow the booting of a replacement kernel at runtime. There's a few reasons you might want to do that, such as using Linux as a bootloader[1], rebooting without having to wait for the firmware to reinitialise or booting into a minimal kernel and userspace that can be booted on crash in order to save system state for later analysis.

But kexec's significantly more flexible than this. The kexec system call interface takes a list of segments (ie, pointers to a userspace buffer and the desired target destination) and an entry point. The kernel relocates those segments and jumps to the entry point. That entry point is typically code referred to as purgatory, due to the fact that it lives between the world of the first kernel and the world of the second kernel. The purgatory code sets up the environment for the second kernel and then jumps to it. The first kernel doesn't need to know anything about what the second kernel is or does. While it's conventional to load Linux, you can load just about anything.

The most important thing to note here is that none of this is signed. In other words, despite us having a robust in-kernel mechanism for ensuring that only signed modules can be inserted into the kernel, root can still load arbitrary code via kexec and execute it. This seems like a somewhat irritating way to patch the running kernel, so thankfully there's a much more straightforward approach.

I modified kexec to add an additional loader and uploaded the code here. Build and install it. Make sure that /sys/module/module/parameters/sig_enforce on your system is "Y". Then, as root, do something like:
kexec --type="dummy" --address=`printf "0x%x" $(( $(grep "B sig_enforce" /proc/kallsyms | awk '{print "0x"$1}') & 0x7fffffff))` --value=0 --load-preserve-context --mem-max=0x10000 /bin/true
to load it[2]. Now do kexec -e and watch colours flash and check /sys/module/module/parameters/sig_enforce again.

The beauty of this approach is that it doesn't rely on any kernel bugs - it's using kernel functionality that was explicitly designed to let you do this kind of thing (ie, run arbitrary code in ring 0). There's not really any way to fix it beyond adding a new system call that has rather tighter restrictions on the binaries that can be loaded. If you're using signed modules but still permit kexec, you're not really adding any additional security.

But that's not the most interesting way to use kexec. If you can load arbitrary code into the kernel, you can load anything. Including, say, the Windows kernel. ReactOS provides a bootloader that's able to boot the Windows 2003 kernel, and it shouldn't be too difficult for a sufficiently enterprising individual to work out how to get Windows 8 booting. Things are a little trickier on UEFI - you need to tell the firmware which virtual→physical map to use, and you can only do it once. If Linux has already done that, it's going to be difficult to set up a different map for Windows. Thankfully, there's an easy workaround. Just boot with the "noefi" kernel argument and the kernel will skip UEFI setup, letting you set up your own map.

Why would you want to do this? The most obvious reason is avoiding Secure Boot restrictions. Secure Boot, if enabled, is explicitly designed to stop you booting modified kernels unless you've added your own keys. But if you boot a signed Linux distribution with kexec enabled (like, say, Ubuntu) then you're able to boot a modified Windows kernel that will still believe it was booted securely. That means you can disable stuff like the Early Launch Anti-Malware feature or driver signing, or just stick whatever code you want directly into the kernel. In most cases all you'd need for this would be a bootloader, kernel and an initrd containing support for the main storage, an ntfs driver and a copy of kexec-tools. That should be well under 10MB, so it'll easily fit on the EFI system partition. Copy it over the Windows bootloader and you should be able to boot a modified Windows kernel without any terribly obvious graphical glitches in the process.

And that's the story of why kexec is disabled on Fedora when Secure Boot is enabled.

[1] That way you only have to write most drivers once
[2] The address section finds the address of the sig_enforce symbol in the kernel, and the value argument tells the dummy code what value to set that address to. --load-preserve-context informs the kernel that it should save hardware state in order to permit returning to the original kernel. --mem-max indicates the highest address that the kernel needs to back up. /bin/true is just there to satisfy the argument parser.

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Syndicated 2013-12-03 22:47:08 from Matthew Garrett

Standing for the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board

According to its charter, the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board exists "to advise The Linux Foundation Board of Directors (Board) and the management of The Linux Foundation (Management) on matters related to supporting the technical agenda of The Linux Foundation". It consists of 10 members, with 5 seats up for election each year. Elections take place at an event at Kernel Summit, but are also open to attendees of whichever conference is colocated with the Kernel Summit that year. The election announcement is emailed to the Linux kernel list and tech-board-discuss, a mostly moribund list that springs into life once a year for election announcements.

This arrangement seemed odd to me even back in 2007. Back then the Linux Foundation was already sponsoring development of certain non-kernel components, and now that list is even larger. While nominally open to all, nominations for the TAB tend to end up being people actively involved in the kernel community. That's probably better than people limited to any other single technical community (kernel developers tend to end up dealing with bugs from a fairly wide range of projects, so they're not entirely unaware of what other people have to deal with), but it still seems suboptimal. The current membership is mostly limited to people who spend little to no time working with userspace developers, let alone anyone active in other Linux Foundation projects. I don't think this is a good thing

So, after several years of considering it, I'm finally standing for the TAB. I've been an active developer at most levels of the Linux stack, from the kernel through to desktop environments. I've worked closely with distributions. I've even worked closely with firmware developers. I'm not intimately involved in any of the other Linux Foundation projects, but I have experience that allows me to better understand their needs and motivations than I'd have from having spent my entire life living in the kernel. Being on the TAB would make it easier to ensure that these projects are represented in a meaningful way.

Of the other people who I know are standing (and this list may well grow longer), I'm inclined to vote for:

  • Greg Kroah Hartman - while we've disagreed on a range of points, Greg's worked closely with userspace developers and even represents the Linux Foundation on the UEFI Forum. He's able to provide a wide range of expertise to the TAB and it benefits from that.
  • Jon Corbert - Jon's work on LWN should need no introduction. He's done an amazing job of keeping track of a range of technical developments across the entire Linux community, so is uniquely well suited to making sure that a range of opinions is represented.
  • Sarah Sharp - Sarah's certainly primarily a kernel developer, but she's been the loudest voice calling for the kernel community to spend some time thinking about whether it's as welcoming as it could be. Increasing the diversity of the kernel community allows us to hear a wider range of technical viewpoints, which benefits both the kernel and everything that depends on it.

The election is currently scheduled to be National Museum in Edinburgh on the evening of the 23rd of October. If you're attending Linuxcon or one of the colocated events, please do come along and vote.

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Syndicated 2013-10-16 22:22:39 from Matthew Garrett

Hacker News is a social echo chamber

Hacker News is a fairly influential link aggregation site, with stories submitted and voted on by users. As explained in the FAQ, the ranking of stories is roughly determined by the number of votes divided by a function of the time since submission. It's not a huge traffic driver (my personal experience of stories on the front page is on the order of 30,000 hits), but it's notable because the demographic tends to include a more technically literate and influential set of readers than most other sites. The discussion that ensues from technical posts often includes meaningful feedback from domain experts. Stories that appear there are likely to be noted by technology workers, especially in the Silicon Valley startup field[1].

That rather specific demographic appears to correlate with other traits. There's a rather more techno-libertarian bias on Hacker News than on most general discussion forums, which is consistent with the startup-oriented culture that it springs from - the desire to provide disruptive solutions to real world problems tends to collide with existing regulatory frameworks, so it's unsurprising that a belief in individual rights and small government would overlap with US startup culture. There's a leaning towards the use of web technologies rather than traditional client applications, which matches what people are doing in the rest of the world. And there's more enthusiasm for liberal open-source licenses over Copyleft licenses, which makes sense in a web-focused environment (as I wrote about here).

Now, personally I'm a big-government, client-app, Copyleft kind of person, but for the most part I don't think the above is actively dangerous. It's inevitable that political views will vary, we'll probably continue to cycle between thick and thin clients for generations and nobody's ever going to demonstrably prove that one licensing model deserves to win over another. But what is important is that the ongoing debates between these opinions be driven by facts, and that it remain obvious that these disagreements exist. As far as technical (and even political) discussion goes, Hacker News doesn't seem to
have a problem with that. Disagreeing with the orthodoxy is tolerated.

This seems less true when it comes to social issues. When a posting discussing the myth of the natural born programmer[2] hit the front page, the top rated comment is Paul Graham[3] off-handedly discounting the conclusions drawn. The original story linked to a review of peer-reviewed scientific research. Graham simply discounts it on the basis of his preconceptions. Shortly afterwards, the story plummeted off the front page, now surrounded by stories posted around the same time but with much lower scores.

How does this happen? There's two publicised methods which can result in stories dropping down the order. Users with high karma scores (either via submitting popular stories or writing popular comments) are able to flag submissions, and if enough do so then a negative weighting is applied to the story. There's also a flamewar detector, a heuristic that attempts to detect contentious subjects and pushes them off the front page.

The effect of both is to enforce the status quo of social beliefs. Stories that appear to challenge the narrative that good programmers are just naturally talented tend to vanish. Stories that discuss the difficulties faced by minorities in our field are summarily disappeared. There are no social problems in the technology industry. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

This isn't healthy. We don't improve the state of the software industry by hiding stories that expose conflicts. Flamewars don't solve problems, but without them we'd be entirely unaware of how much of a victim blaming mentality exists amongst our peers. It's true that conflict may reinforce preconceptions, causing people to dig in as they defend their beliefs. However, the absence of conflict does nothing to counteract that. If you're never exposed to opinions you disagree with, you'll never question your existing beliefs.

Hacker News is a privately run site and nobody's under any obligation to change how they choose to run it. But the focus on avoiding conflict to such an extent that controversial stories receive less exposure than ones that fit people's existing beliefs doesn't enhance our community. If we want to be able to use technology as an instrument of beneficial change to society as a whole, we benefit from building a diverse and welcoming community and questioning our preconceptions. Building a social echo chamber risks marginalising us from the rest of society, gradually becoming ignored and irrelevant as our self-reinforcing opinions drift ever further away from the mainstream. It doesn't help anybody.

[1] During the batch of interviews I did last year, two separate interviewers both mentioned a story they'd read on Hacker News that turned out to have been written by me. I'm not saying that that's what determined a hire/don't hire decision, but it seems likely that it helped.
[2] The article in question discusses the pervasive idea that some people are inherently good programmers. It turns out that perpetuating the idea that some people are just born good at a particular skill actually discourages others from even trying to learn it, even those who are just as capable.
[3] One of the co-founders of Y-Combinator and creator of Hacker News.

(Edited to fix a footnote reference)

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Syndicated 2013-10-15 14:11:21 from Matthew Garrett

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