16 Jul 2003 miah   » (Journeyer)

My xbox modchip should have arrived today. The tracking number says it has, but when you live in a apartment complex you learn to never trust that until you're holding the package.

I've been working more on my gpg article. I should actually have it ready for review before next week. Then I'll need to have some people review it and give me feedback. I'd like to get it online soon.

wow to friendster. If you haven't seen it www.friendster.com I've been finding lots of my old friends on this thing, I haven't met anybody new on it though.


Its a backup software, it backs up windows, macos, and linux clients. The server runs on windows or macos. I currently have 6.5server running on windows2000 and its performing so slowly that its almost easier to copy everything manually. I've been trying to figure out what the bottleneck is. I replace the network cable from the server to the switch, replaced the switch, and made sure the client (the one with 300gb of stuff to backup) is connected directly to the switch. I'm getting at the most 20MB/min backup rate which is really really damn slow.

Another problem I'm having with it is when running in 'proactive mode' my client (with 300gb) keeps deferring itself. The people at dantz told me to 'uninstall the client, reboot the system, and then reinstall the client' and to that i answered 'uh, its linux' but they still insisted. They don't seem to understand that it shouldn't make a difference if i reboot, and if its a server with 300gb of stuff it probably needs to stay up all the time.

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