Older blog entries for mhatta (starting at number 34)

ghostscript 8.61.dfsg.1-1 uploaded

Finally I uploaded the new ghostscript package. Now CJK languages are fully supported, so if you install the needed CJK TrueType font packages(suggested by gs-cjk-resource) along with it, you should be able to see the following examples properly:

Of course, you can use ps2pdf etc. too.

Also, I prepared the current SVN snapshot package w/ CJK support. Try it if you wish. The apt-line is as follows:

deb http://people.debian.org/~mhatta/debian/ghostscript/ ./
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~mhatta/debian/ghostscript/ ./

I still need the inputs from Chinese or Korean users. Please tell me if you experience any problem, or your idea for improvement.

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Syndicated 2008-01-13 13:08:00 from A Crutch for the Crab

ghostscript 8.61.dfsg.1-1 uploaded

Finally I uploaded the new ghostscript package. Now CJK languages are fully supported, so if you install the needed CJK TrueType font packages(suggested by gs-cjk-resource) along with it, you should be able to see the following examples properly:

Of course, you can use ps2pdf etc. too.

Also, I prepared the current SVN snapshot packages w/ CJKV support. Try it if you wish. The apt-line is as follows:

deb http://people.debian.org/~mhatta/debian/ghostscript/ ./
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~mhatta/debian/ghostscript/ ./

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Syndicated 2008-01-13 13:04:00 from A Crutch for the Crab

ghostscript 8.61.dfsg.1-1 uploaded

Finally I uploaded the new ghostscript package. If you install needed CJK TrueType font packages(suggested by gs-cjk-resource) along with it, you should be able to see the following examples properly:

Of course, you can use ps2pdf etc. too.

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Syndicated 2008-01-13 09:31:00 from A Crutch for the Crab

cmap-adobe-* uploaded

Adobe CMaps for CJK CID-keyed fonts (cmap-adobe-cns1 for Adobe-CNS1-5, cmap-adobe-gb1 for Adobe-GB1-5, cmap-adobe-japan1 for Adobe-Japan1-6, cmap-adobe-japan2 for the obsoleted Adobe-Japan2-0 and cmap-adobe-korea1 for Adobe-Korea1-2) have been updated to the latest versions from Adobe.

I don't (or actually can't) test those for Chinese or Korean enough, so please send bug reports if you have any problem.

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Syndicated 2008-01-06 12:47:00 from A Crutch for the Crab

cmap-adobe-* uploaded

Adobe CMaps for CJK CID-keyed fonts (cmap-adobe-cns1 for Adobe-CNS1-5, cmap-adobe-gb1 for Adobe-GB1-5, cmap-adobe-japan1 for Adobe-Japan1-6, cmap-adobe-japan2 for the obsoleted Adobe-Japan2-0 and cmap-adobe-korea1 for Adobe-Korean1-2) have been updated to the latest versions from Adobe.

I don't (or actually can't) test those for Chinese or Korean enough, so please send bug reports if you have any problem.

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Syndicated 2008-01-06 10:45:00 from A Crutch for the Crab

a2ps 4.14-1 uploaded

I've released new upstream release, but I forgot to upload the Debian package. It's kinda weird that I'm now the Debian maintainer AND the upstream author...

Seems the gnuwin32 project already made A2Ps for Windows 4.14. Thanks! Also, please send me any patches if you have.

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Syndicated 2008-01-04 10:59:00 from A Crutch for the Crab

Japan's Big Push To Regulate The Internet

Once again Techdirt carries an excellent summary for the situation we Japanese are currently facing. Also I recommend the original article Techdirt refers.

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Syndicated 2008-01-04 10:55:00 from A Crutch for the Crab

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