Older blog entries for mattl (starting at number 699)

Call on the new French president to "Stop software patents"

The next Competitiveness Council will be held on May 30th and 31st, 2012. François Hollande's government will be attending it for the first time. April, the French free software group, calls upon the president to take this opportunity to act against software patents and bring up the flaws of the current unitary patent project.

La fin du brevet logiciel, c'est maintenant — Les 30 et 31 mai 2012 aura lieu le premier Conseil compétitivité auquel participera le gouvernement de François Hollande. L'April appelle donc le président à profiter de cette occasion pour agir contre les brevets logiciels et mettre sur le tapis les défauts et problèmes du projet actuel de brevet unitaire.

Syndicated 2012-05-23 21:50:01 from Free Software Foundation

GNU spotlight with Karl Berry (April 2012)

New GNU releases as of April 30, 2012:

To get announcements of most new GNU releases, subscribe to the info-gnu mailing list. Nearly all GNU software is available from ftp.gnu.org, or preferably one of its mirrors. You can use the URL ftpmirror.gnu.org/ to be automatically redirected to a (hopefully) nearby and up-to-date mirror.

Several GNU packages are looking for maintainers and other assistance. There's also a general page on how to help GNU, and information on how to submit new packages to GNU.

As always, please feel free to write to me, karl@gnu.org, with any GNUish questions or suggestions for future installments.

Syndicated 2012-05-08 23:45:00 from Free Software Foundation

April (Italiano)


  • FSF sta assumendo: Operations Assistant
  • Tor/Forge toglie i DRM dai propri ebooks, citando la pressione da parte dei lettori
  • "FRAND" è una frode
  • Puoi aiutare Groklaw a monitorare il processo Google/Oracle?
  • Elezioni presidenziali francesi del 2012 e il software libero
  • Fermare la Online spying Bill
  • Pulizie di primavera presso il negozio GNU Press
  • Servizi di rete liberi o non liberi; sollevano altre questioni
  • Partecipa: software di consultazione dei brevetti brasiliani
  • Fai una donazione per supportare giochi free software: La Coppa del Pixel Liberato
  • "La tecnologia dovrebbe aiutarci, non vincolarci"
  • Programma di interventi di Richard Stallman e altri eventi della FSF

FSF sta assumendo: Operations Assistant

Questa posizione lavorativa è con sede a Boston e a stretto contatto con il direttore esecutivo e Business Operations Manager per assicurare che tutte le funzioni amministrative della FSF si svolgano in modo regolare ed efficiente, preservando il nostro rating a 4 stelle Charity Navigator e stimolando tutte le aree del nostro lavoro.


Tor/Forge toglie i DRM dai loro ebooks, come causa è citata la pressione da parte dei lettori

La più grande casa editrice di fantascienza del mondo, Tom Doherty Associates (le cui etichette sono Tor, Forge, Orb, e libri Starscape) ha annunciato, Martedì 24 aprile, che "entro l'inizio di luglio 2012, il loro intero elenco di ebook sarà disponibile libero da DRM".

Il presidente ed editore Tom Doherty cita la pressione da autori e lettori.


"FRAND" è una frode

Il governo britannico sta tenendo una consultazione sul tipo di licenze che uno standard "aperto" dovrebbe richiedere. Chiunque sviluppa software libero (libero nelle sue libertà, non per una questione di prezzo) e vorrebbeche sia utilizzato nel Regno Unito ha motivo di essere preoccupati di questo, insieme con chiunque usa o distribuisce software libero nel Regno Unito.


Puoi aiutare Groklaw a monitorare il processo Google/Oracle?

Il sito Groklaw ha bisogno del vostro aiuto per aggiornare la comunità sui procedimenti giudiziari.

Avrete bisogno di essere fisicamente presente al tribunale e prendere appunti su chi dice cosa.

Non devi essere un esperto legale. Basta essere gli occhi e le orecchie per la comunità.

Il processo è già iniziato e avrà una durata di 8-10 settimane a San Francisco.

Se siete in grado di aiutareci, scrivete a PJ Groklaw - pj2   @  groklaw    .   net. Lei vi darà ulteriori informazioni.

Elezioni presidenziali francesi del 2012 e il software libero

Il gruppo di avvocati francese per il software libero ad Aprile ha chiesto a tutti i candidati alle prossime elezioni presidenziali francesi di rispondere circa le loro posizioni sul software libero, brevetti software, DRM e altro ancora.

Al momento, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, le Front de Gauche di Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eva Joly e Francois Bayrou hanno risposto (in francese). Fleur Pellerin, responsabile del programma di economia digitale Francois Hollande ha inviato le sue risposte. Siamo ancora in attesa di risposte da Nicolas Sarkozy e Jean-Marie Le Pen, anche se entrambi avevano già risposto nel 2007.


Fermare la Online spying Bill

Aggiornamenti: Passata alla camera, ora sul Senato. Mantenere la pressione.

Le società del governo federale e grandi compagnievogliono nuovi poteri illimitati per spiarvi, e hanno in programma di farli attraverso la legislazione chiamata "condivisione dell'intelligence e Cyber ​​Protection Act" (HR 3523).

CISPA darebbe al governo nuovi poteri per leggere, guardare e ascoltare tutto quello che facciamo su Internet. Le persone che stanno dietro CISPA affermano che gli interessi di sicurezza nazionale rendono necessaria questo sorveglianza, ma il linguaggio del disegno di legge è talmente vago che apre la porta per un abuso dilagante nei confronti dei nostri diritti online, aggirando la protezione della privacy per spiare le e-mail e i messaggi di testo, il blocco dell'accesso ai siti Web particolari e consentono alle società di social networking di consegnare gli elenchi di contatti cellulare.


Pulizie di primavera presso il negozio GNU Press

Sconti disponibili su alcune vecchie edizioni di stampa GNU manualistica.

Con il recente rilascio delle ultime edizioni dei nostri Emacs e manuali GDB, è giunto il momento per un po 'pulizie di primavera. Le precedenti edizioni di entrambi i manuali sono ora disponibili ad un prezzo scontato attraverso il negozio Press GNU. Debug con GDB: The Source-Level Debugger GNU, V 5.1.1 è stato attualizzato da $ 40 a $ 20, e GNU Emacs Manual, Edizione 16, v 22 è stato attualizzato da $ 45 a $ 30. Anche se non è la versione più aggiornata, questi manuali dovrebbe essere un'utile aggiunta alla collezione di tutti, soprattutto a questi prezzi :)


Servizi di rete liberi o non liberi; sollevano altre questioni

Programmi e servizi sono diversi tipi di entità.

Un programma è un lavoro che è possibile eseguire, un servizio è un'attività con cui si può interagire.

Per i programmi, facciamo una distinzione tra libero e nonlibero (proprietario). Più precisamente, questa distinzione vale per un programma che si dispone: o si hanno le quattro libertà per la propria copia o no.

Un'attività (ad esempio un servizio) non esiste in forma di copie, quindi non è possibile avere una copia o effettuare copie. Come risultato, le quattro libertà che definiscono il software libero non hanno senso per i servizi.


Partecipa: software di consultazione dei brevetti brasiliani

L'Ufficio brevetti del Brasile ha lanciato una consultazione sulla concessione di brevetti software.


Fai una donazione per supportare giochi free software: La Coppa del Pixel Liberato

La Coppa del Pixel Liberato è un concorso in due parti: fare un sacco di opere d'arte divertenti sulla cultura del freesoftware, e poi fare un sacco di giochi gratuiti che utilizzino free software.

La Coppa del Pixel Liberato riunisce alcuni potenti alleati: Creative Commons, OpenGameArt, la Free Software Foundation, e voi.

La Coppa del Pixel Liberato sarà impressionante, ma non può avvenire senza l'aiuto di persone come te.


"La tecnologia dovrebbe aiutarci, non vincolarci"

Il 4 maggio e stata la Giornata internazionale contro i DRM, questo è il sito web dell'evento http://dayagainstdrm.org

e tutti gli eventi locali sono segnalati qui: http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:DefectiveByDesign/Day_Against_DRM_2012

Aziende come Amazon possono controllare il modo in cui usiamo gli ebooks che acquistiamo. Invece cerchiamo di costruire un modello di pubblicazione basata sulla libertà.


Programma di interventi di Richard Stallman e altri eventi della FSF

"Qu'est-ce que le logiciel libre?" Maggio 01 - 02:00, Bab el Medjez, Tunisia - http://www.fsf.org/events/20120501-medjezelbab

Giornata internazionale contro DRM - 4 maggio 2012 - http://dayagainstdrm.org

Software Libero in Etica e nella pratica - May 04, 11:00 AM alle 01:00 PM - Madrid, Spagna - http://www.fsf.org/events/20120504-madrid

"El Movimiento del software libre" - May 07, 04:30 - Murcia, Spagna - http://www.fsf.org/events/20120507-murcia

"El Movimiento del software libre" - May 08, 04:00 - Madrid, Spagna - http://www.fsf.org/events/20120508-madrid

"Por Una sociedad digitale libre" - 10 maggio 17:45 - Barcellona, ​​Spagna - http://www.fsf.org/events/20120510-barcelona

Software Libero e la tua libertà - 30 maggio 06:30 - Florianopolis, Brasile - http://www.fsf.org/events/20120530-florianopolis

"Gioventù, Tecnologia e Innovazione" 31 maggio 01:30 - Florianopolis, Brasile - http://www.fsf.org/events/20120531-florianopolis


Il mensile dei sostenitori del Software Libero è curato dal volontario Osama Khalid.

Copyright © 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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Inviato dalla Free Software Foundation,
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Boston, MA 02110-1335
Stati Uniti

Syndicated 2012-05-08 16:39:55 from Free Software Foundation

Issue 49, April 2012

Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation's monthly news digest and action update -- being read by you and 56,299 other activists. That's 1,192 more than last month!


Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience by adding our subscriber widget to your web site.

Miss an issue? You can catch up on back issues at http://www.fsf.org/free-software-supporter.

Multilingual? Send translations of the Supporter to campaigns@fsf.org.


  • Day Against DRM -- May 4th 2012
  • FSF is hiring: Operations Assistant
  • Tor/Forge to drop DRM from ebooks, citing pressure from readers
  • "FRAND" is a FRAUD
  • Can you help Groklaw monitor the Google/Oracle trial?
  • French presidential elections 2012 and free software
  • Stop the Online Spying Bill
  • Spring cleaning at the GNU Press store
  • Network Services Aren't Free or Nonfree; They Raise Other Issues
  • Get involved: Brazilian patent office software patent consultation
  • Donate to support free software gaming: The Liberated Pixel Cup
  • "Technology should help us share, not constrain us"
  • GNU spotlight with Karl Berry
  • Richard Stallman's speaking schedule and other FSF events
  • Take action with the FSF!

Day Against DRM -- May 4th 2012

While DRM has largely been defeated in downloaded music, it is a growing problem in the area of ebooks, where people have had their books restricted so they can't freely loan, re-sell or donate them, read them without being tracked, or move them to a new device without re-purchasing all of them. They've even had their ebooks deleted by companies without their permission. It continues to be a major issue in the area of movies and video too.

People all over the world are going to be showing their opposition to DRM, and you can join them! Attend a local event and take part in the Day Against DRM on May 4th, 2012.

FSF is hiring: Operations Assistant

This Boston-based position works closely with the Executive Director and Business Operations Manager to ensure all administrative functions of the FSF run smoothly and efficiently, preserving our 4-star Charity Navigator rating and boosting all areas of our work.

Tor/Forge to drop DRM from ebooks, citing pressure from readers

The largest science fiction publisher in the world, Tom Doherty Associates (whose labels include Tor, Forge, Orb, and Starscape books) announced on Tuesday, April 24th, that "by early July 2012, their entire list of ebooks will be available DRM-free."

President and publisher Tom Doherty cites pressure from authors and readers.


The UK government is holding a consultation about what sort of patent licenses an "open" standard should require. Anyone that develops free software (free as in freedom, not a matter of price) and would like it to be used in the UK has reason to be concerned with this, along with anyone that uses or distributes free software in the UK.

Can you help Groklaw monitor the Google/Oracle trial?

The Groklaw website needs your help to update the community on the trial proceedings.

  • You will need to be physically present at the courtroom and take notes on who says what.

  • You don't have to be a legal expert. Just be the eyes and ears for the community.

The trial has begun and will run for 8-10 weeks in San Francisco.

If you're able to help, please email PJ at Groklaw -- pj2@groklaw.net. She will give you more information.

French presidential elections 2012 and free software

The French free software advocacy group April asked all of the candidates in the upcoming French presidential elections about their positions on free software, software patents, DRM and more.

At the moment, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, le Front de Gauche for Jean-Luc Melenchon, Eva Joly and Francois Bayrou have answered (in French). Fleur Pellerin, in charge of Francois Hollande's digital economy program has sent in her answers. April is still waiting for answers from Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean-Marie le Pen, although they both answered in 2007.

Stop the Online Spying Bill

UPDATE: Passed the house, now onto the Senate. Keep the pressure on.

The federal government and big companies want limitless new powers to spy on you, and they plan to get them via legislation called the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act" (HR 3523).

CISPA would give the government new powers to read, watch and listen to everything we do on the Internet. The folks behind CISPA claim that national security interests make this surveillance necessary, but the bill's language is so vague and overreaching that it opens the door for rampant abuse of our online rights, including bypassing privacy protections to spy on your emails and text messages, block access to particular Web sites and permit companies to hand over social networking and cellphone contact lists.

Spring cleaning at the GNU Press store

Discounts are now available on certain older editions of GNU Press manuals.

With the recent release of the latest editions of our Emacs and GDB manuals, it is time for some Spring cleaning. Previous editions of both manuals are now available at a discounted rate through the GNU Press store. Debugging with GDB: The GNU Source-Level Debugger, V 5.1.1 has been discounted from $40 to $20, and GNU Emacs Manual, 16th Edition, v. 22 has been discounted from $45 to $30. While not the most up-to-date references, these manuals should be a useful addition to anyone's collection, particularly at those prices.

Network Services Aren't Free or Nonfree; They Raise Other Issues

Programs and services are different kinds of entities. A program is a work that you can execute; a service is an activity that you might interact with.

For programs, we make a distinction between free and nonfree (proprietary). More precisely, this distinction applies to a program that you have a copy of: either you have the four freedoms for your copy or you don't.

An activity (such as a service) doesn't exist in the form of copies, so it's not possible to have a copy or to make copies. As a result, the four freedoms that define free software don't make sense for services.

Get involved: Brazilian patent office software patent consultation

Brazil's patent office has launched a consultation about granting software patents.

Donate to support free software gaming: The Liberated Pixel Cup

Liberated Pixel Cup is a LIBERATED PIXEL CUP two-part competition.

Liberated Pixel Cup will be awesome, but it can't happen without the help of people like you.

LibrePlanet featured resource: Day Against DRM

May 4th is the International Day Against DRM. As well as the website for the event, http://dayagainstdrm.org, all the local events are up at: http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:DefectiveByDesign/Day_Against_DRM_2012

Even if you can't make it to a local event on the day itself, please share the website with people on your social networks: http://ur1.ca/95484

"Technology should help us share, not constrain us"

Companies like Amazon can control the way we use the ebooks we buy. Instead let's build a publishing model based on freedom.

Richard Stallman's speaking schedule and other FSF events

Take action with the FSF

Contributions from thousands of individual members enable the FSF's work. You can contribute by joining at http://www.fsf.org/join. If you're already a member, you can help refer new members (and earn some rewards) by adding a line with your member number to your email signature like:

I'm an FSF member -- Help us support software freedom! http://www.fsf.org/jf?referrer=2442

The FSF is also always looking for volunteers (http://www.fsf.org/volunteer). From rabble-rousing to hacking, from issue coordination to envelope stuffing -- there's something here for everybody to do. Also, head over to our campaign section (http://www.fsf.org/campaigns) and take action on software patents, DRM, free software adoption, OpenDocument, RIAA and more.


Copyright © 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Syndicated 2012-05-08 16:38:30 from Free Software Foundation

4 May 2012 (updated 4 May 2012 at 22:10 UTC) »

Coalition against Digital Restrictions Management ready to go for May 4th Day Against DRM

BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- Thursday, May 3, 2012 -- Defective by Design will hold its annual International Day Against DRM on Friday, May 4th, targeting the use of Digital Restrictions Management on ebooks. Several other organizations have joined to express their concern for the freedoms of authors and readers, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Creative Commons, O'Reilly Media, No Starch Press, the Accessible Computing Foundation, Libre Graphics Magazine, Fight for the Future, Angry Robot Books, APRIL, the Free Software Foundation and its sister organizations, FSF France, FSF India and FSF Europe.

Matt Lee, campaigns manager of Defective by Design, said, "DRM is a growing problem in the area of ebooks, where people have had their books restricted so they can't freely loan, re-sell or donate them, read them without being tracked, or move them to a new device without re-purchasing all of them. They've even had their ebooks deleted by companies without their permission."

As part of the day, people fed up with DRM are holding protest and awareness events in Cincinnati, Orlando, Amherst, San Francisco, Boston, Madrid, Rome, Manchester, Nagoya (Japan), and Aveiro (Portugal). More events are still being added at http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:DefectiveByDesign/Day_Against_DRM_2012.

Supporters are also taking action online, displaying the campaign's banner and using the opportunity to blog about their frustrations with DRM.

Notable science fiction author and editor of the influential BoingBoing.net blog, Cory Doctorow said, "As an author, I understand that DRM doesn't do squat to protect my interests. As a businessperson, I understand that DRM usurps my commercial relationships with my customers and hands them to DRM vendors."

Sanders Kleinfeld, author of HTML5 for publishers said in an interview with O'Reilly Media, "What's disappointing right now is that Amazon is very set on their Mobi format for their Kindle device, Apple has made strides away from EPUB 3 with their latest iBooks 2.0 and iBooks Author. I think vendors that make these devices are interested in maintaining that lock-in for customers."

Defective by Design has held previous international days against DRM in 2006, 2010 and 2011, focusing on use of DRM by Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and the RIAA. Defective by Design is a campaign of the Free Software Foundation.

Information on how to participate can be found at http://dayagainstdrm.org. Pictures, videos, and accounts will be posted afterward at http://defectivebydesign.org.

About the Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Foundation, founded in 1985, is dedicated to promoting computer users' right to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer programs. The FSF promotes the development and use of free (as in freedom) software -- particularly the GNU operating system and its GNU/Linux variants -- and free documentation for free software. The FSF also helps to spread awareness of the ethical and political issues of freedom in the use of software, and its Web sites, located at fsf.org and gnu.org, are an important source of information about GNU/Linux. Donations to support the FSF's work can be made at http://donate.fsf.org. Its headquarters are in Boston, MA, USA.

Media Contacts

Matt Lee
Campaigns Manager
Free Software Foundation


Syndicated 2012-05-04 17:00:41 (Updated 2012-05-04 22:10:04) from Free Software Foundation

30 Apr 2012 (updated 30 Apr 2012 at 23:07 UTC) »

FSF Job Opportunity: Operations Assistant

The Free Software Foundation (FSF), a 501(c)(3) charity with a worldwide mission to protect freedoms critical to the computer-using public, seeks a motivated and organized Boston-based individual to be its full-time Operations Assistant.

This position works closely with the Executive Director and Business Operations Manager to ensure all administrative functions of the FSF run smoothly and efficiently, preserving our 4-star Charity Navigator rating and boosting all areas of our work.

In addition to handling phone calls and being a friendly face for visitors to our office at the center of Boston's Downtown Crossing, these functions include:

  • fulfilling orders for FSF merchandise,
  • blogging about merchandise-related news,
  • processing incoming donations,
  • coordinating volunteers,
  • updating our contact database,
  • organizing fundraising mailings,
  • diverting sales calls to the appropriate fake voicemail box,
  • assisting with occasional local events,
  • maintaining a few areas of our Web site, and
  • looking after the office space.

This is a great position for a recent graduate who thrives on multitasking, has an eye for detail, lives in the Boston area, and wants to make a difference. With our small staff of ten, each person makes a clear contribution. We work hard, but offer a humane and fun work environment.

Because our mission is worldwide, language skills and a demonstrated ability to interact with people across cultures and age groups will be highly valued. While the position does not require advanced computer skills, a willingness to learn and work with new software is a must. We use free software like CiviCRM, Plone, Emacs, and LibreOffice, all running on GNU/Linux.

The FSF is a growing organization and provides great potential for advancement; existing staff get the first chance at any new job openings. Previous Operations Assistants have often gone on to hold other positions within the organization.

Benefits and salary

This job is a union position. The salary is fixed at $49,140/year and is non-negotiable. Other benefits include the following:

  • full family health coverage through Blue Cross/Blue Shield's HMO Blue program,
  • subsidized dental plan,
  • four weeks of paid vacation annually,
  • seventeen paid holidays annually,
  • public transit commuting cost reimbursement,
  • 403(b) program through TIAA-CREF, and
  • yearly cost-of-living pay increases.

Resumes and cover letters must be submitted via email to hiring@fsf.org. The email must contain the subject line, "Operations Assistant". Resumes should be attached in text, PDF, or OpenDocument. No Word documents, please. Email submissions that do not follow these instructions will be ignored.

Applications must be received by Sunday, May 13th.

The FSF is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or application for employment on the basis of race, color, marital status, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, handicap, or any other legally protected status recognized by federal, state or local law.

About the Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Foundation, founded in 1985, is dedicated to promoting computer users' right to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer programs. The FSF promotes the development and use of free (as in freedom) software -- particularly the GNU operating system and its GNU/Linux variants -- and free documentation for free software. The FSF also helps to spread awareness of the ethical and political issues of freedom in the use of software, and its Web sites, located at fsf.org and gnu.org, are an important source of information about GNU/Linux. Donations to support the FSF's work can be made at http://donate.fsf.org. Its headquarters are in Boston, MA, USA.

Syndicated 2012-04-30 20:43:14 (Updated 2012-04-30 23:07:50) from Free Software Foundation

30 Apr 2012 (updated 14 May 2012 at 20:17 UTC) »

[Closed] Operations Assistant at the Free Software Foundation

This position works closely with the Executive Director and Business Operations Manager to ensure all administrative functions of the FSF run smoothly and efficiently, preserving our 4-star Charity Navigator rating and boosting all areas of our work.

More information on the FSF news site.

Syndicated 2012-04-30 20:37:23 (Updated 2012-05-14 20:17:21) from Free Software Foundation

Can you help Groklaw monitor the Google/Oracle trial?

The Groklaw website needs your help to update the community on the trial proceedings.

  • You will need to be physically present at the courtroom and take notes on who says what.
  • You don't have to be a legal expert. Just be the eyes and ears for the community.
  • The trial has begun and will run for 8-10 weeks in San Francisco.

If you're able to help, please email PJ at Groklaw -- pj2 at groklaw.net. She will give you more information.

Syndicated 2012-04-24 20:11:31 from Free Software Foundation

French presidential elections 2012 and free software

The French free software advocacy group April asked all of the candidates in the upcoming French presidential elections about their positions on free software, software patents, DRM and more.

At the moment, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, le Front de Gauche for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eva Joly and François Bayrou have answered (in French). Fleur Pellerin, in charge of François Hollande's digital economy program has sent in her answers. April is still waiting for answers from Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean-Marie le Pen, although they both answered in 2007.

A full press release is available in English and responses from the various candidates are available in French.

Syndicated 2012-04-24 19:50:53 from Free Software Foundation

Other uses for your USB member card

There was a discussion on our member forums that suggested you couldn't change the structure of your USB member card. Here's a guide on doing just that.

First, insert your USB member card into your computer — for this demonstration, I'm using Trisquel GNU/Linux (which comes on the most recent cards) but any of the distributions on our list will work.

Once inserted, you should see two new drives pop up or appear on the desktop.

One will be called 'casper-rw' and one will be called 'liveusb'. In this example, we're going to wipe the card and use it as a typical USB memory stick, where it can be loaded with another distribution or used to store files.

To start the process of wiping the card, we first need to erase both of these virtual drives, or partitions from the USB drive. For this, I'm going to use a graphical partition editor called gparted.

Because gparted should be run by an administrator, I'm going to run it with the gksudo program, which will prompt me for my computer's administrator password and then run the program as the adminstrator user.

Once loaded, gparted will show you all of the partitions on the USB drive. Be sure to select the correct drive from the list at the top-right of the screen. In general, the USB stick will be approximately 900, 1800 or 3700MB in size, depending on when you joined as an associate member.

Next, you'll need to 'unmount' these drives from your computer, so we can remove them — this stops other programs from writing files to the drive while we erase it.

To do this, simply right-click on both the 'casper-rw' and 'liveusb' partitions, and choose 'Unmount' from the menu.

Once unmounted, the partitions can be deleted.

Once they have both been deleted you will see a large area of unused space on the drive. You can click the 'New' button to make a new partition in this space.

Choose the kind of file system you want carefully: if the drive needs to be used on Windows and Mac computers, choose FAT32. If you are only using it on GNU/Linux, then ext2, ext3 and ext4 are all good choices.

Finally, click the apply button to make all the changes to your card. When completed, your card is ready for you to install new distributions onto it, or use it to copy files.

Send us your feedback on this article to campaigns@fsf.org.

Syndicated 2012-04-09 18:37:31 from Free Software Foundation

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