25 Aug 2014 marnanel   » (Journeyer)

ice and elevation

My ankle and side are still painful, but it's nowhere near as bad now as the first few days after the accident. But this puts a metaphor into my head. When I was told to rest and elevate my ankle, I didn't: I grabbed a crutch and went on with my ordinary life as best I could. It was foolish, but staying still for that long made me very anxious. In hindsight, I see I should have iced and elevated, at least for a few days.

And here I am also trying to get over PTSD/anxiety things, and it seems I have the same problem there as well. So, what's the mental health equivalent of ice and elevation?

This entry was originally posted at http://marnanel.dreamwidth.org/310434.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

Syndicated 2014-08-25 18:44:05 from Monument

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