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25 Jan 2006 (updated 30 Jan 2006 at 01:46 UTC) »
But do the fast really want to eat the slow?

I'm an "engineer" at my job, which means that I do the same things that any general-purpose computer guy does, but I do them for lots of different companies, all in the same day. I get to work within lots of different companies' work environments.

There's a book out, about which I know nothing except the title: It's Not the Big that Eat the Small...It's the Fast that Eat the Slow. I recently learned what "slow" means.

We got a gig to spend a lot of time helping a giant telephone company. This company was recently called one of Corporate America's most-evil in slashdot postings.

Succesful V0IP carriers have some things in common: a small, smart staff (two or three, at least at first) with a strong need for their system to work. They use the SIP phones on their desks as soon as the system barely works. They're involved in the business decisions. Technical control tends to be centralized to people who actually use the enable password. Meetings are hard work. Regular upgrades are a part of life, so they learn to deal with it. V0IP is treated like real lifeline telephone service. They accept responsibility for making the system work.

Big slow companies lack these features. (At least this one did.) Yes, the staff was smart. But as an organiztion they were practically neurotic -- every risk had to be controlled, every server had to be redundant, every action planned with multiple people, everything scheduled with a pseudo-deadline. Every meeting took a while to schedule, so everything moved slowly.

Frustratingly slowly. Discouragingly slowly.

Do the fast really want any of that?

Excessive simplicity

I just had a blinding flash of the obvious as I was slogging through gorp of VoIP in my job: the sorts of things I do generally aren't respected by the Computer Science academic community because they're not simple enough; they're not elegant enough.

It seems that only simple things generally receive high praise by academics. Or perhaps it is that academia is about simple things that follow simple, elegant, knowable laws.

We live and work in a world of taming immense complexity. Much of it is unnecessary, but it is necessary to tame it and make it work properly. But my advisor had no respect for this type of work . . . and I have a hard time convincing myself that it is respectable.

A consultant's few tips on hiring a consultant

  • How easily can you communicate? Do they listen to your issues and try to understand it fully, or do they assume they know what you mean before you even state all the facts? Can they explain themselves fully?

  • Secrets. Are they careful with other customers' trade secrets? If not, then they won't be careful with yours. It's a good sign if your introductory interview includes the consultant saying of another client, "sorry, we're under NDA so we can't say any more".

  • How much work will they do for your business? Don't expect the consultant to do a tremendous amount of work just to win your business. Examine their history, and consider a slow-start approach.

  • Appropriate experience. Don't assume the consultant needs to know everything you know and then some more. Choose a consultant that complements your knowledge.

  • Organization. Are they organized? Can they structure ideas into an organized document? Do they lose emails or voice mails?
C# properties -- friend or foe?
I'm not a Microsoft guy. But at my latest job, I've had to use some of the Microsoft .net programming tools. Specifically, Visual Basic.NET and C#. One interesting feature of both is properties.

Properties are a language construct to suppose getters and setters (aka, "accessors" and "mutators"). For example, in java, I'd do:

       private int vendorCount;
       public int getVendorCount() { return               this.vendorCount; }
       public int setVendorCount() { this.vendorCount = vendorCount; }
This allows the underlying data structure that encodes the vendor count to change independently of the code that needs the vendor count. E.g., We might want to compute vendor count instead of just store it,
       public int getVendorCount() { return this.vendors.length(); }

There's no special support in java for this particular programming idiom. But VB.NET and C# do have properties for doing just this. E.g., in C#,

       private int _vendorCount;
       public int vendorCount {
         get { return this._vendorCount; }
         set { this._vendorCount = value; // "value" is an implicit parameter of the same datatype as the property }
You can then use vendorCount in C# essentially as if it were a field in the class; e.g.,
       vendorCount += 2;
This seems nicer than:
       setVendorCount(getVendorCount() + 2);

Properties aren't amazingly wonderful, they're just nice. But properties are being badly abused by the Microsoft class writers and those who follow MS coding standards.

The problematic use occurs when the class provides support for multiple 'input' types to the property. For example, an ADO.NET SqlCommand has a collection of SqlParameter objects; these would be used to specify parameters for a stored procedure. Only certain types can be assigned to the "value" property of a SqlParameter -- e.g., string, int, DbNull. But the type defined for a SqlParameter is just Object.

The problem is that I can't know -- without just trying and failing -- exactly which types can be assigned to the Value property to get a useful result. Only certain types will work there -- but just saying that you can assign any Object doesn't help. If I pass in a ServiceProvider object (a class I wrote), will that work? Certainly not.

Likewise, I don't know what I'm going to get when I get the Value(). All I know is that it'll be an object. It might be a DateTime, or a string, or anything. I have to manually try casting from Object to other classes to figure out how the class library works.

The java way of doing this would be to use polymorphism to define multiple getters and setters -- one for each of the valid types that can be gotten and set. For example,

       public int getValue() { ... }
       public datetime getValue() { ... }
       public string getValue() { ...}
       public setValue(string value) { ... }
       public setValue(datetime value) { ... }
       public setValue(int value) { ...}
By doing this, the compiler itself (and the reference documentation) ensure that I'm setting and getting meaningful values.

Properties are a nice language feature, but I hate that they're being abused. This reduces the overall quality of the .NET programming platform, because it reduces the effectiveness of .NET programmers.

Scripting != Rapidly-Changing Applications

Several of my respected friends/colleagues view Perl, PHP and the ilk as great -- for "fast" jobs. We've had experiences with these scripting languages that make us tend away from them for "serious" work. We all like scripting, but we don't want to be stuck hacking on the same scripts for several months.

What does "fast" or "serious" mean? Some of the problems we've had with scripting include --

  • Difficulty finding bugs. These languages are flexible -- very flexible. Logical and even syntax bugs can be difficult to find because simple mistakes in assumptions have to be checked by the programmer everywhere.

  • Difficulty reading the code. Perl is like "interpreted line noise", according to jcv one of my friends. In Paul Graham's essay Hackers and Painters, he also notes this phenomenon:
    Many a hacker has written a program only to find on returning to it six months later that he has no idea how it works. I know several people who've sworn off Perl after such experiences.

  • Inconsistent language/library design PHP, for example, seemed to be a mish-mash of useful routines, each with its own special calling conventions and partial documentation.

It's as if we have a love/hate relationship with scripting languages. They're great -- until you have to start maintaining them. "All programming is maintenance programming."

Maintenance becomes a problem with scripting languages because I can't fit the entire system into my head. I don't remember all of the rules and assumptions that are intrinsic to my application. (I'm speaking mostly of the gnarly vertical-market business applications here.) I'm crafting new software, yes; and I need to be able to change it rapidly -- therefore, I need system support to keep me in the sandbox of my application.

But Tim O'Reilly's comments on Why Scripting Languages Matter run at variance to this:

The reason why dynamic languages like Perl, Python, and PHP are so important is key to understanding the paradigm shift. Unlike applications from the previous paradigm, web applications are not released in one to three year cycles. They are updated every day, sometimes every hour. Rather than being finished paintings, they are sketches, continually being redrawn in response to new data.

I'll buy this comment about rapidly-changing applications -- but I don't understand why scripting languages are perceived as being more suitable for this.

Indeed, to make changes rapidly, you need a system helping you find when you've violated assumptions -- this is why agile programming methods are often associated with testing. And this is why we need strong language support for limiting the behavior of a system -- especially for rapidly-changing applications.

I haven't found this kind of support in scripting languages, by and large. But what attracts us to scripting languages in the first place? Maybe it's the fact that we don't have to define a class and stick a method in it just to do a simple job. This suggests that it's the lack of system support for constraint validation that attracts us to scripting.

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