Older blog entries for lewing (starting at number 30)

Compasses - Moral or Otherwise

My friend Gregory Collins will soon be starting production on his first feature film The Melvin Mills Document and I’m incredibly excited by the news. Gregory is one of the most interesting and determined people I know and I’m sure his efforts will be fruitful. If you’d like to be part of the harvest, the project is still hoping to find some additional funding so don’t hesitate to follow up with him.

Syndicated 2007-09-09 22:20:44 from Free Food (for Cowboys)

Spot Check

It has been an exciting week for F-Spot. Andrzej Wytyczak-Partyka had his proposal for Face Detection and Tagging accepted in the Google Summer of Code program. Stephane Delcroix helped him get his proposal ready and I’d like to congratulate them both. Stephane also committed his work to start integrating Mono.Addins into the F-Spot core which once completed will make extending and experimenting with F-Spot much easier.
For my part I’ve been working on a new design for the import process that will hopefully solve some of the long standing issues I (and many, many others) have with the current system. A good week.

Syndicated 2007-04-13 19:41:50 from Free Food (for Cowboys)


Kristy has finally started documenting the various things she’s been making. If you want to see beautiful eggs or get the inside story on the Wii cake it is well worth the visit.

Syndicated 2007-04-13 18:14:06 from Free Food (for Cowboys)

Time goes by

In what I choose to view as an homage to my purity of essence Christian reminded me today that I’ve been doing this GNOME thing for a frighteningly long time. I wonder what the next decade will bring.

Syndicated 2007-04-13 17:56:51 from Free Food (for Cowboys)


A pictoral tribute to Joe for 7 years of hard work

Syndicated 2007-01-09 17:31:45 from Free Food (for Cowboys)

Two by Two

I released F-Spot 0.2.2 today. It’s better than ever so drop everything and give it a whirl.

So much has been happening the world of F-Spot that I won’t try to cover everything now. I do however want to touch on a few highlights. Most visibly, the work Gabriel Burt has been doing on a new query interface has finally become part of F-Spot. You can find a good description of the new interface at his blog and if you were lucky enough to be at the Boston summit you may have seen his demo. The new interface is major improvement over the old but expect several revisions as we try to streamline and polish it.

The query interface is hardly the only thing new in 0.2.2, Stephane has been fixing so many problems large and small that it is hard to keep up with him. This includes doing the work to move F-Spot to the new managed dbus-sharp bindings. So if you were having dbus related problems before it would be a good time to try things out again. Of course if you start having problems please speak up.

That’s all I have time to cover for now but there is much more I’ll go over in the future. Until then enjoy the new release and a little bit of fall.

Syndicated 2006-10-12 21:29:26 from Free Food (for Cowboys)


In a fit of whimsy I released f-spot 0.2.1 today it includes support for exporting to Picasa web albums written by Gonzalo and Stephane and much more.

Syndicated 2006-09-12 07:51:28 from Free Food (for Cowboys)


Robert finally annouced his new position. Are you ready?

Syndicated 2006-08-30 21:19:20 from Free Food (for Cowboys)

Red letter day

This is the best news I’ve heard in a while. It’s very nice to have F-Spot and the other mono apps gain new users and see the gnome desktop move a little closer to a shared vision. On a personal level it also feels good when you can convince yourself that your vote counts.

Syndicated 2006-01-10 08:55:26 from Free Food (for Cowboys)


I’d like to share a snippet from a Christmas present I got this year.

Before long the chain broke; then the motorcycle ran out of gas. Ewing abandoned the bike, hopped a freight train, and fell in with two hoboes. The trio was discovered by a brakeman, who intended to rob Ewing of his money and watch. Ewing with persuasive-but true-story about being a poor college student, talked the man into returning the cash and timepiece.

The ordeal was no over, however. Eventually the hoboes attacked Ewing. Desipite being hit by a blackjack, he feigned insanity long enough to get away-but not without a chase. The attackers lost track of him as he hid in a churchyard.

The story is about my grandfather’s brother (my great uncle) and the book the book was given to me by my brother John. In an unrelated but not entirely unforeseeable turn of events I also gave John a book about hobos this Christmas. I guess we know each other pretty well.

Syndicated 2005-12-21 22:49:14 from Free Food (for Cowboys)

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