4 Aug 2003 lethal   » (Master)

Put off hacking on the DMAC stuff, since it still isn't appealing any way you want to look at it. I'll probably get to this later once I'm done with some other things, or when I get bored enough to want to actually look at it again.

Spent a few hours being blinded by my IRC client while hunting down various new fansubbed anime. As anyone who has done this before in a console IRC client can tell you, it's not pretty. Thankfully, ripping out mIRC color support made things somewhat more bearable, but not much. Now if only usenet/freenet/<insert random buzzword compliant network of the month here> were more practical for this sort of thing.. although it does seem that BitTorrent is slowly making inroads here, so perhaps this won't be such a headache in the future.

While letting that and BitKeeper play the "lets see who can trash my dialup the most" game, I actually managed to get some work done. Spent the last couple of hours beating more of the sh boards into submission for the 2.6 tree, which mostly entailed ripping out huge chunks of I/O routines which we now deal with through generic wrappers that are filled in at run-time instead. This has made a large number of board-specific code a lot cleaner, and generally smaller. Now it's time to start gutting useless hacks to appease gcc 2.x, since for one, sh is hopelessly broken there, and two, we can't even rely on it to build the kernel reliably anymore. At least this will clean up some of the machvec and syscall code some.

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