Older blog entries for kanikus (starting at number 4)

Heya folks, now I am back from mijn vacatie in het Nederlands ;)
Actually it was a very nice vacation. Actually I may say the best ever. Being with my beloved girl friend was soo great. And after seeing the different parts of Holland, I must say that I like the country soo far. Actually in many ways it resemples Denmark, so I advoided a culture shock.

With regard to hacking I haven't done a single thing. My girlfriend has taken up all my time, and I must say I *really* like that way. I never believed that I could love one soo much as I love her. I am really soo sad that I had to return back to Denmark. Now I just got to find time to visit her soon. If I do not - I have no idea of what I should do about my self. I am soo deply in love, and it feels so wonderful. Mijn Hannahtje, I really love you!!!!!!

A new day..This day didn't start out that well since I had to arrange some importing things over the net, and it was totally down..At some point I though that my netcard had seen the end of days, but luckely that was not the case.

Anyway, today is the birthday of the very active russian translator, Valek, also knows as frob. CONGRATULATION, MATE!!!

Right now I have been playing around with the metatheme package. It seems to be missing the po/ directory, so I made one with the right Makefiles, et al. Added a Danish translation and sent it to the maintainer.

Now I was at it, I updated some more i18n files, and took a little look at the status - yikes, this could look better. Anyway, Evolution looks to be well translated. I doubt if this is right. Maybe Mathieu didn't change the POTFILES.in file after all. In case you read this Mathieu, please run ./update.pl -M in the evolution/po directory. The output should make it clear for you what to do.

Real life
Not much more will happen in that area for today, as I am going to Holland in a couple of hours...I look sooo much forward to that, and totally cannot wait. I never thought that I could miss a girlfriend that much, but I do! It's almost totally unbarable..but now I am going there!!! ;);

Hehe, irc is funny..today a new dane joined the society, and of course Xach was quick to greed him ;)

--> ziento (kenneth@ip102.esnxr2.ras.tele.dk) has joined #gimp
Xach: eek, more danes
Xach: or is that kanikus?
ziento: it's just me Ziento
Xach: hello Ziento
ziento: you don't know me but you probaly know my friend, kanikus
ole: godav, godav, ziento.
ziento: by the way who are you
Xach: jeg er dansk
ziento: godaw ole
Xach: og jeg er nøgen

Well apart from this the new Red Hat 7beta5 public beta was released, and I have to say, This is THE BEST x.0 Red Hat release I have ever seen..Things are really looking promosing!!!
Way to go Red Hat!!!!

FYI: "og jeg er nøgen" is Danish and means, "and I am naked" ...I wonder who tought Xach Danish ;)

Started working on splitting the textstrings in Gnumeric into two textdomains. First take is almost finished...now just to the testing and then to the fixing...

Well not much happened until now. Kim (male) and I was up all night trying to maintain the different Red Hat i18n files...We did quite a job, but there is still stuff to be done before we can consider Danish as a well supported language.

Yesterday I mailed the guy responsible for the man-pages site, and today he replied "IN DANISH", that the Danish link now it added...That is pretty cool, as I think he is Dutch ;)

Right now I am going to take a shower and then pack the last things before I take off to the Netherlands tomorrow - I also need to go buy some things for the trip, otherwise I will be starwing after the 11-12 hour journey...

FYI: I'm going to The Netherlands in order to visit my girlfriend, which I miss quite a lot...

Today I just saw the latest PC Planet magazine, and it had two great articles in it, written by me of course ;) Anyway, they actually turned out really good I think.

Hi everybody, this is my first advogato diary ever..well people kept telling me to get an account here, so now I thought that the time had come to do so...

Well not much has happened today. I have been sitting here with my friend Kim, and hacking a little on the Nautilus Console Scripts. I have also been installing the latest and greatest beta of an *unknown* linux distribution ;) Well I tested it carefully and found some small bugs that I will have to report soon..lets hope that people won't hate me for this ..yikes..but they tend to do so :/ Anyway, in a few seconds I will together with Kim go through the Red Hat i18n files, and make sure that they are well updated with regard to the Danish language.

I will also have to soon port my Danish GNOME book into sgml, so it can be integrated in the book series, Linux - Friheden til at vælge. This is though a lot of work and might first be done after I go visit my beloved girlfriend in Groningen, The Netherlands.

Anyway, back to workin'.....

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