Older blog entries for jpr (starting at number 12)

Said good bye to the mexican contigent, chema, hpj and arturo are all flying the coop. Nice dinner and beer tonight.

lauris has arrived.

Did some libical fixing and worked on figuring out how to cleanup the gnome-pilot capplet. Started three re-writes and threw them all away.

Time to start prepping for my girlfriend's arrival on Thursday.

Poker tournament today at Foxwoods casino in Conneticut. It was awesome. $20 to get in and $10 rebuy. I played for about 3 hours and finished in the top 1/3, not bad for a first try out of 120+ players. Taylor (nat and miguel's roomate) did pretty good as well.

Watched Taylor and his friend Emily play craps and blackjack for a while afterward.

Transported the haggis from the office fridge to home in preparation for Burn's Day (observed).

Good work week lots of hacking on lots of different modules. Evolution, gnome-pilot, libical.

Drinking culture on Wednesday was hugely successful with all the out of towners in Boston. 14 people and many pitchers of beer later...

Poker night on thursday was ok, lost about a buck and broke even playing clahey heads up no-limit.

Dave is almost ready to check in the new uber gide plugin system.

5 Feb 2001 (updated 5 Feb 2001 at 20:49 UTC) »

Ok, so a vastly boring weekend. Maybe should have gone to the party with chema, but drank beer and hacked with ettore instead.

Played some poker. Wasn't hitting much and lost a little.

Hacked on gnome-chess. Now I'm working on making the board resizable and making the colors and pieces configurable and such.

For ettore's LWE pictures go to http://primates.ximian.com/~ettore/lwe-2001-nyc/index.html

3 Feb 2001 (updated 3 Feb 2001 at 08:04 UTC) »

So, LWE is over and I'm writing this late Friday night, early Saturday morning.

The show was great for Ximian, people loved our stuff. Got to work the GNOME booth with the foosball tables this morning.

We snagged some great copyleft t-shirts, the DVD one and "unix is sexy".

Thursday night we went to the "Russian Vodka Room" which was excellent and Rahuul a buddy from Canada swung by. Now, I'm not normally one to drink fruity drinks, but their Apple Cosmopolitans were amazing. And strong.

Thursday and Friday we at breakfast at Amy's Bread which is an amazing little bakery in Hell's Kitchen. We also had sushi one night and tonight we had deli at Lindy's in Time Square before a painful drive home in the snow and such.

Ah, LWE. Fun and yet not because of being so busy. Had some beer purchased on behalf of my birthday yesterday. Long day getting everything setup.

Giving many Evolution demos and losing my voice in the process. I need to sample the varied nyc cuisine and find the Marshall Chess Club to check it out.

Saw setuid and steintr hanging about.

Anna had a great super bowl party on Sunday. Nice beer, excellent food. Too bad the actual game kind of sucked.

Went back to the barracks to watch "Rounders", only the seventh or eigth time i've watched it.

Played poker on the weekend and won some coin.

Now I need to get ready for LWE.

Happy chinese food at Mary's on friday night.

Shared calendaring discussions and LWE presentation prep with ettore and ben.

Started hacking on gnome-chess again. Boy I've written some lame code in the past.

Arturo is now here as well.

See ettore for a harrowing poker game account.

Drinking culture was a success with the foreigners last night.

I think I'm buying a haggis.

Working on evolution alarm stuff.

Imported libical 0.22a for alarm stuff into evolution. Investigated DST issues in the calendar.

Everyone is showing up at the office chema, meeks and ettore in the first two days.

Saw Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

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