14 Mar 2017 johnw   » (Master)

Using the FMap library in Coq

Using the FMap library in Coq

One of the most common structures used in programming are key/value maps, also called hash maps, dictionaries, association lists, or simply functions. These maps generally provide a way to add new values, lookup keys, iterate over the collection, etc. Yet in Coq, even though this facility exists in the standard library under the module FMap, it can be quite difficult to get started with. This post intends to clarify the typical patterns in a way that is easy to copy into your own project, based on the four different ways this library is typically used.

Using a known key type and map structure

Very often, one maps from a known, ordered type, like nat, to some other type, using one of the concrete structures offered by the FMap library. In that case, the code you want to start with looks like this:

Require Import

Module Import M := FMapList.Make(Nat_as_OT).

You can now create a map using M.t A, where A is your value type. You can prefix the map-related functions with M., or just call them directly. Some common function to use on maps are as follows:

  • empty
  • add
  • remove
  • find
  • mem
  • is_empty
  • map
  • mapi
  • map2
  • fold

There are also several relations you can use to phrase theorems about maps and map membership:

  • In
  • MapsTo
  • Equal
  • Equiv
  • Equivb
  • Empty

Additional functions and lemmas

In order to complete most proofs concerning maps, there are additional lemmas and functions you’ll want to include:

Require Import

Module P := WProperties_fun N_as_OT M.
Module F := P.F.

This provides two new prefixes, P. and F., which bring into scope many more helper functions and lemmas:

  • P.of_list
  • P.to_list
  • P.filter
  • P.for_all
  • P.exists_
  • P.partition
  • P.update
  • P.restrict
  • P.diff

Helper lemmas in the F module are generally best found using SearchAbout for the specific lemma you need. There are too many to list here, and they’re often quite specific in their use, such as F.find_mapsto_iff to reflect between the fact of a successful find operation, and its equivalent MapsTo relation.

Proofs involving maps

There are several induction principles you will need for completing inductive proofs over maps:

  • P.map_induction
  • P.map_induction_bis
  • P.fold_rec
  • P.fold_rec_bis
  • P.fold_rec_nodep
  • P.fold_rec_weak

The P.map_induction induction principle treats each intermediate map as an Add relation over a previous map, until it reaches the base Empty map. The _bis variant expresses the same information as successive calls to add down to an empty map.

P.fold_rec should be applied if the goal has the form of a call to M.fold over a map. If you use this, be sure to revert into the goal any hypotheses referring to the same map, since you’ll likely want to use those facts as part of the induction.

Note that these two sets of principles are used somewhat differently from each other:

-- Applies to any evidence in the context involving [m].
induction m using P.map_induction bis.

-- Applies only to evidence in the goal, thus sometimes
-- requiring use of [revert].
apply P.fold_rec.

Rewriting with maps

Since the internal structure of maps is not exposed by the FMap interface, rewriting can sometimes be a little confusing. Equality between maps is expressed by the equivalence Equal, which states that anything found in the first map is found at the same key in the second map. In other words:

forall k v, M.MapsTo k v m1 <-> M.MapsTo k v m2

This isn’t a problem if the terms you’re rewriting involve functions from the FMap modules, but if you create a new function that operates on maps, you’ll need to accompany it with a proof relating it to Equal. For example:

Definition map_operation `(m : M.t A) : M.t A := ...

Lemma map_operation_Proper :
  Proper (Equal ==> Equal) map_operation.

Now you can rewrite the arguments in a map_operation, provided you know they are Equal.

Also, if you find yourself facing difficulties using rewrite with folds, note that in addition to establishing a proof that the fold function is Proper for its arguments and result, you must also show that the final result is independent of the order of evaluation, since it’s not known from the FMap interface whether the contents of a map are reordered during insertion or not.

Abstracting the map implementation

Often when using maps, it’s not necessary to pick an implementation, you just need the map interface over a known key type. To do this, you just need to place your code in a module that itself requires and passes along the implementation module:

Require Import

Module MyModule (M : WSfun Nat_as_OT).

Module P := WProperties_fun Nat_as_OT M.
Module F := P.F.
End MyModule.

To later instantiate such a module functor using a map implementation, you’d write:

Require Import

Module Import M := FMapList.Make(Nat_as_OT).
Module Import MyMod := MyModule M.

Abstracting over both map and key

When implementing generic algorithms that are applicable to any map, you’ll also need to abstract over the key type. In this case, you have two choices: Do you need to know that the key type is ordered, or do you only need to know that it’s decidable? Often the latter suffices, making the algorithm even more general.

In both cases, you may refer to the key type as either E.key or M.key (since the M module re-exports key), and you can check for key equality using E.eq:

Require Import

Module MoreFacts (E : DecidableType) (M : WSfun E).

Global Program Instance filter_Proper {elt} : forall P,
  Proper (E.eq ==> eq ==> eq) P
    -> Proper (M.Equal (elt:=elt) ==> M.Equal) (@P.filter elt P).

End MoreFacts.

To require an ordered type, which makes E.lt available, use:

Require Import

Module MoreFacts (E : OrderedType) (M : WSfun E).
End MoreFacts.

Putting it all together

Since you probably came here just wondering how to construct a map, add stuff to it, and then search for what you added, here is a complete example you can cut and paste to start off with:

Require Import

Module Import M := FMapAVL.Make(Nat_as_OT).

Module P := WProperties_fun Nat_as_OT M.
Module F := P.F.

Compute M.find 1 (M.add 1 10 (M.empty _)).
Compute P.for_all (fun k _ => k <? 10) (M.add 1 10 (M.empty _)).

Also note that there is N_as_OT, which is much faster to compute with if you are using large constants, but it requires familiarity with the NArith library.

Syndicated 2016-10-27 00:00:00 from Lost in Technopolis

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