20 Jun 2000 johnsonm   » (Master)

Today was, I hope, the last firefighting day for at least a short while. We finished the last QA cycle on the new kernel and are pushing it out to the ftp sites. The fact that our co-loc accidentally assigned one of our ftp servers' IPs to someone else's machine as well (oops!) has slowed that process down a little (grrrrr!), but I expect that to get cleared up shortly.

In odd moments during the day when I don't find myself actively fighting fires (i.e. while I wait for the build servers to finish compiling or for packages to push out to the world) I'm making sense of the kernel team's area in the test lab. This involves building racks (real racks and bread racks) and re-wiring the whole mess. No matter how neat the wiring was in the first place, moving machines in and out adds entropy to the system, and pretty soon you have no idea which machine is connected to which port of the KVM switch, and tracing network and power cables becomes a puzzle. As much as I enjoy puzzles and untangling cords, I'm ready to put this in good order.

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