Shane Mueller has done a clever bit of usability analysis for Nautilus and GNOME. Shane mantains the Nautilus File Manager Scripts project, a collection of scripts folks have written to add functionality to Nautilus. Shane reasons, properly, that the various itches being scratched by Nautilus scripts could reasonably viewed as gaps in Nautilus/GNOME functionality, and he has provided download numbers so we can see what people are most often trying to add. Archiving and compression seems to be the big winner (loser?). He is quick to admit that it's a crude measure, and I would add that the sample is biased toward geeks who are into the sort of tweakly customization a Nautilus script implies. But it's nevertheless a clever and valuable insight into how people are using our watch
An example of the correctness of raph's observation about the vibrancy of the independent media on the web: Steve Aftergood's Secrecy News. A counter-example (linked from Aftergood's newsletter): David Corn in The Nation. Old paper-based independent media that happens to be easy to find for free now on the Web.