Older blog entries for huge (starting at number 4)

I'm currently writing this at work, in the NOC, because the office smells, there is people putting some stuff on the roof to protect against the rain. So I decided to emigrate near our servers and telco equipments. There is a console with a screen, keyboard and mouse to ... manage our NT internal server. So I take thatand put it on one Linux box, then ssh on my workstation to work. I'm hacking some Perl stuff, must be finished tonight. Fortunely, I've got my MD recorder with me so the noise is not a problem. And I am behind 3 19'' racks, so there is nobody to annoy me : "hey, you must do that and that for yesterday !".

I tried yesterday to buy Sona Fariq at the "FNAC", sort of music' Wall Mart in France, they don't know anything about this band, so I will have to relaunch my "gnapster" ...

I also registered myself to make a presentation about Cocoon in Paris with Parinux, a Paris LUG, I don't know if it will be accepted nor if it will be good, but hey, I can try :) stefano, if you've got slides about that, it would be cool to send me :) I plan to present XML (basic knowledge), Cocoon, XSP, EJB and a live web site built with Cocoon and EJBs ...

14 Sep 2000 (updated 14 Sep 2000 at 10:28 UTC) »

I'm happy to be the first to certify stefano. He is the leader of the Cocoon Project. Stefano, you might want to add a project entry in Advogato. I would like to put you as Journeyer, but I will do it later, when enough people certify you :)

I'm fine, cool :) But, I wiil have to return to work tomorrow, not so cool :(

12 Sep 2000 (updated 13 Sep 2000 at 10:33 UTC) »

I'm better than yesterday.

I think tomorow will be the end of the pain :) But it was 1 week long, too long.

Not a lot of things to say. I'm going to read my Sterling book in my bed. Will be cool I hope.

Salut les gens !

11 Sep 2000 (updated 13 Sep 2000 at 09:03 UTC) »

Ok. First entry.

I am ill, tired, I've got a headache and my English sucks.

Here we go.

I just began "Islands in the net" from Bruce Sterling yesterday. Pretty cool, readable, not like William Gibson whose books IMHO sucks.

But, for the little I read, it seems to me that Sterling is a little too optimistic; this is first impression, so I might change. This week-end, I also read "Animal Farm" from George Orwell, which is a little book, this is a "metaphore" about a democracy turning into a dictatorship. Go read it.

My TOREAD list is like that : the 2nd book from Bret Easton Ellis, Huntington's "The Clash of civilizations", Tom Wolfe's "The right stuff", Orwell "1984", Stephenson's "Snow Crash", Meyer Levin's "Compulsion" and a book about Turing. And also "Amber" from Zelazny, too much time since I read it. And in IT books, I have "Java and XML" and "Java Servlet programming" from ORA and "The annotated XML Specification". More on this soon.

The weather is fine in Paris this afternoon, too warm, cause I am ill and I hate the heat when I am tired. Life sux. Cause I saw a groovy band called Sona Fariq live at the TV this week-end, and can't go out and buy the CD :( And not enough BW to wait with Napster.

And I can't play Quake III anymore for the moment, it just gives me more headaches.

In two days, I will be fine, I hope.

Ok, I'm tired, EOT

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