harbourn is currently certified at Apprentice level.

Name: Nicholas Harbour
Member since: 2001-05-04 12:52:44
Last Login: N/A

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Homepage: http://www.camalot.org:8080/


I live in columbia maryland, where I am a programmer for the government. I am in the process of trying to get some of my tools GPL'ed. For work, I hack forensics tools. for fun, I hack goofy little nic-nac's that make me feel happy. I will post some here from time to time.

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13 May 2001 (updated 13 May 2001 at 03:08 UTC) »

Wow, this is my first entry. I feel enlightened already :)
Well, it is yet another weekend for me without my car. It has been in the shop now for two weeks. Being trapped in my house forces me to concentrate on code even harder.

Today I began working on some skeleton code for a simple filesystem for BSD. Right now it doesn't do much, but there are greater plans afoot! It is not a file storing file system, but rather a proc style file system concept.
A month or so ago I wrote a quick and dirty language that had a pretty impressive symbol table system. my hopes and dreams are to integrate that language with this filesystem. essentially what this would give you is a programming environment which could be debugged and or interacted with from an outside process via a simple file system interface. Imagine this senario:

The Following lines of code could be executed by the mangle interpreter (The little language I mentioned earlier).

def string mystring;
mystring="Hello World!";
Now, at the same time, a seperate process inspects the programs symbol table via the file system:
# cd /mangle/$MANGLE_PID/symboltable/
# ls
# cat mystring
Hello World!
# echo "Smello World" > mystring
# cat mystring
Smello World
Now, returning back to the mangle interpreter, the session continues without a burp:
print mystring; #the program prints out "Smello World"
undef mystring;
def number foo;
def ref bar;
foo = 5;
bar -> foo;
Now back to the file system, we see the new changes:
# ls -l /mangle/$MANGLE_PID/symboltable/
rw-r---- root wheel foo
rw-r---- root wheel bar
# cat foo
# cat bar

This is how pathetic I am, I really have nothing better to do with my time. I actually love this stuff. Needless to say, I am still single.

harbourn certified others as follows:

  • harbourn certified MikeGTN as Apprentice

Others have certified harbourn as follows:

  • MikeGTN certified harbourn as Apprentice
  • voltron certified harbourn as Apprentice

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