25 Feb 2006 halcy0n   » (Journeyer)


gcc-4.1.0_pre20060223 (aka _rc2) is in the tree. I would appreciate it if people could test it and let me know of any remaining problems with packages they run into. You now have permission to file bugs for all gcc-4.1 related errors and not get yelled at. :) 4.1.0 final should be out in a few days, and I expect to have it in the tree shortly after it is released. I have to go through all of the patches we have applied to 4.0.2 and see what should still be applied, so be patient if it isn't in the tree right after it is released :)


Well, we are trying to get together an actual QA "team" to search out QA problems and get them resolved. So, if you see a bug assigned to you and with QA CC'd on it, don't worry, we are not out to get you. We are just trying to keep track of all of the QA problems, and educate people so the same problems do not occur again. If you have ideas on what we could do better or problems in the tree that you think we should look for...I'd love to hear them :)

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