Older blog entries for garym (starting at number 78)

Declarative Bliss: Prolog Resources

I loved Prolog; it was the language of choice for most of my small "get this going quickly" contracts in the middle 80's while everyone around me was wrestling with IBM Pascal and TurboC. Prolog was more like the way I thought about programming, starting from the premise of "how do you know you have the answer" and working backwards to the base principles.

The Toronto Star StarBall Fantasy League software was Prolog (linking C for the buffer crunching) both for the parsing of the human-generated (read "colourful") news wire and also to manage the work-flow of the UI for the data entry operators who had to type in some 60,000 hand-written player-selection forms clipped from the paper.

My banker, who was concerned that microcomputers were not making any money for me, called me in to 'discuss' my account. I told him that I had a breakthrough, a way to code software blazingly fast, often in a quarter or even a tenth the time it would take in C or Pascal, and thus I could lower my net charges and open up new markets. He leaned forward and said, "You get paid by the hour don't you?" and I nodded.

"So this Prolog thing isn't going to be very profitable, is it."

Well, wrong he was, Prolog paid a good chunk of our bills over the 80's, was used for TorStar and several museum exhibits, and it was my love of Prolog that lead me to meet Robert Stanley, head of Research at Cognos, and that lead directly to my work on the infamous Zeus project (which was Eiffel, but that's another story)

Anyway, I loved Prolog, and you will too because now you can learn it and even practice online, and you can download the kick-ass GnuProlog compiler/interpreter to get you started.

Kudos to 0xDECAFBAD for reminding me of an old friend.

20 Aug 2003 (updated 20 Aug 2003 at 02:12 UTC) »

Attack of the Rubber Spam

I'm under attack, and this following yesterday when my webhost was under their worst ever attack which makes me wonder if the two might be related, but whatever, this is an attack for which I really don't see any solution: Someone sent out a large virus using all of my website email contact address as the Reply-To and now thousands of well-meaning webservers are 'returning' the email because of full mailboxes, because a virus was detected or just because it's spam.

And what can I do but receive them all? All are from legitimate domains, all of them are from hosts that resolve, all of them are simply replying to that reply header. There's no defense I can see and if someone has one, do let us know.

But what really amazes me is the dense stupidity of these mail servers doing the rubber spam bouncing: If the message contains a virus, why return the virus to the sender?? ... I mean, really, that's pretty smart on their part. For the others, the full mail boxes should probably return the whole message (those that don't still do annoy me because I most often forget to CC: myself) and the anti-spam bots, well there again, when we all know that spam almost never comes from who it says it comes from, why bounce it? ... bouncing spam is, like, so nineties.

Whatever, it seems I'm stuck with it, and since the trees have overgrown the wireless tower plunging me back to rural dialup rates, it means that ever time we go online, the pipe is jammed with the same virus over and over and over and

black arts of estimation

I hate estimating projects. Face it, unless you've done the same job a statistically significant number of times before, there isn't an estimate on the planet worth the bits in it.

They tell me there are two basic philosophies of estimation. There is the American way of over-estimating and then joyously coming in under budget. And then there's the way I'm told is currently in vogue among the off-shores where the initial estimate is absurdly low, and creeps up and up and up and up as the client is drawn more and more into their commitment to the investment.

I prefer the former :) The rule I like to use is almost universally both right on the mark and initially completely, categorically and flatly rejected, the Fahrenheit-to-Celsius rule:

Take my best estimate (say $24k, double it and add 10% ($52.8k) and take away 32 comparable-sized units, usually of the next lower order of magnitude ($52.8k - 3.2k = $49.6k).

That said, I wouldn't want to ask for $50k up front; I'd instead prefer maybe 20% up front to get us rolling, prime the dev environment and then involve them in all facets of the progress as soon as we have even a few pages to show, and keep the discussions in the open, making sure everyone knows where we are at all times so we can manage the burn rate to hopefully get to the destination state way under that price.

It's like the game we used to play with art installation funding with the Canada Council: They offered some cash sum for some certain kind of event, we'd target that sum in our proposal, then pay our musicians, technicians, suppliers and artists out of that account, and everything left over by the end was a bonus (usually paid for opening night pizza).

But, really, realistically -- asking us for our estimate is all backwards. A client should be preparing to wager some fraction of their ROI, some sum that says unspoken, "If it's headed higher than this, we need to bail." Their return on this wager/investment is the only true bottom line -- if the return is $1M/year, then it's worth half that to build a truly stunningly brilliant design; if the return is only $10k/year, then it makes more sense to cobble it on the dirt-cheap from spare parts and student volunteers.

'Course, you can I both know that no one wants to face this reality, and without that basic bit of realism, we're all still stuck with that old smoke and mirrors cat-and-mouse game of "how much does it cost?" vs "how much are you willing to pay?" :)

XRML - Extensible Rule Markup Language

Graeme Burnette tips us to a new technology for building rule-based information systems: Extensible Rule Markup Language (XRML) can support the automatic processing of implicit rules embedded in the hypertexts and help human browse them for their comprehension ... XRML aims to convert itself to XML for browsing, and assist the generation and maintenance of consistent explicit rule structure.

This is the initial run proof of concept from "Extensible Rule Markup Language - Toward the Intelligent Web Platform" by Jae Kyu Lee and Mye M. Sohn, to be published in the Communications of the ACM.

18 Jul 2003 (updated 26 Jul 2003 at 04:04 UTC) »

decisions, decisions

A completely hypothetical IT jobhunters' quiz, an IT Friday Five you might call Prisoner's Dilemma: a list of options, and, like, one day to select...

  • One offers 12% voting shares in a company and no pay. The 51% owner isn't a big compromiser and promises the moon for a song to Big Name prospects (who traditionally will try hard to leverage fame for price) rather than sell proven product to regular joes. He wants someone to architect 'next generation' services on a promise of 'dividends' while the coder who builds it (boss's buddy) gets a cash reimbursement from the corporate sales.

  • One offers 80% market rate and the promise of "equity" on a noble idea on questionable foundations. The technology plan uses a hastily re-invented P2P by anonymous programmers -- the design shows hard evidence of already making the same naiive mistakes Onion Networks had made nearly 3 years ago, mistakes which caused Justin to greatly modify his fundamental approach -- and they are running an expensive and unstable proprietary platform (with no in-house expertise) with non-MVC webtools. The business plan bravely and nobly sells advertising on independent obscure artist content.

  • Plan three offers 80% market rate, no shares, no equity, not even rights to intellectual property, with a requirement to "provide advice, specs, design <u>and</u> implementation" on a massive distributed information server. Although the marketplace has numerous high-profile and very robust, proven and mature productized alternatives, this must be a competitive clean-room re-implementation, done by one person inside of 300 hours. Your predecessor skipped, or fled, leaving no shred of docs behind, and what docs do exist for requirements are scant and ambiguous.

  • Four has the best of intentions, a long time trusty friend with inexhaustable good-will and great humanitarian ideas. What little cash is personal savings, but he's ready and willing share and share alike and sing your praises everywhere. He just needs some dedicated assistance to get this baby off the ground. The recompense is the promise of a fair percent of whatever the two of you can get.

  • A subsidiary of a massive manufacturer will pay fair market rates sub-contracting on a very large B2B catalog server. No equity, no intellectual property, straight-up work-for-hire on an implementation in open source for the price you ask, paid on time, no cheques bounce, and prospects for future contracts.

The people and situations described in the above scenarios are fictional. Any similarity to persons living or dead is completely co-incidental.

Ok, kids, it's 11th-hour time ...

Which do you choose?

Turns out, fate chose.

Steve Mallet reports on how Ruby stole the show at OSCON

Matz, the founder and developer of Ruby, had said in his session that a good name for a project will take care of 80% of your design work for that project. Afterward we mused that a good leader will take care of building a community around a project and that it was equally if not more important than the project itself. Those in the session felt that Ruby had these thing going for it. Aside from being based on what I see as the best aspects of perl and python, and it being a great thing, we see that while Ruby has a great start, it has a great future.

Get no quarrel from me there ... but before I truly switch over, Ruby has to sort out the package management and from there build itself a real competitor to CPAN -- they do that, and man, I'll flee from the camels!

For a company so vehemently outspoken against the anti-democratic scourge and pestilence of Linux, there sure is a heavy concentration of busy penguins down at the Microsoft London Internet Data Center ...

First light

Ok, turns out the magic trick to getting the Lucent FW323 Firewire card to work is to load the raw1394 modules before the ohci1394; then all of a sudden the gscanbus goes nuts dumping data and dvgrab gleefully grabs frames.

Now I have a different problem: Is there no software that will read the output from dvgrab? the README says how to capture a movie file, but then says "go get windows media player"???? Ok, I expect there is a deep reason for that, but since that's not an option around here, it's back to google to see what my alternatives might be.

Light my firewire

Been putting it off for far too long, today was the day to bring the machine down, take out the modem obsolesced by the wireless highspeed, and install the ilink/firewire card. This is the story of that adventure:

First off, plug in the card, restart the machine, no smoke. Good sign, so I plug in the camera, a Sony Digital8 700x SteadyShot. Ok, on the Mandrake menu is bcast2000, so for fun, I hit it, and for the record, nothing happens. Two instances of bcast2000 in the process table, but nothing opens. So I kill it. Plan B: Google the blighter.

Google on "linux digital video" sends me to Kino. Kino wants libdv and apparently didn't like Mandrake's libdv2, so I download and install libdv from the sf site, but Kino's config still won't accept the libdv/dv.h that is clearly there in /usr/include. There's another ominous google hit, a mailing list post of someone who had gone this way before, but ran into dead silence when they asked if there were any drivers for Sony handicams ... and sure enough, following his process, a modprobe of the ohci1394 shows

/etc/hotplug/ieee1394.agent: ... no drivers for IEEE1394 product 0x080046/0x00a02d/0x010001

Y'know that sinking feeling you get when you've spent a lot of money on a "standards based" device and then discover you're locked out of it because you won't play the Redmond game? That's the feeling. I wrote to the author, since his post was 6 months ago, and trod on ...

kino's sister prog, dvgrab, wants raw1394 installed, and on this one, for the first time, there's a urpmi match: libraw1394_5-0.9.0-1mdk.i586 -- I install it with the devel RPM as well; config now wants libquicktime (not found in urpmi) and once again, it doesn't find the /usr/include/libdv/dv.h include file (locate finds it no problem), but dvgrab doesn't bomb on that, it just says the AVI's would be better if it had it. Right now, I'd be happy with a first light so I trod on and hit make.

Make exits ... with a huge string of syntax errors in /usr/include/libdv/*.h -- syntax errors, guint32 used as a type but not defined ... ok, let's shelve that for a moment. I see there's an option to use libavc1934 instead, and it builds and installs without incident, so ...

I install that, kino still fails because of dv.h, so I reinstall that from the sf sources and now dvgrab installs. Cool. Give it a shot ...

raw1394 - couldn't get handle: No such file or directory
This error usually means that the ieee1394 driver is not loaded or that /dev/raw1394 does not exist.

Well, the driver is loaded, but yes, the /dev doesn't. I have video1394, but not the raw, so mknod /dev/raw1394 c 171 0, and it does exist, but dvgrab gives the same error.

I can see this is going to be a long night.

Had a call today from our ISP, in a bit of a panic, seems some script kiddies were causing his website some woes and he wondered if I might be able to spare some time to help out. Now, knowing his machines are Windows 2k of which all I know is that I don't want to know, but I offered to do a security audit.

Simple enough, I fired up Nessus and even produced the fine LaTeX-typeset report into a slick PDF that itemized a long list of naivities, even found a few ports with logins that began "W3lc0m3 t0 th15 D15tr0" (which I highly doubt is the work of those fine folks up in Redmond) and shipped it off with an invoice to follow, but y'know, it's so easy, and I realize this report could save his business thousands of dollars by the time he's followed each individual crack-fix tidbit Nessus appends, but still, it's like taking candy from a baby.

Why is it people don't do these things themselves? Wouldn't you think that part of buying the equipment for an ISP-class set of servers would prompt the vendor to throw in a CD of security tools? Well, yeah, it is Microsoft and where ever it was vended is probably a similar take the money and run, but still, really, why?

Stuff like this is all over the place, it's no wonder we're all prey to spammers and crackers. Our little town is under the kind auspices of at least half a dozen ISPs and I'll bet I could run a report on each one of them and find at least as many backdoors, unpatched holes and the like, and it's really damn hard to sit here and restrain myself from just unleashing a test on them and sending them the report as a "gesture of goodwill" ... 'ceptin' I'm sure I'd probably hear from their legal dept more than their tech support.

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