29 Mar 2000 deirdre   » (Journeyer)

Coffee, need coffee.... My taste buds aren't awake enough to know they're drinking yesterday's reheated French roast. Ugh.

Doing an early triage on my work email, I'm convinced that there needs to be a better way to manage a complex software rollout for electronic deployment. That said, when it involves N servers (where N is > 10) and there need to be core software upgrades and database structure changes, it's just not that simple.

About the only code I've written off-work hours is a weensil python example of how to remove html tags to produce a text file. Mostly, I was annoyed at having to keep html and text versions of my resume; this makes the maintenance somewhat simpler. I happened to write it last night after getting home and, lo and behold, someone asked for exactly that on the tutor list this morning.

It also highlights a petty annoyance with python: I like my booleans to be boolean dammit. Too much damn pascal programming in my deep dark past. My dad always used to put jokes in his code.

I considered several apparently cleverer ways of doing this involving regex, but ultimately anything would have to reduce, at some level, into what I wrote. ::shrug::

Too much damn assembly language.


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