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davidm is currently certified at Master level.

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Recent blog entries by davidm

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30 Jul 2003 (updated 4 Aug 2003 at 23:52 UTC) »

Interesting times, it's been a little more then a year since I was laid off when DevelopOnline went bankrupt. Since then I've been contracting in the embedded space. Some Linux, some 8 bit CPU stuff.

The 8 bit stuff has been with the Rabbit Semiconductor 3000 Rabbit core processor. It's a Z80 on steroids. six serial ports, one Ethernet port, lots of parallel I/O, 512K RAM and 512K Flash onboard. Fun little system. Even has an MMU onboard. But since it's only an 8 bit system no Linux for it. Still lots of fun.

It is always interesting to see where life leads you. In this case back to my roots from the 1980's.

3 Jul 2002 (updated 19 Jul 2002 at 05:47 UTC) »

Well the word is out, my current company, is critically short of cash and while there are VC's looking at funding the company none are moving fast, or for that matter slowly. Ice moves faster.

I am indeed looking for a new position, need to pay bills, buy food, etc. and DOL has suspended executive pay for the duration. On top of that there was virtually no notice of the pay suspension, just oh by the by no more pay, but please keep working! They will, if the company gets funded make up the back pay but with with the current economy that could be a LONG time.

If anyone has any leads for a senior executive acustomed to running a large team and who also codes in "C" and is a fully qualified sysadmin please contact me at davidm at them dot com.


My resume is up at them dot com /~davidm/

Mom & son (Dylan) home safely.

18 Apr 2002 (updated 20 Apr 2002 at 02:32 UTC) »

Dylan Nash Nathan Mandala Born 17:30 April 17th - 8lb 14.2oz - 20.5 inches. Mom and Son doing great.

More later.

11 Sep 2001 (updated 11 Sep 2001 at 17:36 UTC) »

Wow, a bad morning to say the least. I have friends and family in NYC, some of them work down near or in the World Trade Center.

I hope they are all ok, have not been able to reach any of them.

I don't know what to say. People, lots of people have died, WHY?

3 older entries...


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Others have certified davidm as follows:

  • elbustancoltd certified davidm as Master
  • bneely certified davidm as Journeyer
  • dido certified davidm as Master
  • ottawaDave certified davidm as Journeyer
  • dsifry certified davidm as Journeyer
  • aftyde certified davidm as Master
  • crackmonkey certified davidm as Journeyer
  • nelsonrn certified davidm as Journeyer
  • mperry certified davidm as Master
  • elise certified davidm as Master
  • davidw certified davidm as Journeyer
  • dyork certified davidm as Journeyer

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