23 Jun 2010 dangermaus   » (Journeyer)

Texturing a sphere in OpenGL?

I am writing a simple climate simulation which will be released soon as frontend for the Global Processing unit project.

One of the tasks is about plotting the Earth in OpenGL, for this I have bitmaps with continents, clouds, temperatures, etc, which I would like to project on the sphere.

I read through documentation on how to texture a sphere. After a while, I decide to go for this approach instead (in Freepascal, which is a phantastic Open source substitute for Delphi):

I create first a "sphere grid" in an array called sphere3d:

procedure init3DGrid(var w : TWorld; var clima : TClima);
var i, j : Longint;
    p1   :T3DPoint;
    lat, lon, altitude : Extended;
 for j := 0 to 179 do
     for i := 0 to 359 do
         lat := YtoLat(j);       //-90..+90
         lon := XtoLon(i);       //-180..+180
         lat := lat/90 * Pi/2 + Pi/2; //0..180
         lon := lon/180 * Pi + Pi;  //0..360
// adding half a degree to longitude for triangles
// in each second row
         if (j mod 2 = 0) then
               lon := lon + 1/720 * 2 * Pi;
         p1.x := - radius * sin(lat) * cos(lon);
         p1.z :=   radius * sin(lat) * sin(lon);
         p1.y := - radius * cos(lat);
         sphere3D[i][j] := p1;

function XtoLon(x : Longint) : Double; begin if (x<0) or (x > 359) then raise Exception.create('x on array has to be between 0 and 359 but was '+IntToStr(x)); Result := x - 180; end;

function YtoLat(y : Longint) : Double; begin if (y<0) or (y > 180) then raise Exception.create('y on array has to be between 0 and 180 but was '+IntToStr(y)); Result := 90 - y; end;

And in the Paint method of my extended TOpenGLControl I do a call to plot3d with my color bitmap and the vertex array computed in the previous procedure Init3dgrid:

procedure plot3d(vertex : P3DGrid; colors : PGridColor);
var i, j,
    target_j : Longint;
    p1,p2,p3,p4 : T3DPoint;
    r, g, b : Extended;
  for j := 0 to 179 do
     for i := 0 to 359 do
          target_i := i+1;
          target_j := j+1;
          if (target_i>359) then target_i := target_i-359;
          if (target_j>179) then target_j := target_j-179;
          p1 := vertex^[i]  [j];
          p2 := vertex^[target_i][j];
          p3 := vertex^[i][target_j];
          p4 := vertex^[target_i][target_j];
          r := Red(colors^[i][j])/255;
          g := Green(colors^[i][j])/255;
          b := Blue(colors^[i][j])/255;
          glVertex3f( p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);              
          glVertex3f( p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);              
          glVertex3f( p3.x, p3.y, p3.z);              
          glVertex3f( p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);              
          glVertex3f( p3.x, p3.y, p3.z);              
          glVertex3f( p4.x, p4.y, p4.z);              

For my limited knowledge of OpenGL, this is easier to setup (and for me to understand) than loading a texture and using a cubic or cilindric projection on a sphere. The performance of this solution is also acceptable, at least for my Earth surface with 129600 (360x180*2) triangles.

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