Recent blog entries for cdevienne

Back to work today, after a week of holidays.

A little announce

It's now official : Nathalie, my girlfriend, and I are living together :-). Last week we repainted the bathroom with the help of her sister Claire and moved most of her furniture to my (well, our) apartment... and my back is now hurting because of carrying around heavy stuffs this week end :-|.
Anyway I'm sure it's for the best :-)

Meeting Quotations

Speaking of Nathalie and Claire, I must do a little ad for their band, Meeting Quotations. I know I cannot be objective, but believe me it rocks !

Noise reduction

The noise of my computer was driving me crazy, so I installed this heatpipe on my hard disks. The result is impressive, and the price worth it. I should have done it much sooner !

6 Jul 2005 (updated 5 Aug 2005 at 14:43 UTC) »

Big relief, the Software Patents in Europe are not for today :-)

A big battle is won, but probably not the war. At least we know that defying big companies lobbying is not helpless. Many thanks to the FFII for proving it !

Time to get started : here it is, at last, my first diary entry ! I wanted to do this a long time ago, and finally I dare to.

Software Patents in Europe

This week, Europe is going to choose... and it's not looking good. This situation makes me quite incomfortable, and I feel quite powerless. Tomorrow will be the big day, let's hope democracy is not a vain word...


Well, I'm actually the maintainer of it (still didn't figure how to have it written on the advogato project page BTW). Lately (well, since a big year) my daily job is taking me more and more time, which leave me with very little to actively work on the project. I hope to find a bit more time in a few months so I can do more than just waiting for bugreports and handle them with delay.

The End

Well, that's it, that was my first diary entry, and I hope not the last.

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