13 Mar 2012 cdent   » (Master)


$(function() {
var Set = function() {}
Set.prototype.add = function(o) { this[o] = true; }
Set.prototype.remove = function(o) { delete this[o]; }

var adler32 = function(a){for(var b=65521,c=1,d=0,e=0,f;f=a.charCodeAt(e++);d=(d+c)%b)c=(c+f)%b;return(d h1').text());

$('#save').bind('click', function() {

$('#saver').bind('click', function() {
    saveEdit(function() {
        var title = encodeURIComponent($('#editor > h1').text());
        startHash = adler32($('input[name=tags]').val()
                + $('textarea[name=text]').val());
        window.location.href = '/' + title;

$('#delete').bind('click', function() {
    var title = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
    if (currentBag) {
        var confirmation = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete ' + title + '?');
        if (confirmation) {
            $('#editor > h1').text('');
            startHash = adler32('');
    } else {
        displayMessage('Tiddler never saved to server.');

 * Fade in an announcement text message.
function displayMessage(message) {

 * Display an icon indicating privacy status of tiddler.
function setIcon(privatep) {
    var img = $('').attr({
        src: host + (privatep ? privateIcon : publicIcon),
        'class': 'privacyicon'});

    if (!currentBag) {
        img.css('cursor', 'pointer')
            .click(function() {
                var target = privatep ? 'public' : 'private';
                if (confirm('Switch to '
                        + (privatep ? 'public' : 'private') + '?')) {
                    currentBag = space + '_' + target;

 * Send a DELETE for the tiddler named by title.
function deleteTiddler(title) {
    if (title && currentBag) {
        window.location.hash = '';
        var uri = host + 'bags/'
            + encodeURIComponent(currentBag)
            + '/tiddlers/'
            + encodeURIComponent(title);
            url: uri,
            type: 'DELETE',
            success: changes
    } else {
        displayMessage('Nothing to delete.');

 * Inform a non-member that they may not edit.
function guestPage() {
    $('button, input, .inputs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    $('#message').text('You are not a member of this space, so cannot edit. ');
    var link = $('')
        .attr('href', host)
        .text('Visit the space.');

 * Save the text and tags to the title in currentBag.
function saveEdit(callback) {
    callback = callback || changes;
    var title = $('#editor > h1').text();
    if (title) {
        var text = $('textarea[name=text]').val()
            , tags = readTagView()
            , tiddler = {};
        tiddler.text = text;
        tiddler.tags = tags;
        tiddler.type = currentFields.type;
        delete currentFields.type;
        tiddler.fields = currentFields;

        // update content based on radio buttons
        var matchedType = $('[name=type]:checked').val();
        if (matchedType !== 'other') {
            if (matchedType === 'default') {
                delete tiddler.type;
            } else {
                tiddler.type = matchedType;

        var jsonText = JSON.stringify(tiddler);
        if (!currentBag) {
            currentBag = space + '_public';
            beforeSend: function(xhr) {
                if (tiddler.fields['server.etag']) {
            url: host + 'bags/' + encodeURIComponent(currentBag)
                + '/tiddlers/' + encodeURIComponent(title),
            type: "PUT",
            contentType: 'application/json',
            data: jsonText,
            success: callback,
            statusCode: {
                412: function() {
                         displayMessage('Edit Conflict');
    } else {
        displayMessage('There is nothing to save');

 * Read the current tags from the input into an array.
function readTagView(tagString) {
    var tags = [];
    tagString = tagString || $('input[name=tags]').val();
    var matches = tagString.match(/([^ \]\[]+)|(?:\[\[([^\]]+)\]\])/g) || [];
    $.each(matches, function(index, value) {
        tags.push(value.replace(/[\]\[]+/g, ''));
    return tags;

 * Write updated tags into the tag view. If a non-false second
 * argument is passed, it is assumed to be a tag that is being
 * added or removed.
function updateTagView(tags, changedTag) {
    var outputTags = [];

    if (changedTag) {
        var tagIndex = tags.indexOf(changedTag);
        if (tagIndex == -1) {
        } else {
            tags.splice(tags.indexOf(changedTag), 1);

    $.each(tags, function(index, tag) {
        if (tag.match(/ /)) {
            outputTags.push('[[' + tag + ']]');
        } else {
    $('#editor input').val(outputTags.join(' '))

 * Display the most recently used tags.
function updateTags(tags) {
    tags = Object.keys(tags);
    tags = tags.sort();
    $.each(tags, function(index, tag) {
        var taglink = $('')
            .bind('click', function() {
                updateTagView(readTagView(), tag);

function updateContentType(tiddlerType) {
    $('[name=type]').prop('checked', false);
    var matchedType = $('[name=type]')
        .filter('[value="' + tiddlerType + '"]');
    if (matchedType.length) {
        matchedType.prop('checked', true)
    } else if (tiddlerType) {
        $('[name=type]').filter('[value=other]').prop('checked', true);
    } else {
        $('[name=type]').filter('[value="default"]').prop('checked', true);

 * Callback after tiddler is GET from server, filling in forms,
 * preparing for edit.
function establishEdit(tiddler, status, xhr) {
    currentBag = tiddler.bag;
    var tagList = [];
    currentFields = tiddler.fields;
    currentFields['type'] = tiddler.type

    // update the content type buttons

    currentFields['server.etag'] = xhr.getResponseHeader('etag');
    updateTagView(tiddler.tags, null);
    startHash = adler32($('input[name=tags]').val()
            + $('textarea[name=text]').val());
    if (currentBag.match(/_(private|public)$/)) {

 * Get the named tiddler to do an edit.
function startEdit(tiddlerTitle, freshTags, freshType) {
    $('button, input, .inputs').removeAttr('disabled');
    window.location.hash = tiddlerTitle;
    $('#editor > h1').text(tiddlerTitle);
        dataType: 'json',
        headers: {'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0'},
        url: host + encodeURIComponent(tiddlerTitle),
        success: establishEdit,
        statusCode: {
            404: function() {
                    .prop('checked', true);
                updateTagView(readTagView(freshTags), null);

function emptyEdit() {
    $('button, input, .inputs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    displayMessage('Select a tiddler to edit');

 * Check the href anchor to see if we've been told what to edit.
function checkHash() {
    var hash = window.location.href.split('#')[1] || '';
    if (hash) {
        var title, tagString, type, args;
        args = hash.split('/', 3);
        $.each(args, function(index, arg) {
            args[index] = decodeURIComponent(arg);
        title = args[0] || emptyEdit();
        tagString = args[1] || '';
        type = args[2] || '';
        startEdit(title, tagString, type);
    } else {

 * Display the recent changes.
function displayChanges(tiddlers) {
    $.each(tiddlers, function(index, tiddler) {
        if (!tiddler.type 
            || tiddler.type.match(/^text/)) {
            $.each(tiddler.tags, function(index, tag) {
            var penSpan = $('').text('\u270E')
                .bind('click', function() {
            var tiddlerLink = $('').attr({
                    href: '/' + encodeURIComponent(tiddler.title),
                    target: '_blank'})
            var list = $('
  • ').attr('data-tiddler-title', tiddler.title).append(tiddlerLink).prepend(penSpan); $('#recents > ul').append(list); } }); updateTags(recentTags); } /* * Get the 20 most recently changed tiddlers in the public and private * bag of the space, callback to displayChanges. */ function changes() { $('#recents > ul').empty(); $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', headers: {'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0'}, url: host + 'search?q=bag:' + encodeURIComponent(space) + '_public%20OR%20bag:' + encodeURIComponent(space) + '_private', success: displayChanges }); checkHash(); } /* * Start up, establishing if the current user has the power to edit. */ function init() { $.ajaxSetup({ beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-ControlView", "false"); } }); var url = '/status' , genHost = false; if (window.location.href.match(/^file:/)) { // for dev url = 'http://cdent.tiddlyspace.com/status'; genHost = true; } $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', url: url, success: function(data) { space = data.space.name; host = '/'; if (genHost) { host = data.server_host.scheme + '://' + space + '.' + data.server_host.host + '/'; } if (data.username === 'GUEST') { guestPage(); } else { $.ajax({ url: host + 'spaces/' + space + '/members', success: changes, error: guestPage, }); } } }); } init(); });
  • Syndicated 2012-02-13 22:19:22 (Updated 2012-03-08 14:35:16) from cdent

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