Older blog entries for caio1982 (starting at number 13)

2 Oct 2004 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:31 UTC) »
Moving Home

Just like many people have done before with an Advogato's diary, I'm now moving the not-100%-geek-related posts of mine to another site, http://caio.ouie.org, my webdir at Mozilla Brasil nowadays. I have a very long TODO list to write about in here but I'm going to comment only a few of them.


It could be "Telecenters" if you really prefer but, the fact is that I am loving to work in this project. I never had thought about to work in such a project, for real. Last week we did receive three Compaq CDS524 486 machines with only 8MB of RAM (you remember or not, this hardware model is more than 10 years old, at least in Brazil). So, the mission was: to create a thin client network with almost 300 of these machines with very low resources, for the kids of poor elementary schools. There was a "Windows Boy" in a meeting about this that said those Compaqs was nothing more than trash and past. So we did it. It's working, greatly :) and I'll post soon a screenshot of it running GNOME 2.6, kernel and with more info...

More of the Same

Yet about my new job, next week the "São Paulo's Cultural Centre" will through Sun Microsystems donate to us two SPARC servers to build another remote terminals project but this time for musicians that in our mind would just arrive there, sit down, search for a specific music or opera or something to study (audio files for now, in the MP3 format, not .ogg... sorry) then open up a PDF (not a open format again, sorry DjVuLibre) with the tabs or partitur then tada! :) it's going to be marvelous, just hold on...


Thanks TaQ I'm a little ashamed because my bad bad english :P in a old post I had said "Internation" instead of "International", what becames funny in time "internation" remembers something like "to intern", he suppose. You know, learning another language is not that easy, specially when the new language does not have any similar roots with yours mother language (portuguese came from latin if you didn't know). Thanks for the tip anyway TaQ :)

Mozilla Brasil

The brazilian project of Mozilla is now 2 years old! To celebrate the date, we're doing some secret things that we'll tell a bit more soon, but for now, check out my little gift for Mozilla Brasil, a cake :P

22 May 2004 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:39 UTC) »

Sorry, this first part is for those that can understand portuguese. Sim, o GNOME deveria facilitar as coisas para os usuários finais imbecis mas, santa natureza... enquanto testava o GnomeMeeting (voz sobre IP, pra fazer ligações pelo computador), em alguma batcaverna de um servidor IRC:

[11:03:02] <caio1982> essa foi demais
[11:03:20] <caio1982> traduzir configuration wizard do gnomemeeting para Druida de Configuracao
[11:03:28] <caio1982> acho q minha mae nunca clicaria no icone por medo
[11:03:54] <spuk> hahaha
[11:04:55] <spuk> "o magní­fico amiguinho de configuração"
[11:05:41] <spuk> tradução ao pé da letra über alles
[11:06:31] <thefallen> tipo, nao existe mais InstallShield... eh StonehengeInstall
[11:07:30] <thefallen> tipo "seu Druida de Instalacao esta agora invocando um daemonio para
                       finalizar o processo de pacto com o capeta" 
[11:08:08] <caio1982> serio, acho q meu pai por exemplo nem sabe o q eh druida e ficaria com medo da opcao la 
[11:08:20] <caio1982> mais facil colocar "asterix de configuracao" 
[11:08:27] <thefallen> eh eh 
[11:08:34] <thefallen> Next Next Obelix
[11:09:56] <spuk> ouvi dizer que o "druida" de configuração do gnome não tem botão "voltar", pra não confundir os usuários
[11:10:58] <caio1982> nao tem mesmo 
[11:11:01] <caio1982> eh Regressar 
[11:11:18] <caio1982> o q nao faz muito sentido, mas pelo menos tem como *voltar*
[11:11:41] <caio1982> podiam ter colocado "Rever o Passado" logo

Eu odeio tradutores porcos e sem noção. Custa muito usar o cérebro? E não, o Kphone do KDE não ajudou muito... na verdade achei ele uma droga mesmo, e me pergunto desde então se ele realmente faz parte do release oficial.


The text above says about the stupidity of GnomeMeeting translators for end-users and this block is still about that mystical entity. There's a lot of nice tutorials and howtos around the Internet, but when the user need to understand how exactly a thing works in the interface of a program such Mozilla it becomes a little problem, at least for me. So, I decided to create a kind of "real tutorial", using a VNC server and a client called vnc2swf that records the session in the Flash SWF format to people can see it in their own browser, quickly, fastly, easy. If you wanna know more of this, check my page with examples and more details. Sorry, the page haven't a english version, yet. Bought to you by me, for the Mozilla/Brasil project ;)


Yes, yes, yes! I got finally a ADSL! Goodbye my sweet and brave US Robotics ISA 56k.

Creative Commons

Next month will be simply amazing. I'm going to Porto Alegre (Brazil south) to participate of FISL (Internation Free Software Forum) and there will be the folks from CC.org and Creative Commons Brasil (the first public release of the local project). Lawrence Lessig and Ronaldo Lemos (interviewed by me some weeks ago, in portuguese). Also, I almost finished reading the Lessig's Free Culture book (need to do that before FISL) but you can check out a portuguese review of it wrote by me here - or a Google translation of this and the direct link for the HTML version of his marvelous and unique book. When I come back from there I'll post the link for some photos and a diary entry about the event.

9 Mar 2004 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:30 UTC) »
Creative Commons

Ha! I was so fucking right! About eight months ago I told to all my friends how fantastic the Creative Commons project is and the probability of its populatity growing a lot. So we have right now a nice CC-GPL licence thanks a brazilian initiative. Also, check out this amazing commercial, winner of the CC's Moving Image Contest: [Creativity Always] Building on the Past (.mov, 8mb). To see the others featured movies, go to the contest page. So, did you notice that when I have no news to write about, I always put a lotta links here?

Mozilla Brasil

Pretty obvious, uh? [...] Actually I'm helping out the Mozilla Brasil team to organize the project and you can browse my personal directory through the home page link in top. In the last weeks I've spent some time playing with POT files (type man gettext inside your terminal emulator baby) because I knew that anyone can convert Mozilla's DTD files to the POT format so you can easily translate the T-rex :) while testing it with the Translate kit, the descendant of mozpotools, originally created by a couple of guys from a south african translation group I wanted to write a localized manual of Translate (this version in english). I strongly recomend you to try it! Lets retire the Mozilla Translator ;)


Yes, scalable vector graphics rules. I made some convertions from bitmap images to the SVG format and the theme is basically about... hmm, Mozilla! My Mozilla's SVG images.

Femtologger & Designing

Femtologger is almost finished, yay! I just need to clean up the code and make finally the CLI using Dialog. Now it exports RSS feeds, XBEL bookmarks, have a nice text version of the page for accessibility purposes and a lot of CSS themes for colorblind folks. The page built by Femtologger now is compliant with Bobby/US 508 guideline but hmm 80% against W3C WAI. I used to try to validate it against the W4 Dogma (W4D) group, but it's a little hard to do so, because there isn't a validator for that. Anyway, I think it's fine unless for the part about font sizes... I really like to use px instead of % or even pt :P ...and yes, Femtologger is based on Bowie Poag's MicroBlogger, specifically on 1.9 release and it is a very simple, easy-to-use and standards compliant web log system (or just blogger) that runs with no need of any kind of dependencies; no CGI, no PHP, no SQL. Femto is 100% made using Bash script and a menu-driven system. Another good reason to use Femto is because it builds a valid XHTML 1.1 page plus valid CSS 2.1 to style the elements. Also, you can use to-be-converted tags for bold, italic, blockquote, links etc and boy, it's so awesome to hear the Festival system speeching my Femtologger page!

Well, it is time for some links and URL :D like my study about Tantek's hive menu, some others works about it and Mozilla's proprietary CSS properties. And if I remember something more else I'll post here soon, I promise.

13 Oct 2003 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:22 UTC) »
Die, PC, Die

Marvelous! My computer has just died. My hard disk where my Linux system was installed give to me a lot of I/O errors plus possible badblocks in the /etc area. Because it I can't boot and... my DIMM memory seems to be unusable. I really don't know what to do nor what to say. I'm right now typing it in a LAN house and for now on you can call me Murphy.

9 Oct 2003 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:22 UTC) »

Yay! I've got a freelance for webdesigning the page of a small brazilian company, nothing really hard though. It will represents extra money for me, finally I'll see money again in my hands! I'm making a very simple page with valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 and a few Photoshop'ed images. I even could make it XHTML 1.1 and get a 1337 page but I am too lazy to understand 2 stupid remaining errors from the validator. You bitch, how can you use tables and ignore CSS nowadays?! But want to know the best part of the whole thing? My Internet connection will be turned off in the next day (probably in the next hours) then maybe I won't finish this freelance perfectly :( I'm a fucking asshole... still need money to pay the net tax... but I don't care, I rocks with CSS/XHTML :P

4 Oct 2003 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:32 UTC) »

Hi there, apparently the links in my last post pointing to entersite.sites.uol.com.br are broken but they aren't. I have no clue what's happening in UOL, no fucking idea of the matter whith them but if you just wget the links you can see the pictures anyway. Grab it again if you had tried and got 404.


We are looking for a decent hosting (spuk, nerdwell and caio1982, me) and maybe in some weeks we'll get it and a .org domain. Luck for us.

2 Oct 2003 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:35 UTC) »

Sorry, this beginning part is for those that can read portuguese. Finalmente posto novamente alguma coisa aqui, depois de muito tempo (o último post tinha sido em 29 de Julho). Muitas coisas aconteceram, muitas mesmo, e algumas listarei aqui em pt_BR, outras em inglês... nas outras partes deste post gigantesco.

Novidade mor, se tudo der certo como estou planejando, irei novamente para Curitiba por volta do dia 14. Sim, pra ver a minha Danielle. Saí do emprego. Quer dizer, eles me saíram... meu ex-chefe (imbecil e despreparado, diga-se de passagem) disse que Linux não dá dinheiro e que não teria o que me dar como pagamento de salário. Ótima, que morra.

Estou livre novamente, em todos os sentidos. Indo atrás de freelances de webdesign (é difícil aqui na região) e tentando me envolver com um ou outro projeto de Software Livre. Veja mais no tópico abaixo sobre o Mozilla. Falando em outros tópicos, tem coisas neles que são relacionadas ao que eu fazia no tal antigo emprego, leia se quiser saber. De resto, eu estou bem. Tenho falado mais com o Josh também (temos algumas coisas bem em comum), e inclusive o convidei pra vir ao Brasil pra participar do CONISLI este ano. Talvez não dê pra ele, mas acho que ele virá no próximo FISL em 2004. Massa!


It's public, I'm really a KDE fanatic guy. It's a great project, a incredible desktop environment (KIOs and Kparts are the best ideas implemented that I ever seen). Don't get me wrong pal, but I really can't figure out how intelligent people can use GNOME. Wait, it's not a FUD nor a flame bait. I know the GNOME's accessibility/usability project is great and do a very good job, but their desktop software is strange for me. Despite the fact I'm on a dial internet connection, I'll try to install another Debian SID here probably with KDE 3.2 (actually in alpha2). Then I'd say more about it with extra arguments so you all couldn't say it's FUD. Fuck off, this is my diary, it's my personal opinion about GNOME. Read this article about GNOME vs. KDE and how GNOME became lame. It's very old, but enough for now.

A friend of mine (spuk) do a lot of programming, maybe I'll use him as my slave to do a new KIO to handles Macintosh resource icons heheh :) actually only the Bearca's icn2png can do it under Linux.


Another magnific project that I love, a lot. We are starting a localized project of it called Mozilla Brasil and I have already translated some articles from Gemal and others. How I said in the past, I'm a mozevangelist. It's all. Unfortunately we are having some issues with marketing and promotional stuff, since Mozilla Fundation seems to haven't any good material so that localized projects could use right. Did you know that Mozilla default font is proprietary (not open source or free software)? It's the Revolutions.ttf, and costs too much for me. If you know a site or FTP or something where I can grab some Mozilla's promo stuff, please, let me know sending me a e-mail through entercaioATuol.com.br. I am looking specially for SVG and PNG images (in a high resolution).


MoreGroupware. Cool. It's the free software tool I was using in my last job (I got fired... as related in the first topic of this post, only in portuguese). I know there are many groupwares but I didn't know this one and I liked a lot. Probably because it's simple to install, a really small list of dependencies and came with a brazilian portuguese pack. You must try it!


Yay, I borrowed a digital camera from my uncle for some days and... well, see the links for some pictures: a flower, a bush from my front yard, my dog' shit and me (caio1982). Also, as bonus a real screenshot of my actual desktop. Wanna a normal screenshot? My KDE with Liquid Style and KwinAcqua. Someday I'll upload to some decente machine my hack of WinampX (skin for XMMS).


Recently I've written some articles and translated others and now you can read some of it. The first issue of Mozilla Links Newsletter translated to pt_BR (I'm working on the second issue). A weekly special reviews of some KDE/Mozilla apps that I recommends. If you gimme some hosting I can upload more stuff, so? ;) ah, I still have not converted my articles about QtMozilla, Checky and Devotod to Rich Text Format so that I could send them to Revista Do Linux (there's a myth they are accepting any kind of writings).


Yeah, the birds. Thunderbird and Firebird softwares of Mozilla Fundation. Man, I really hate this hype created about both programs. I'm a SeaMonkey guy, sorry, I really can't use them. They have weird options and a small number of. I love options, that's why I like KDE not GNOME. Anyway, I don't like their XP'ish style... for me they are just marketing. See, some days ago I got both plus the latest SeaMonkey (the classic Mozilla suite) release, 1.5b IIRC. I couldn't notice any better thing of the birds over the suite, for me they runs perfectly equal and dispends the same ammount of RAM. So, what should I use them? If you read regularly some Mozilla weblogs and news you probably knows about the SeaMonkey vs. Birds developers rift. If not, long live to SeaMonkey (unfortunately impossible):

Healing Firebird vs. Mozilla Suite rift crucial to Mozilla's Success.

Clarification for a SeaMonkey User (thread really big).

Mozilla Suite vs Firebird causing a rift among developers.

Mozilla Firebird and the Part 2 of it...


I didn't release any of my designs under Creative Commons licence yet but I'll. But now CC is more known in Brazil, at least.


Boto sent me a memo in OFTC summoning me to post more diary entries here (boto, you could join spuk and I in the ouie.org, huh?). Hey, I just did it :) but sorry for my bad english, as always necessary to say.

30 Jul 2003 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:36 UTC) »

Sorry, this beginning part is for those that can read portuguese. Hoje passei o dia em Itanhaém (que segundo a Danielle, se pronúncia Tonhónhóim). É uma cidade legal, perto de Praia Grande, onde eu moro, e é onde alguns amigos residem. Desde que terminei o colegial e saí faltando 2 meses pra concluir o curso técnico na ETE aqui perto, sempre me encontro com uns poucos que conseguia me socializar: Fred (ou FSV, para os conspiradores), o Rudmar e a Patrícia. Contudo, hoje tive surpresas e acabei encontrando também o Igor (que já visitei em Porto Alegre) e a Fabs (calma, é apelido). Como sempre, andamos pelo centro, fomos na biblioteca, passamos no melhor lugar pra se comer panquecas de São Paulo (Casa das Panquecas), e claro, falamos mal de muita gente e rimos muito sobre fatos bizarros que aconteceram no último semestre :-) é como uma reunião de cúpula, onde vemos o que fizemos em 6 meses e rimos de nossas próprias caras :-)

Antes que eu me esqueça, a biblioteca de lá fede, muito. Só porque fiquei 3 anos sem pegar nenhum livro decidiram cancelar minha ficha (que já era falsa, por eu não ser residente da cidade, mas que se dane) e não pude alugar dois livrões fantásticos que finalmente achei, e nesse caso de graça, Contos Inacabados e Roverandom, ambos de Tolkien e que ainda não li. Que Túrin Turambar mate todas as funcionárias de lá :-P

Creative Commons License

Before to say anything, I think you should read this topic on OSWD forum about the CCL and web designs. I'm gonna release all my templates (HTML, XHTML and CSS) under this license and I'm trying to know what exactly it does, what it protect and its consequences. I'm seeing many web sites being released under CCL and at least what I've read, this license is very good and logic. The site has also a ton of information that helped me a lot. If you are a GPL/FDL/LGPL fan, consider to read that. BSD fanatics goes to /dev/null, sorry.

Post Scriptum

The old CSS style of this page was a crap! Sorry for these absurd tests, I've forgot completely that it would appears in the recentlog.html page causing that visual spamming. Thanx to xach that mailed me warning about this little (not so, not so...) error.

24 Jul 2003 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 19:36 UTC) »

Sorry, this beginning part is for those that can read portuguese. Como eu disse no último post, no último final-de-semana fui visitar alguns amigos em Curitiba. Fiquei na casa do Eduardo (aka boto) e da Danielle ([dani]), que tem lindos olhos verdes ;-) tão bonitos quanto a cidade. Curitiba parece uma mistura de cidade pequena do interior com a infra-estrutura de São Paulo, mas sem os exageros que esta possui. Em especial, fiquei encantado com a Praça do Japão: um lugar com árvores e flores, esculturas e até uma casa de 3 andares, tudo no estilo oriental do nome. Foram meus melhores dias em anos. Reproduzindo parte do cartão postal que a Danielle me deu pode ajudar você a entender o que eu quero dizer, ou não: hipercubo, animatrix, a mosca II, madrugadas, bosque, batom, praça do japão, cobertura dura, super mario (zerado 3 vezes), procurando nemo (peixes são amigos, não comida), 1ª gaveta (presente), cobertas, dm1tri na rua, gatorade, pizzas (!!!). Viu só? Foi massa :-) e quando eu tiver as fotos e os postais digitalizados, posto os links deles aqui.


A newer version of the Breeze theme was released for Mozilla 1.4.x. I need to remake my changes of it in the new version and release finally my personal modified version. Flyson have changed some minor things in Breeze 1.4, like menu lines etc... I prefer the old style, but with others colors. Check out his site.


Have you ever tested Simutrans? It's a great game for Linux and Windows which you control the transportation system of various citys, similar to SimCity. Unfortunately, the Linux version hasn't sound support by default. I didn't play too much yet, but it has some cool features, like a great variety of cars, trains etc, lots of terrains, winter and night modes. Ah, it supports 9 languages (besides others non-official like portuguese)! Take a look on this screenshot of the winter mode, the night mode and the normal game.


Keeping the hunting for a decent, simple and good CMS. I had some contact with XMLnuke when it was really new and hadn't any engine younder the ASP one. Now it supports PHP, C# and Java. Awesome! The software seems to be really nice and if I'm correct it uses a design theme that I've made for OSWD. Finally I can test it (using PHP engine, of course). The project is hosted by SourceForge, GPL and works only using XML/XSLT, nothing more. I think I'll make some more designs themes for they, it can't be hard :-) didn't I say the maintainers are brazilians?

23 Jul 2003 (updated 25 Apr 2005 at 18:54 UTC) »
Can you see CSS?

Yah, yah, it's just eye-candy... Advogato allows some tags and a great amount of style attributes, but I only knows that now :-P It's funny, but I need to take care with it, otherwise this page will turn into a trash can with just CSS and girlish stuff, because that I must begin to post something useful. If you can't see the radius in borders corners I think is better you get and use a good browser, Gecko-based in special. I went to Curitiba (Paraná, Brasil) last weekend, it was marvelous, really. Sooner I'll post something about this fact. For now, I'm gonna put a order in my offline life. It's messed up.

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