Older blog entries for apeiro (starting at number 10)

Arch Linux

Released pacman 2.0 today -- it will be on the mirrors tonight. I had to leave some things out until 2.1 so I can move on and start preparing for the Arch 0.3 release. I've been thru the hoops a few times now, so the release process is getting smoother and more defined.

I rebuilt the bootdisk set with 3 disks instead of two: one for kernel, one for modules, and one for the root filesystem. Works nicely and (theoretically) supports ide, scsi and pcmcia. The install program is also smoother.

Look ma! We're getting closer!


Got back from the houseboat trip last night, went to bed at 6pm and woke up this morning at 8:00. The floor is still moving.

Microsoft Fun

A few good Palladium/TCPA links floating around, if you're interested in where Microsoft and friends are heading:

Assuming these guys know what they're talking about, this does not bode well for linux.


I leave for a houseboat vacation tomorrow with all my coworkers. There will be copious amounts of beer, and my boss has forbidden me to bring the laptop to code on Arch. I didn't put up much of a fight. It's 30 degrees Celsius outside - coding isn't much of an option when you're on a houseboat in that heat.


We finished rebuilding the new database server this morning. Now we're importing the 7gb database and hoping that MySQL's slave replication has been working.

Arch Linux

Made an ABS update/sync script last night and fixed a couple small pacman2 bugs. That's two more things off the TODO list. Hopefully I can get 0.3 out in the next few weeks before things start getting REALLY busy.


*sigh* Registered for courses last night. I've been taking core courses for awhile now, so they want me to pick up some electives. I have no idea what to take. I guess I could take some easy intro courses so that I have more time in the Fall.

I'm a little worried about finding time for everything when school starts. Arch Linux, full-time school, part/full-time work, guitar, and then general fun. The numbers don't add up.

I'm an uptime whore

[root@homer /etc]# uptime
  2:02pm  up 475 days, 16:16,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[root@homer /etc]# shutdown -h now

*sniff* The doctors say they have to take ol' Homey down to repair his RAID array. I don't know if he'll ever be the same.


Don't you hate those mornings where you wake up tired? Ugh... Had a great time at a concert in Vancouver on the weekend. Went camping. Fell asleep under the stars, woke up under a heavy rainstorm. Spent the remaining hours of the night under a tarp, which was conveniently situated in the precise location where all rain water was collecting. Got up at 5:30 and went to Denny's. Normally I really dislike Denny's, but at 5:30am it's a godsend.

Arch Linux

I started some general handbook-type documentation for Arch yesterday. It's slow going, but I hope to have something substantial for the 0.3 release.


Testing testing testing... We've spent the last 6 months revamping our main product and now we have to test the hell out of it. So my next two days will be spent writing scripts to generate random statistical data so I can import it into the system and make sure numbers don't get lost. This shouldn't really be my job, but we don't have any testers, so...

And while I was gone, it turns out that one of the drives in our main database server lost one of the RAID drives, so we need to move control to the slave db box until we can get the primary back to tip-top shape. This gives us the chance to move to a different filesystem too, since we're really pushing the 2gb file size limit in ext2.

Anybody have any good suggestions for a new filesystem? Do any of them work particularly well with RAID-1?

Arch Linux

Well, I crammed a few more l'il features into pacman 2.0beta (might as well, while it's still un-released to the general public). Beta testers haven't reported any problems yet, and they seem quite pleased with the new features. The only part I'm not happy with is the performance of the db_find_conflicts() function, which has to search through all files in all packages in the database, looking for conflicts. It's an expensive operation with a multi-textfile database that I'm using. Everything has its trade-offs, I suppose.

Received some more positive feedback from a user today. I love that stuff. :) When you're an open-source programmer who doesn't make any money for his work, positive feedback and a general sense of pride and accomplishment are really the only returns you get on your hard work.

2 Jul 2002 (updated 2 Jul 2002 at 22:36 UTC) »

I've released pacman 2.0 beta to a select few Arch Linux users. I'm running it on all my workstations and it's smooth so far. A week or two of testing and it will be ready for release, though the new dependency logic isn't much use without a good dependency tree in the package set. *sigh* in time. The other AL developers are all busy with their real lives, so it's just me again, for now.

I'm hoping to get a 0.3 release out in the next 2-3 weeks. Then the plan is to release a pacman 2.1 which will have all the nifty features I didn't have time to get in 2.0.

I'm somehow still finding time to get work done on Pacman2 -- he's got apt-get functionality now and auto resolves dependencies at the binary level. Next is the source level.

We're looking at moving our master server to rackshack, as they've got kick-ass prices and (reputedly) good tech support. Now we just have to get some donations going. We're 60% of the way...

Pacman 2.0 is roughly halfway through development. Dependencies are fully functional and he's got ftp/http download capabilities built in. Now I need to merge the pacsync stuff in there and start finding some beta testers.

Well, Arch is coming along even better than expected, especially when you consider the fact that I have no free time and my head will probably explode (or implode) soon. *sigh*

An ABS auto-update script is in the works, and I am now on the prowl for some download mirrors. If I keep serving iso's from the T1 at work, somebody's bound to notice. :)

I've set goals (but no dates) for Arch Linux 0.2, and it should prove to be quite stable and powerful for the experienced linux user.

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