Older blog entries for andrewmuck (starting at number 28)

made a big mistake, of course it seemed like a great idea at the time.

I went the whole weekend off the net, very relaxing and had a great time.

Total number of emails deleted without reading over 600 (subjects scanned of course, est 100+ spam, 200 interesting but not usefull, 300 just the normal fluff)

several interesting emails that were read, O'Rielly, Chineese diving and rabbits.

More on those subjects when time permits.

So little time for diary entries lately.

I did get a story up on K5 on anon e-money got some thoughts stirring.

I found it an odd experience as with the time shift (GMT+8) I found that I suggested the story, then next time I'm on the net its been moded up discussed and passed on. Maybe I should get a night job, just so I can be awake during the nets more active hours.

Plenty of support along my street for the pettition many signitures and much aching of feet...

10 Oct 2000 (updated 10 Oct 2000 at 09:25 UTC) »

Following a slashdot article and some general net-wide reminising about the good old computers, my ZX-180 project is getting kicked up the prioity list again.

Did the ICANN vote thing, no ideal candidates of course because I didn't make it through the nominations, hopefully the lesser of the evils will get in.

Still seems to be a total lack of any decent underground around, I got half excited over Mojonation but is not exactly decentralized is it? PGP (or GPG depending on how you look at it) is pretty decent for web-of-trust situations that can be indepentdant of any central co- ordinator, yet still the Global Resistance of Underground Networked Technologists languishes...

Well some excitement again last night with yet another car not making the corner at high speed. Just missed a girl walking her dog at the front of my place and smashed into a power pole next door.

Some petition work definately comming up to get either white lines down road or round about/speed humps.

This morning you could still hear cars screeming down the road even though school is back on again and this stretch of road is now a 40k/h limit. Estimated speed of last nights crash is over 140k/h...

15 Sep 2000 (updated 1 Oct 2000 at 14:03 UTC) »

I really should put entries in here more often but my wiki addiction is getting in the way.

ICANN Well I never got enough nominations to make the cut, but I am staying in touch to see what unfolds and what can be done.

ZX-180 Got to re-write into an open cross assembler, really need to clear some space and get at it again.

Sub now seriously on the way back burner

work sneaky change of per kilometer rate means I got $700 less than I expected, I am raising objections, hopefully wont have to start ignoring my phone in the middle of the night ;)

copyright Some interseting thoughts at PayPerView to play with, I am begining to wonder when the revolution will come? Perhaps some Global Resistance of Underground Networked Technologists is needed...

Sub Sunk :( someone else has purchased the pressure vessle and I have missed out, now on the scrounge around scrap yards to see what else is available.

Wiki I am addicted, I know this because last night my dreams were wiki based, unfortunately with me modifying and making new dreams in my head it turned into a mess, I really need to learn how to fork(); in my sleep. My experiment into InternetGovernance seems to be going well.

copyright why do laws go from something decent to something oppressive and nobody in the general public cares? It is like a cross between BraveNewWorld and NineteenEightyFour

life so much to get done such little time left...

Well as an experiment try InternetGovernance

I wonder if it will work well?

With the MPAA and GPL, I rekon let them carry on and embaress themselves, no need for us to act up on their account.

Still way to busy to write much here, probably have a big entry later on...

This entry is in lieu of my missing entries as I have been discovering wiki. You can see me there as AndrewMcMeikan

Not much else to comment on as everything seems to be going slow. especially the speed on my xoom account

Copyright law seems to be an indicator of Orwellian proportions, the end times are a comming.

Read Greg Egans 'Diaspora' and Ben Bovas 'Venus' on the weekend. Diaspora was the first mention I have seen of femtotechnology as an advance on nanotechnology. Venus was a good drama...

Copyright in Australia just got scary, the new Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Bill 1999 looks even worse than the DMCA

ZX-180 well using a 4014 instead of a 74LS165 seems to be no improvment. Got h-sync pulses down from 10us to 5us but now I have to change all the other timming in the video loop. Will start support for 60Hz displays soon.

Sub Managed to free up an old jammed air car air conditioning compressor last night, so if proves reliable in testing might do me for a high pressure air pump.

web hosting my xoom. com account is finnally back up after they confirmed that no improper material is present...

Soo busy, It just seems to get more and more, here is what has been happening in my life lately.

MPAA vs DeCSS No doubt your up to date on the trial outcome, what seems to be glossed over is that now the fight is really begining, 200+ emails on this turning my computer on this morning (maybee I should check more often :) lots of activity and a general view that this outcome would go towards a future solid win for DeCSS (or the now DeCSS+), as it stands on a technical reading of the finding your local retailer selling a normal DVD home system is now trafficing in DeCSS. i.e. no point of authority to decrypt was establish, any decrypting is unlawfull

web hosting xoom.com have confirmed why they pulled my site, it seems that 'music industry' pressure has made them pull off anything to do with MP3's. I have pointed out that I was showing how to build players not offering any music/sound files for downloading, waiting for reply (seems to take a couple of days for them to send anything off)

ICANN zillions of emails to read to keep up to date, and hardly any endorsments for me. If you are an At Large member start clicking !!

Sub Well didn't get flipped as planned on the weekend, need to buy a carton of beer for the crane people :) Took the family and the preachers family to see it, generally not met with aproval, seems they were expecting it to look more like a sub already. Oh well, bit of time (and some money [arggh thats a longer story]) and it will look sea worthy. To those who think I will end up killing myself, don't worry she'll be right mate!

ZX-180 Worked on power up, no smoke/flames :) forget to tie off the DMA request line so initially had to hold a finger over the CPU to get video, quickly fixed, my shiftregister load signal not timed right with new shift register (a 4014 instead of 74LS165) gotta get better. EPROM programmer at home is playing dead so this has slowed it down, but still ticking along.

Life Life?? what life?...

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