Older blog entries for aicra (starting at number 38)

5 Jul 2009 (updated 5 Jul 2009 at 23:03 UTC) »

Not understanding.

So, there was this guy... Joe Juliker, well, that's what the VP called him. His real name is Joe Julicher. I found him to be quite arrogant with regards to GNU/Linux.

Of course, I doubt he knew who I really was, but that is not the point.

When did GNU people start to become arrogant. This guy was more arrogant than RMS or Linus. Maybe... it was a gender bias thing. There is a lot of that going on over at Microchip Technology.

who is Julicher. He's nobody. Well, oh, maybe he's someone at Microchip technology... but that's about it. Maybe he's just one of those people who would be arrogant no matter what...

It's possible.

I just find it amusing that Linus is so humble... John Gilmore - Humble, RMS - humorous... not humble but definitely approachable and honest.

So, why is this one loser arrogant. It really upset me that he purported to be someone important. He's nobody. Why does it still bother me....?

Because I am so sick of these losers... noones... who think they are something, act like jerks.

This is not high school. Even if it were, you would be tantamount to the janitor's assistant. Not that there is anything wrong working with the janitor... but you have no reason to be arrogant about it.

You are really NOT all that. PATENTER!!!!!

Leaving the Evil Empire

Could you keep speaking about a pay cut while a man was having an attack in the audience?

Hypothetically, you are an employee of a semiconductor company or "micro chip" located in in Chandler, AZ.

Ok, let's be real. It was Microchip. Sanghi got up for a communications meeting where he informed employees that there would not only be a 10% pay cut but the raise that the employees were waiting for many months, was not coming. During this announcement, a man began to have an attack. A woman in the audience ran around trying to find help for him.

Did they get security? NO. Did they call the on site nurse? NO. Did they call 911? NO.

Instead, they walked... I repeat WALKED the man out of the meeting during his attack!

This is a serious matter. Did the CEO stop talking...? NO. They were filming, right... There was no explanation, no apology, nothing.

My question is this: How can Microchip employees continue to respect this CEO - Steve Sanghi. Not only do they continue to respect him, some almost worship him. It's a little creepy.

Steve Sanghi should step down and let Steve Drehobol take over. Why Drehobol? Owens can't get pics off a thumb drive or figure out Sharepoint on his own. Ganesh has a big loser of a project that cost millions for naught. Vance is LDS... that's a plus unless you are FEMALE.

Also, I think Canadians with less experience and less education that are being promoted should be sent north.

The funny thing is that in New Product Development, not only are the managers all male, but the Manager and Director are South Africans - from Keeloq. I don't think they can code either. I had a few conversations with one who doesn't seem to understand programming.

I can tell you some sick stories about the gender bias at Microchip but that probably wouldn't surprise you.

However, what may surprise you is the fact that Microchip engineers in New Product can not code. There is maybe 1 or 2 guys from Rose Holman (burke and mike) who can code.

That's right. They CAN NOT CODE. One guy asked me if PHP was difficult. WTF.

Also, more importantly, IMHO they are violating the GPL.

Ask for a copy of the code... see if it compiles...

Microchip ... Ethics = NULL

It has certainly been quite long time since I last wrote.

31 Jul 2008 (updated 31 Jul 2008 at 08:17 UTC) »

Ok, so this week, I set up a wiki.

It was 1999, somewhere around there, when I was at the 2600 site, getting more info on freeing Kevin. Well, I saw the information on DeCSS and got involved.

It was easy at first. Not a lot of DMCA cases. I could keep track of all the new ones. That is until about 2001. Then, it got really strange. It was around this time that I called Berkman center about the GAIM case, and spoke with Wendy Seltzer about her new project, Chilling Effects.

Chilling does an excellent job, and so does the EFF. However, I thought that a contributatory system of DMCA information was in need.

I needed help back then. I couldn't track, list, link, comment and post on all the upcoming DMCA information.

On the 20th of July (about a week and half ago), I gave a presentation at The Last Hope. Presentation found here:

http://www.tim.netblues.org/index.php? option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder&Itemid=10&677e12c07f99a 353eb0968c0e8b0df69=3dfdec78cc6ea4d588e09cff32d74596

ok, long link - Tim dot Netblues dot org - then click downloads.

I think they were expecting my typical, passionate "DOWN WITH THE DMCA" speech.

Instead they got boring information about counternotifications and such. I had to. Not many people are fighting the DMCA. This is the way they can fight! I thought about it, and realized, after 10 years, I lost some hope. Lost some passion. Never did I lose interest. I just lost the hope to fight. We made such small steps into progress. After years of work, I felt like I was an anonymous bug caught in the windshield of the DMCA. What could I do?

What I realized when I was doing my research was that there is so much information and it's not found in one place.

The sites that list all the cases are not as easy to access as I would like. I think a WIKI would serve as a good knowledgebase.

Another thing I realized at the conference is that I am never going to get this book out until I get myself organized. I know I was supposed to get my outline and draft to RMS this month and I'm way behind.

There's so much info. I just need to organize it. I'm hoping to get some community help and reviews. If I can get people to contribute to the wiki, that would rock. I wouldn't have to spend hours in a day posting new info. Sometimes I miss cases!

Then, maybe I can concentrate on the book. Also, if I can get some donations, maybe I can finalize the DMCA documentary or at least post some stuff to netblues or Youtube or something!

I have some awesome video - albeit less than amateur:

Dmitry Sklyarov Rally and Speech
Protesters with Don Marti in San Fran
Interview with Bennett Haselton - Peacefire

I seriously need to get this stuff done and can't do it alone.

I'm hoping the wiki and the community will drive this single source for information about the DMCA!

Yeah, I'm back. Finally, something I can contribute in the fight against the DMCA!

2 Apr 2006 (updated 2 Apr 2006 at 14:08 UTC) »

Annodex.... check it out.

Very nice

Wow, what a week.

So like, I only worked 20 hours on site. It rocked. But I think I will have to go in on Sat. Bummer but I'll get a lot done.

Almost missed the deadline for one school. PHEW. Had to leave work for a couple of hours to straighten that one out. One school requested my report within 24 hours. It's looking good for law school!

I need to start in Fall. I NEED to start in fall. Imagine me... a lawyer... oh yes, I'll rock.

14 Feb 2006 (updated 18 Feb 2006 at 07:16 UTC) »

Today I got my new license plate. Woohoo. Ch1x0r. Yeah.

I had to go into work. Sometimes, I lose it there. There's a guy who made a programming joke, because I was the only one who got it, he calls me codie now.

Sometimes it makes me wonder about this guy who is struggling with *nix commands.

Who died and made him root?

It's really scary in a sense and very pathetic and sad in another.

The questions are like this:

How do I use the find command?

Me, thinking: What can't he find?

How do I make a symbolic link?

Me, thinking: OMG! why! what did you do? and if you can't figure out how to do one, maybe... you aren't the best person to be performing this task...

What is the utility to get the ip address?

Me, thinking: We are SCREWED!

I don't know how to restart tomcat. One week passes....

Well this is bleeding edge technology, noone really knows anything about this...

Me: Well, actually, you see...you need to do this...and this... in that particular order...

But... My ULTIMATE favorite was the chic who demanded that the /bin directory be moved! OMG! She was so upset when someone said no. She started getting loud and was like freaking out.

I was like, whoa.

So, about three weeks later, the perfect opportunity presented itself. Someone had moved the trash can in the aisle. She came by looking for this guy. I say to her, "NOW WHO MOVED THIS BIN!" "That JUST WON'T work there!!!"

ok, so I'm learning to be a beeotch. But I just could not help it.

I worked at this one place recently, where they were taking phone calls for over a year, thinking the error was with their application.

Uh, it was a server issue. I figured it out in one day. And, uh, get this... I'm the tech writer. No, seriously. I'm like, can you fix this error...

error #...



So I can get the SCREENSHOT for the documentation. Thanks.

100s of man hours were spent on this one thing. No wonder the QA manager quit a couple months after I was hired. Hey, whatever dude.

So I said to my recruiter, listen, don't place me in any proprietary places. Understand that it is difficult for uniquely qualified individuals to work in such an environment.

Law school apps are due this week. I better get cracking.

I actually thought it might be interesting to see how the proprietary people handle *nix. I never help them, because, well, I'm the tech writer. This is going to make for a good book!

25 Jan 2006 (updated 25 Jan 2006 at 05:58 UTC) »

Today, I ventured outside. Went bring in some paperwork for getting into law school to my profs

This really materialistic jerk hit me with his brand new 2006 White Ford Mustang. He was only 20. Hey, I can deal with a speed demon, but this guy was just rude.

He was speeding and was one of these really horrible materialistic Business Admin students who isn't good enough to get into the program at the Main campus and is going for the one at East, probably going to try to pass that off as a Business Administration degree from "just" ASU.

In a fight between a 2003 Chevy Blazer and a 2006 Ford Mustang, where the Mustang is speeding, the winner is:

The SUV.

I had a touch of paint from his car. He had a dented hood...With a touch of paint from my SUV - on the hood.

Wow, January already? Spent the holiday in Connecticut. It was nice. Went back to work. Started playing with Glade today. I had test how to link a help file (chm = created with docbook) to an app at work, and I actually used this microsoft app. I was really disappointed because I didn't get to write any code. :(

So then I was like, hey, what is this, you mean... I can write apps without hard coding?? Well, that seems so lame to me but I'm playing around with Glade now.

Got Tomcat to work on the Debian. Wasn't too bad. I guess something inside of me is just screaming "CODE!!"

Yesterday, I took the LSAT.

I'm going to law school. Finally.

Something I should have done 3 years, but for my lack of desire. It all happened when I couldn't help myself in a probate matter. I actually did more than the lawyer, but, my hands were tied due to distance and financial matters.

But then, one day, my mother informed me she was doing some translating at the court for a japanese kid who was in jail and had nothing but a Public Defender. The case was this: someone used this kid's email to send a nasty letter to the school teacher. The kid insists he didn't do it. The person who did it confessed but... they are still going after this one guy as an "accomplice". She wouldn't give me all the details.

I thought of this 17 year kid in jail. I thought, "that PD doesn't know jack. He's going to rot." Then I started thinking about the kid who committed suicide because he was afraid of going to jail because he got into the school network. I started to think about Chip, Dima, and even Kevin. I wondered, "who will help them and this community?" The answer came to me:

Let justice begin with me.

I know who I am and I know I will not be one of these underhanded lawyers. I have made a solemn vow to give myself reality checks!

The most amusing section of the test was the writing sample. There was an argument and the conclusion was... the only way to solve the decline in morality in business is to teach ethics courses in college.

I refuted this 10 ways to Sunday. In the end, I wrote, there are other alternatives: Eliminate business entirely, or Eliminate Business Executives :)

Now, law school for 3 years. Then, when there are cases, as in the past, when people come for help, I can really make a substantial difference.

Whoa... is it already the end of November?

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