abom is currently certified at Journeyer level.

Name: Luc Abom
Member since: 2000-05-24 08:26:32
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spent most of my time hacking FM+SGML, to produce decents docs for component specification. this also helps me mature this XML component definition for components. Once stable, this gave me the opportunity to concentrate on the application builder of kit, rather than the editor .

This WE, I'm leaving for TOOLS europe.

M7b3 seems pretty stable,compare to b1. Also REISERFS seems to works with NFS, a contrario to what I've read. When back from TOOLS, the final should be out, and then I'll install it onto my internet workstation, and then, once fine, on my laptop. moving to ReiserFs means moving a few Gigs to CD, a good exercice for SCDBackup!

well, finaly started it, the diary .

fixed a nasty dns probelm I got for more than a year. nslint helped me. in fact, these nasty NXDOMAIN messages were due to a not fully specified dns entry for ns. the howto was not very helpful on that, even confusing as I wrote that specs according to the howto. But now , it works, and i can finally use ssh thru the net without password, as the reverse ident works fine. Also, hourly automatic backup from my laptop to the server with rsync should be fine now.

Framemaker+SGML seems to be a pain to start (shit doc, 500 pages, own lingua, docbook 2.1. finally, lyx was better ! with wine, it hangs, as it cant find the fonts from the printer, and I coulnt suceeded installing the PS driver for wine (or it doesnt solved the problem ?)

On the Kit front, Im (slowly) progressing. The test program (state transition) now exhibits circle, and the arrow is fixed in te right direction. I may have to do a major change, as it appears that i was moving the items within their groups, rather than moving the group itself. have to try this.

sven seems to have some problem just compiling on a suse machine. I could not imagine portability problems was begining that low. May be , I'll learn a bit more for my batch ! Seems also that external "c" (lowercase) got SE lost ! but only in its release 77b6, not mine 78.

downloaded latest SE from source on the test machine. Firstly, it conflicted with my rpm installed, then my tmp test entry, but when i moved it to /usr/lib/SmallEiffel, that went fine. the readme may have set up the preliminaries, or at leat mention the preconditions!

Read that mandrake 7.1 b3 is out. downloaded. We will see!


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  • abom certified abom as Journeyer

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  • abom certified abom as Journeyer
  • richieb certified abom as Journeyer
  • nixnut certified abom as Apprentice
  • RogerBrowne certified abom as Apprentice

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