26 Apr 2004 Spooky   » (Master)

I've finally got around to attacking the back-log of patches for gnome-games, but there are still a few to go. If you've got one currently submitted and don't see anything happening within a week prod me. Luis' new patch-status query is telling me I've got a lot more to do than I expected which I suppose means that it's achieved it's purpose.

The new features in gnome-games from the patch list include a new (harder) AI for Iagno (thanks to Bevan Collins) and a new Mahjongg layout (from Rexford Newbould). Two patches I hope to include soon are for gnibbles rescaling (and SVG graphics) and a better way to customise key controls.

Oh yeah, I also changed the name of Lines to "Five or More" since that is a little less generic.

One of my fellow physicists has just given a talk on his research program. The core of his proposed project is a wafer of diamond coated in gold. He assures us there are good technical reasons for this.

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