10 May 2001 RyanMuldoon   » (Journeyer)

Phoon: I really hope that you don't believe what you wrote. 90% of rape claims being false? That really disturbed me to read such a thing. If anything, the much more likely scenario is a large percentage of rapes go unreported, because the victim feels that they are somehow responsible, or that they were "asking for it." I'm sure that there are a few reported rape cases that are not true, but that goes for any crime out there. Innocent people are accused sometimes. BUT, I beg of you, don't trivialize something as serious as a rape charge. If anything, we should be working towards creating an environment where it is more ok for a victim to bring charges against a rapist. Rape it pretty much the worst thing that you can do to someone. Even comparing it to something like intellectual property rights is disturbing. If someone takes source code that I license with a less restrictive free software license, like BSD, they are in no way stealing. It was my choice to offer my code that way, and not be in a position to demand contributions. But claiming that this is somehow remotely similar to the trauma one goes through with being raped is just horribly wrong. Computers, and even intellectual property, are a really small part of life. There are many more serious problems in the world. I see too many people in forums like this or slashdot forget that while it is great to notice injustice in the world of intellectual property, we can only do that out of extreme luxury of circumstance. Have some perspective on life.

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