Older blog entries for RickMuller (starting at number 30)

A follow-up on my earlier post today regarding VRML, since I was interrupted by a meeting and had to end the post early...

"Cortona" is the name of the former cosmoviewer, and can be downloaded from the ParallelGraphics web page.

I received one email pointing out X3D. A good article on X3D is available here. IMHO, there are impressive improvements (XML, nurbs) in X3D, it *deserves* to succeed, and I would love to see it happen, but I also remember the lack of response to VRML, and have a feeling we won't be seeing a web3d revolution anytime soon.

But I hope I'm wrong...

What happened to VRML? When it first came out I thought it was the answer to my prayers: a portable, easy to write, easy to read, non-propriatary format for 3d graphics. I guess that the size of the resulting files was one of the limitations. It is prohibitively expensive to ship non-trivial VRML files across the web. The lack of good viewers was another limitation: after SGI began to flounder, they spun off their Cosmo viewer, but I can't even recall the name of the resulting viewer -- I think it starts with a "C", but there's only so many times I'm willing to load a program that crashes my browser.

I really hate browser plug-ins, and am glad to see them dying. Why are separate applications such a bad thing? Why do we want one application (the web browser) to do everything?

My favorite VRML viewers are stand-alone. I like the VRMLView application from Systems in Motion, as well as the increasingly good and open source FreeWRL.

File format proliferation is probably a feature in every field. What I know is quantum chemistry, and I'm continually frustrated by the myriad file formats that are out there. The reason I bring this up now is that I recently looked at the Chemical Markup Language (CML) and was quite impressed.

I've been lukewarm on CML in the past. The first CML files I saw had constructions like <floatArray builtin="x3"> followed by a long list of x coordinates, and smacked of dusty deck fortran code. I should have dug a little deeper. Even in those days, there were the ability to enter information in terms of <atom> tags.

What has me so excited now is the ability to use <crystal> tags to input unit cell information. That, coupled with the ability of the excellent Jmol program to display them, gives those of us working with both finite and periodic molecular geometries a single file format that can handle many of our needs.

I should also point out the excellent OpenBabel project, which gives a way of converting between many of the molecular file formats. I should no doubt use it more often than I do.

Went to the ACS meeting last week in NYC. First time in NYC in years, and first time there with my ex-New Yorker wife. My son, Alex, had a wonderful time there, and was constantly fascinated by the mobs of people swarming around his carriage.

Heartened by the recent interest in Generalized Valence Bond Wave Functions, which was generated mostly by Martin Head-Gordon's recent forays into the field. Emily Carter also reminded me why GVB-CI calculations were a good idea in the first place, and is getting nice size-extensivity from ACPF calculations.

I intend to code up each one of these into PyQuante as time permits.

Also interested that more people are picking up on wavelets as quantum chemical basis sets. Still don't know how to program the damn things, though.

Really enjoy the workstation version of MPICH that I've been playing with. I can run on my two-processor workstation and MPICH makes it look like I've got an 8-processor cluster by spawning separate threads. Maybe that doesn't excite everyone, but it certainly speeds up my development cycle.

Greetings from ABQ

Well, here I am in Albuquerque, working at Sandia National Laboratories. I love the labs, and am getting to know Albuquerque a bit. Quite a radical change from Pasadena, but it took me a couple years to get comfortable there, so it's reasonable that I should give the Southwest a bit of time.

Latest interests include typical Lab stuff: Fortran90, MPI, plane-wave electronic structure theory, Green's functions, Hugoniots, etc.

In my last post I complained that RMS and the FSF seem a little bit half-hearted. This article does little to make me feel better. Don't get me wrong, I have deep respect for RMS. But I feel that I detect a little smugness when Stallman suggests that the Linux kernel could be replaced by the Hurd.
18 Jun 2003 (updated 18 Jun 2003 at 15:19 UTC) »
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Lots of things changing. In two weeks I'm moving from my current position at Caltech to a senior staff position in the Computational Materials and Molecular Biology Group at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque.

Managed to find a nice house there, and managed to sell my townhouse in Pasadena.

FSF and SCO Is it just me, or does it appear that FSF has been strangely quiet in response to SCO's suit against IBM, and threats of suits of Linus? Stallman has been very vocal about his frustration with the credit that Linus received for putting Gnu/Linux together. Could there be a little bit of gratification in seeing a kernel that he doesn't like go through hard times? Maybe he hopes that if SCO is successful at bringing Linux down, The Hurd will be the rebound choice for an open OS?

Bought a neat toy lately. I picked up a ADS Pyro firewire enclosure, originally to try and save a laptop disk that had gone south. But when that didn't work out I picked up a cheap 40 GB drive at NewEgg, popped it in, and I have a cute little 40 GB drive for backups. Very neat, very convenient, since the drive gets its power from the USB port. And makes backups (which I should do more of anyway) a snap.

The future of radio?

Why has FM radio degraded so much? My feeling is that it has always been a function of the large playlist companies that tell radiostations what they should be airing. There was once a time when DJs decided what to play, but now they can only choose from a list. I can't imagine anything more boring than being a DJ today -- these people are passionate about music, generally have impeccable taste, but have to be essentially robots.

For some time, internet radio has been the only candle in the dark. I normally listen to radioparadise or radioio, but these companies's legal status has been something of a gray area, and I've always believed they're just a court order away from going off the "air", since effectively they're just streaming MP3s, which can just as easily be streamed to disk as played through speakers.

Maybe now that Apple has worked out a compromise with big record labels that seems to be mutually profitable, we can have an alternative. Apple appears to be making money hand-over-fist on their venture, and maybe the shared profits will convince the record companies that ventures like this will increase their market rather than stealing their intellectual property.

Large vs. Small, Redux

Once again I'm musing on Large vs. Small Software Solutions, something I wrote about in one of my first posts here, and something that I still haven't found a good solution to.

Again the question comes down to Zope versus CGI for web applications? Or, rather than Zope, any large framework. And it's not just limited to web applications, obviously. In almost every program I write, I have to decide which softare libraries I'm going to link against. Because I write in Python, for the most part, that choice boils down to which libraries I'm going to require the users of my programs to have installed on their computers before they can use what I write. Do I want to require a large library like SciPy, that offers lots of neat functionality, some of which could be useful to me, but that also requires a difficult install process? My own choice, in this case, is not to use SciPy, despite some neat toys that I'd like to have in PyQuante.

The simple (and simplistic, IMO) answer is that you use the smallest software solution that gets the job done. The problem with this answer is that software applications tend to grow over time, and something that may be simple enough at the start of a project may not be adequate at project maturity. One might be able to serve a web application using hand-written HTML and a few CGI scripts at the start, but what happens when the client wants an integrated database? Perhaps starting with something like Zope is a better approach.

I end up doing the worst of all possible worlds: I change my mind on this every few days/months!

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